Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
My question is, if it slows digestion does it prolong the insulin spike that comes with eating. My last meal is usually 7pm, when I take my HGH dose at 6am I’m still full from the night before surely the insulin spike has passed right?
I don’t have the answer but I think this aspect of the drug is the next frontier of discussion. Because I have noticed some drugs having really delayed effects and it’s clear to me that there’s a lot to unpack in regards to your line of questioning.
Does semaglutide take time to reach an efficacious level in the blood in order to achieve the benefits of appetite suppression? I'm taking oral semaglutide and did 7.5mg Rybelsus for 4 days and felt normal, still crave food all day feel like binging at night. Took 14mg this morning to see if I'd get the appetite suppression but that's going to turn into a very expensive cut. Thoughts?
Does semaglutide take time to reach an efficacious level in the blood in order to achieve the benefits of appetite suppression? I'm taking oral semaglutide and did 7.5mg Rybelsus for 4 days and felt normal, still crave food all day feel like binging at night. Took 14mg this morning to see if I'd get the appetite suppression but that's going to turn into a very expensive cut. Thoughts?
Anecdotally, I've read 3-4 days for Rybelsus for appetite suppression is noticed. Less so for the injectable.
Does semaglutide take time to reach an efficacious level in the blood in order to achieve the benefits of appetite suppression? I'm taking oral semaglutide and did 7.5mg Rybelsus for 4 days and felt normal, still crave food all day feel like binging at night. Took 14mg this morning to see if I'd get the appetite suppression but that's going to turn into a very expensive cut. Thoughts?
The absorption of rybelsus isn't that great, its why it's dosed so much higher. Are you taking it on a completely empty stomach with little liquid? I tried it at 14mg and noticed zero.
Dear friends,
Sema just arrived, finally!
....and then I discovered no local pharmacy has bac water.
I read everywhere that bac water is the right way to go. However, could I manage to use sterile water? If it makes any sense, I have also a laminar flow hood which I could use to put to zero the chances to introduce contaminants in the reconstituted vial.
Dear friends,
Sema just arrived, finally!
....and then I discovered no local pharmacy has bac water.
I read everywhere that bac water is the right way to go. However, could I manage to use sterile water? If it makes any sense, I have also a laminar flow hood which I could use to put to zero the chances to introduce contaminants in the reconstituted vial.
No matter how you do this, it will be contaminated, once you open the vial and inject some "sterile" water it will be full of bacteria very rapidly. The only way to prevent this is by adding some presentatives like benzyl alcohol (bac water, voila).

Just buy some sterile water, depending on the amount of water add some BA, shake it, done. You made your own bac water ready to use.
No matter how you do this, it will be contaminated, once you open the vial and inject some "sterile" water it will be full of bacteria very rapidly. The only way to prevent this is by adding some presentatives like benzyl alcohol (bac water, voila).

Just buy some sterile water, depending on the amount of water add some BA, shake it, done. You made your own bac water ready to use.
alright you convinced me! Just bought some Benzyl alcohol, I will add it and call it a day :-D
If you can make a vodka and orange juice, you can make BAC water :)

(I would normally say jack and coke but some people here may be from a country with no jack Daniels)
The absorption of rybelsus isn't that great, its why it's dosed so much higher. Are you taking it on a completely empty stomach with little liquid? I tried it at 14mg and noticed zero.
I take it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach with water through out the morning. My plan was to use it to curb my appetite through most of the day to cut down on meals and thus total calories. But it doesn't seem to help much because I get very hungry and crave shitty food. I feel like just albuterol and some will power is more cost effective and practical than Rybelsus at this point.
I'm confused figuring out how many doses are in a 2ML vial of tirzepatide. According to google, 2ml = 2,000mg, but that seems like way too much, since starting doses of tirz are only 2.5mg per week. So that doesn't sound right. Trying to figure out if it's worth the $$ , or if there are more reasonable prices out there.
thanks, here's the copied info:
Google peptide calculator = input the proper info
Does anyone have experience on the time-onset of side effects when injected subq?

I'm reading that the primary effects are noticeable on time scales of days or weeks, but I can't find much information on when possible side effects are noticed.
Can report my experience now!
First shot in the afternoon, 0.25mg semaglutide from Deus medical, felt nothing during the shot and the hours after. The next morning felt some nausea and a general discomfort, nothing really severe but I ate Like 800kcal the whole day because food was uninteresting and more nausea stimulating.
Second day after the injection: nausea disappeared, hunger comes back a little, but when I eat I feel full faster than before, and I'm not eating like mad as before, it is a more controlled way of eating which I like very much. Third day after the shot(yesterday) I decided to do another shot of 0.25mg as effect was too much fading away. Today, day after the second shot, no adverse effects at all.
One weird thing which I suppose it is because of sema is an intense salivating effect sometime during the day, especially before eating. Never produced so much saliva like in those days but it is not harming me in any way, nor can be 100% sure it is the sema
After being on Tirzepatide for 2 months I have decided to try every 5 day dosing.

Going to do something like this…. If I’m using 7.5mg/week now, I’m going to use something like 5.5mg or 6mg E5D.

Im pretty in tune with this stuff and my appetite and it seems that day 6 and 7 after injection I am freaking starving again. And splitting the injections into twice weekly doesn’t seem to knock down appetite like the bigger doses.

I’ll report back in a month.


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