Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
I'm having a strange experience on semaglutide (QSC) for the last week, where I'm both hungry and not hungry at the same time. I increased my dose to 2mg/week on May 1, pinning half Monday and Friday, and it seems like the effect has lessened or changed or something.

Since Thursday I am both satiated but still hungry. I guess you could say the food noise has returned.

Has anybody else experienced this phenomenon, and how did you get the drug to start effecting you again as it once was?
I'm having a strange experience on semaglutide (QSC) for the last week, where I'm both hungry and not hungry at the same time. I increased my dose to 2mg/week on May 1, pinning half Monday and Friday, and it seems like the effect has lessened or changed or something.

Since Thursday I am both satiated but still hungry. I guess you could say the food noise has returned.

Has anybody else experienced this phenomenon, and how did you get the drug to start effecting you again as it once was?
It didn’t work again for me. I took a 3 month break and tried again and felt absolutely no different. That’s why I switched to tirze. It works much much better and I’ve been on it longer than sema.
It didn’t work again for me. I took a 3 month break and tried again and felt absolutely no different. That’s why I switched to tirze. It works much much better and I’ve been on it longer than sema.
as someone who hasn't really noticed anything at all regarding Sema... How fast did you notice Tirz?
I'm having a strange experience on semaglutide (QSC) for the last week, where I'm both hungry and not hungry at the same time. I increased my dose to 2mg/week on May 1, pinning half Monday and Friday, and it seems like the effect has lessened or changed or something.

Since Thursday I am both satiated but still hungry. I guess you could say the food noise has returned.

Has anybody else experienced this phenomenon, and how did you get the drug to start effecting you again as it once was?
I would feel really hungry but nothing sounded appetizing. It was weird. Once I would actually eat something the feeling would mostly subside. Semaglutide seemed like a miracle drug at first but the longer I was on it the effectiveness seemed to decrease even at higher dosages. It still helped but will power had to be applied much more at times.
Semaglutide Killed my libido.

I didn't get that issue on tirzepatide.

I won't run semaglutide for myself, my wife and friends did fine on it . If semaglutide works for the user, it's a lot more cost friendly.

I would slowly run tirzepatide for myself. I advise people to start with sema as their 1st try.
Crazy how different this affects people. I've run both Mounjaro and ozempic for several months each and couldn't really tell a difference other than Mounjaro hit a little harder the first few days and seemed to last a day or two longer. I never noticed any affect on libido
The very next day.
So, I assume you went up to 2.4(2.5 maybe) on Sema. Felt nothing, went to 2.5 Tirz, and boom?

Cause I have worked up to 2.5 and felt nothing so far, that may be a lie, but nothing "noteable". I did notice I didn't really want my talapia on the weekdays, so I can get away with the last Vials I bought ha ha..
So, I assume you went up to 2.4(2.5 maybe) on Sema. Felt nothing, went to 2.5 Tirz, and boom?

Cause I have worked up to 2.5 and felt nothing so far, that may be a lie, but nothing "noteable". I did notice I didn't really want my talapia on the weekdays, so I can get away with the last Vials I bought ha ha..
Yes exactly
Anybody get white tops 10mg from QSC from a recent international order? I have only heard of black tops for 10mg thus far. It might just be the new batch is white, but just want to be sure.
When I search Chewy all injectable B12 requires name of veterinarian for prescription.
Looks like this site says no prescription. A number of other non pet sites sell it, for cheaper than CCUSA.

I'm stocked up on it now so if you buy from one, please do us a favor and provide feedback. Ccusa also Sells lipo mic which has B12 in it, running that now.

Looks like this site says no prescription. A number of other non pet sites sell it, for cheaper than CCUSA.

I'm stocked up on it now so if you buy from one, please do us a favor and provide feedback. Ccusa also Sells lipo mic which has B12 in it, running that now.

Thank you! I will check it out as well as some of the other similar pharmaceutical providers. Very interesting.
I'm having a strange experience on semaglutide (QSC) for the last week, where I'm both hungry and not hungry at the same time. I increased my dose to 2mg/week on May 1, pinning half Monday and Friday, and it seems like the effect has lessened or changed or something.

Since Thursday I am both satiated but still hungry. I guess you could say the food noise has returned.

Has anybody else experienced this phenomenon, and how did you get the drug to start effecting you again as it once was?
Had a similar experience on sema. I’d feel full and not want to eat, but also I would desperately want to eat. Then I would eat and the fullness would get so uncomfortable that it would ruin the next three hours of the day. I only had to do that twice to realize that it wasn’t going to work if I didn’t ignore those weird pangs of random hunger.
I had that same hunger/fullness issue. I just started drinking water or iced tea whenever that happened and it usually solved the problem. Bless those IGLE neurons and their stretch sensitivity.
I had that same hunger/fullness issue. I just started drinking water or iced tea whenever that happened and it usually solved the problem. Bless those IGLE neurons and their stretch sensitivity.

Was this in response to me here?