Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Thank you for the write up. I could not find in the tirzepatide section how much bacwater you added to tirzepatide.
The values in that table are pretty wonky... maybe because of rounding, maybe typos, who knows.

If you reconstitute 10 mg with 0.80 mL (or 80 units), the doses work out like this:

Dose (mg)Volume
2.520 units (0.20 mL)
5.040 units (0.40 mL)
7.560 units (0.60 mL)
10.080 units (0.80 mL)
12.5100 units (1.00 mL)
15.0120 units (1.20 mL)
I'm starting my second week on it. I disregarded the warning and started with a 1mg dose. Obviously not recommended but I'm not usually overly susceptible to side effects.
The only side effect was massive acid reflux the night after I took it. No excessive burping, no squirts or otherwise, no nausea.
The first full day I did have a little trouble finishing my protein shake (which is usually dinner for me). But I was really only uncomfortably full for about 20 minutes, after which all was fine.
I wouldn't say it's killed my appetite, but I'm sort of indifferent to food now, especially outside of scheduled meals. Boredom eating has always been my biggest food issue, especially at night, and I've cut probably 400 cals/day thanks to the sema.
One thing I have noted - I'm not drinking as much water (or Diet Mtn. Dew, which is my vice). I don't know if this is related to blood glucose regulation or to my stomach feeling adequately full, or both. Since I'm one of those people who sweats buckets just looking at the sun through the window, I have to watch my fluid intake in the gym.
The values in that table are pretty wonky... maybe because of rounding, maybe typos, who knows.

If you reconstitute 10 mg with 0.80 mL (or 80 units), the doses work out like this:

Dose (mg)Volume
2.520 units (0.20 mL)
5.040 units (0.40 mL)
7.560 units (0.60 mL)
10.080 units (0.80 mL)
12.5100 units (1.00 mL)
15.0120 units (1.20 mL)
You are right. I fucked up. it was supposed to be 1ml. I think I rushed it. That's why I ask for input lol
The values in that table are pretty wonky... maybe because of rounding, maybe typos, who knows.

If you reconstitute 10 mg with 0.80 mL (or 80 units), the doses work out like this:

Dose (mg)Volume
2.520 units (0.20 mL)
5.040 units (0.40 mL)
7.560 units (0.60 mL)
10.080 units (0.80 mL)
12.5100 units (1.00 mL)
15.0120 units (1.20 mL)
Exactly what I do. 0.8 makes the dosing simple to adjust in your head.

Now for someone to see your table and ask how to pull 15mg from a 10mg vial if they use 1.2ml BAC...
You are right. I fucked up. it was supposed to be 1ml. I think I rushed it. That's why I ask for input lol
Thank you for clarifying i was confused lol. Can you do as little as 0.8 mL or 1 mL for 10mg of tirz? Would it be diluted enough? I had the notion the 5mg would be good with 2mL and anything less would be insufficient water. Perhaps that is a faulty or erroneous notion of mine.

Thank you.
Thank you for clarifying i was confused lol. Can you do as little as 0.8 mL or 1 mL for 10mg of tirz? Would it be diluted enough? I had the notion the 5mg would be good with 2mL and anything less would be insufficient water. Perhaps that is a faulty or erroneous notion of mine.

Thank you.
I've been using 0.5ml insulin syringes for 5mg tirz, and only fill the 5mg vials with 0.5ml of bac. They dillute perfectly fine.
Thank you for clarifying i was confused lol. Can you do as little as 0.8 mL or 1 mL for 10mg of tirz? Would it be diluted enough? I had the notion the 5mg would be good with 2mL and anything less would be insufficient water. Perhaps that is a faulty or erroneous notion of mine.

Thank you.
The mounjaro auto injectors are 0.5ml across the board of all of their doses.

I was unsure if you were saying 5 mg to 2 ml with specifically to tirzepatide or any other drug of that matter(which isn't true)

We mix 10mg of pt141, TB, BPc with 1ml of water all the time.

We even mix test base at an event more concentrated dosage with water
Hey guys, just put 1mL of BAC water into 5mg vial of Tirzepatide QSC.

Placed it in the fridge because there was still a ring of bubbles on the top half of the vial

Safe to assume everything got mixed evenly?

Going to do first pin in an hour or so.
2.5mg, 30g 0.5inch insulin. So 0.5mL injecting.

Any advice for best region and if there’s PIP?
Hey guys, just put 1mL of BAC water into 5mg vial of Tirzepatide QSC.

