Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
The studies usually compared intervals of 1mg sema to 5mg tirz.

However the max tirz dose is 15mg a week (3x) while the max sema dose is 2.4mg a week (2.4x).
Even with the multiples, you cannot really compare drugs like that. Concentrations are not always equal. I think anything jumping from max semi, probably shouldn't jump to max tirz.

That said, if you do, good luck and report back!
I’ve only tried their tirz. Pinkish tops, they don’t work for shit, some people on the QSC thread were bitching recently too, saying they’d pay extra for some tops that work right, I agree. Btw, wtf is a Pfizer reusable?
I thought I was the only one having trouble with the pink tops. Thought user error. But every vial was the same.

My third tirze order just left china. I was on 10mg and hit my goal so now I am tapering down to a lower dose. I took 5mg Monday and don’t notice an appetite suppression anymore.
I thought I was the only one having trouble with the pink tops. Thought user error. But every vial was the same.

My third tirze order just left china. I was on 10mg and hit my goal so now I am tapering down to a lower dose. I took 5mg Monday and don’t notice an appetite suppression anymore.
Yeah, quite a pain in the ass, hope I don’t gouge any skin off with that aluminum shard string of death before I’m done with ‘em. Hey, look at me, figured out how to quote posts again after 15 fucking years, haha. Keep us posted, interested in how bumping back down works out for people.
I thought I was the only one having trouble with the pink tops. Thought user error. But every vial was the same.

My third tirze order just left china. I was on 10mg and hit my goal so now I am tapering down to a lower dose. I took 5mg Monday and don’t notice an appetite suppression anymore.
Congrats on meeting your goals. Did you use qsc? Also if you're not noticing appetite suppression with 5mg would that be an ineffective maintenance dose?

I honestly plan on using GLP1s for life
For those that have taken QSC’s tirz, what have your results been like? For comparison I am on compounded from pharmacy and it works well. But I’m just curious if people had the same results from QSC. I’ve tried their Sema and it was fine but I can’t do the side effects from sema I guess. Any insight is appriciated. Thanks
I started on sema and it worked very well for me. I only got up to 700/week

I ordered some Tirez as well. I started Tirez last week at 1.5mg and it is NOT working as well for me compared to the sema. Not sure if I have to go up in dose greatly.
I started on sema and it worked very well for me. I only got up to 700/week

I ordered some Tirez as well. I started Tirez last week at 1.5mg and it is NOT working as well for me compared to the sema. Not sure if I have to go up in dose greatly.
Tirzepatide is taken (4 weeks per dose)


So you're about half of the minimum dosage right now.
I ordered some Tirez as well. I started Tirez last week at 1.5mg and it is NOT working as well for me compared to the sema. Not sure if I have to go up in dose greatly.
Lol I would hope not...

Things dont translate 1 for 1.

You need to look at directions before you start injecting stuff man.
Congrats on meeting your goals. Did you use qsc? Also if you're not noticing appetite suppression with 5mg would that be an ineffective maintenance dose?

I honestly plan on using GLP1s for life
Yes from QSC. I’m not sure. I noticed I was on the lower side of my bmi and I didn’t want to go any lower. So I thought continuing 10mg would not be wise. If I try to eat more calories I get sick so it’s hard to eat at maintenance.
I started on sema and it worked very well for me. I only got up to 700/week

I ordered some Tirez as well. I started Tirez last week at 1.5mg and it is NOT working as well for me compared to the sema. Not sure if I have to go up in dose greatly.
thats not even the minimum dose though. 2.5mg is. And even then, lots of people don’t notice a difference until 5mg. My mom started at 2.5mg and didn’t start losing weight and eating less until 10mg. She did 4 weeks of each 2.5, 5, and 7.5mg.
That’s crazy on carnivore and 2200cals, damn
Yeahx this is all kind of a huge experiment w cals, fats and RXs etc. Most dontntrackmandmeat until full or.ingest a sht load of fat, i aim for under 80 ideally 40 carbs/ day, 250 protein and 200 or.under on fats. Strength isnt fully there all depleted, but cutting weight like crazy and muscles good. I have lost inches w/o size ir measurements being effected. I'll do an uodated bodpod this week or so and do a thread.
The highest dose of Tir is 15 mg, and I've been on 20mg for a month. I had food noise 2 days after injection for 1 month on 15 mg. It never got better. On 20 mg, it's been non-existent. I used Lilly's for 2.5-10.0mg. 15.0-20.0mg was QSC. I was told that the 20.0mg is really 17-18 mg. Is it really that bad?
The highest dose of Tir is 15 mg, and I've been on 20mg for a month. I had food noise 2 days after injection for 1 month on 15 mg. It never got better. On 20 mg, it's been non-existent. I used Lilly's for 2.5-10.0mg. 15.0-20.0mg was QSC. I was told that the 20.0mg is really 17-18 mg. Is it really that bad?
You’re gonna grow a third eyeball on your pancreas or some shit, dude. Totally kidding actually, this shit seems to make us healthier, in general…but we’ll see how it shakes out. Keep us posted!
After battling weight loss and gain for years, I'm convinced myself and maybe others bodies just want to settle at a certain weight. Despite many tries using different things for weight loss, its difficult for me to stay at a lower weight.

I'm perfectly fine being at a 20% BF. My bloodwork, blood pressure, etc are excellent as I'm highly active. I will still try to lose and maintain it, but I know it might be temporary.