Placed it in the fridge because there was still a ring of bubbles on the top half of the vial

Safe to assume everything got mixed evenly?

Going to do first pin in an hour or so.
2.5mg, 30g 0.5inch insulin. So 0.5mL injecting.

Any advice for best region and if there’s PIP?
Subcutaneous in the tummy. There won’t be pip.
First time receiving dry Semaglutide (ordered 4mg vials) so I don't have any frame of reference. Can anyone confirm for me that this is what it's supposed to look like before I reconstitute it (doesn't exactly come with labels... Lol)? I was shocked that 4mg looked this big. Appreciate it.

First time receiving dry Semaglutide (ordered 4mg vials) so I don't have any frame of reference. Can anyone confirm for me that this is what it's supposed to look like before I reconstitute it (doesn't exactly come with labels... Lol)? I was shocked that 4mg looked this big. Appreciate it.

View attachment 260197
Looks normal. Google “peptides mannitol filler Reddit” for lots of discussion about the reason it looks like more than you expected (basically 5mg is a couple of grains of sand so they add filler to hold everything in place)
Alrighty it’s been around 4 hours since injecting 2.5mg of Tirz.

No idea if connected to Tirz or just in general, but got ravenously hungry and ate 800kcal one go even with EC stack in my system. Normally I’ve had 800kcal for the whole day until late at 9PM where I have another 600-700kcal.

How long did it take for most of you guys to have insane appetite suppression on Tirz?

Looking at doing a final aggressive cut for the next 6 weeks before I’m finally done cutting.

Currently around 12-14%bf and hoping to get down to sub 10.

Should I just up the dose to 5mg since irregardless of my results at the end of 6 weeks, I’ll be done cutting so may as well go all out. I don’t have time for loading it into me. Obviously if I get horrible sides I’ll reduce it down.

Side note: Liraglutide was so useless for me, just gave me nausea whenever my stomach was empty and I was still hungry. The EC stack has been amazing (16mg twice a day with 150mg caffeine each time). Heart rate and Blood pressure all amazing. 100/55 and 80 resting with ephedrine in my system.
Alrighty it’s been around 4 hours since injecting 2.5mg of Tirz.

No idea if connected to Tirz or just in general, but got ravenously hungry and ate 800kcal one go even with EC stack in my system. Normally I’ve had 800kcal for the whole day until late at 9PM where I have another 600-700kcal.

How long did it take for most of you guys to have insane appetite suppression on Tirz?

Looking at doing a final aggressive cut for the next 6 weeks before I’m finally done cutting.

Currently around 12-14%bf and hoping to get down to sub 10.

Should I just up the dose to 5mg since irregardless of my results at the end of 6 weeks, I’ll be done cutting so may as well go all out. I don’t have time for loading it into me. Obviously if I get horrible sides I’ll reduce it down.

Side note: Liraglutide was so useless for me, just gave me nausea whenever my stomach was empty and I was still hungry. The EC stack has been amazing (16mg twice a day with 150mg caffeine each time). Heart rate and Blood pressure all amazing. 100/55 and 80 resting with ephedrine in my system.
That's not how these drugs work, they work well at lower doses u only up the dose when it stops working well. If u jump too fast and get bad sides, then ur stuck feeling horrible for days.
Very strongly agree with BigRed91. Not to get finger-waggy, but about the only way to fuck yourself up with these medications is to ignore the mountain of data telling us how to use them.

Constant vomiting for a week lands people in the ED with everything from dehydration and electrolyte imbalance to esophageal tears and aspirated gastric contents. None of those is great for a cut.
12hrs after my inject I started to feel the appetite suppression.

It’s been 30ish hours since injecting and all of today I’ve literally only had 300kcal and that too was out of my own will as I knew I had to have some protein post workout.

I haven’t had a single thought about food at all today. I did feel the sensation of hunger like 3 or 4 times in total today and just had water. Felt fine afterwards.

Surprisingly no side effects at all.

As well as that my mood just seems so much better and I feel I have more energy???
Not even happy the med is working just in general I have more energy.

Will see how long this suppression lasts.

If this works for 6 weeks this WILL be a game changer to every single cut
If you sit at home and stare at the wall thinking about food all day you can shot as much tirzepatide as you want and you will still feel hungry.

I personally need less tirzepatide/semaglutide if I keep myself busy all day. You will even forget that you need to eat. If you dont keep yourself busy you will need so much more of the drug and will only end up burning money, literally.
These drugs work great under the right conditions.

Just my personal opinion.