Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
exactly ^^
Diet at maintenance and then 3 months of GLP'1 and GIPS.
Don't know about tesofensine ... but at that high tolerance level, I would see a doc who knows something about the topic I think.
Any non-GLP-1 compound that suppresses appetite would do. Adderall would likely be the most effective, but you may run into down regulation and desensitization of the dopamine norepinephrine receptors afterwards, though this would likely be very mild considering the short duration and low dose you would be using.
Any non-GLP-1 compound that suppresses appetite would do. Adderall would likely be the most effective, but you may run into down regulation and desensitization of the dopamine norepinephrine receptors afterwards, though this would likely be very mild considering the short duration and low dose you would be using.
Adderall and amphetamine are too addicting to be smart drugs for weightloss IMO, now if your brain needs those chemicals to function like if you have ADHD or something ...

Otherwise, I would much rather use ephedrine + caffeine etc.
Or even Clenbuterol.

Or better yet, just put the diet on maintenance and bite into the kitchen-table for how long it takes for the stuff to work again.

Personally I would do this much before, like if 4 mg reta + 0,5 mg sema stopped working ... if not shifting between reta and sema, to try and let the gip get a detox, then the glp-1 and so on.

But think I would still take like 2weeks off at maintance every 12 weeks or so ... 2 weeks can be forced by will power (esp at maintance) ... and is not that long a diet break, to slow down progress much.
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You definitely need to see a doctor, you probably need some kind of receptor detox, or perhaps you have used too much too fast and fucked up your system.

Important: More than 15 mg of tirz and 2,4mg of sema, are not tested to be safe. And that's not mixing 15 mg tirz with 2,4 mg sema either.

For each 9 mg of tirz you take, you have to subtract 1 mg, so if you are taking 15 mg of tirz 2,4 mg - 1,666, that means you should maximum do 0,7 mg sema with your 15 mg tirz. Then BOTH the GLP-1 and GIP are saturated and MAXED out.

If your problem is glucagon, you should try reta instead, tirz problem is it raises glucagon.

But unless you have been on this stuff for years and years, something is really off... again perhaps you have screwed up your entire system, by taking too much too fast... none the least you should see a specialized doc at this point.

Most do great on EITHER 4 mg a week of tirz for years or 1 mg of sema a week for years.

jeezus what is this wizard math
Adderall and amphetamine are too addicting to be smart drugs for weightloss IMO, now if your brain needs those chemicals to function like if you have ADHD or something ...

Otherwise, I would much rather use ephedrine + caffeine etc.
Or even Clenbuterol.

Or better yet, just put the diet on maintenance and bite into the kitchen-table for how long it takes for the stuff to work again.

Personally I would do this much before, like if 4 mg reta + 0,5 mg sema stopped working ... if not shifting between reta and sema, to try and let the gip get a detox, then the glp-1 and so on.

But think I would still take like 2weeks off at maintance every 12 weeks or so ... 2 weeks can be forced by will power (esp at maintance) ... and is not that long a diet break, to slow down progress much.
If he was able to stay at maintenance before GLPs, then yeah, I think your idea is his best bet, assuming he’s not specifically trying to shred through his weight quickly.

Adderall really isn’t that addictive if you have the discipline to not exceed therapeutic doses. You run into dependency issues after a long time of using, but 3 months should be a short enough time to negate that, especially if he takes a 2 day break on the weekends.

This switching protocol could prove perfect for someone that struggled to eat at maintenance before GLPs. 3 months should give the GLP receptors enough time to desensitize and after ~9 months of GLP use and titration until effectiveness wanes, adderall tolerance will have been eliminated and he’d be ready for his next 3 month GLP hiatus.
Lmao this is so nostalgic, remember when people who are a buck eighty giving advice on how to get jacked to a kid who is a buck fifty? This is the equivalent of that.

Why are obese people giving advices to other obese people in Meso nowadays? What happened to quality information?

I guess our season vets are tired of these glp 1 fanatics eh.
Lmao this is so nostalgic, remember when people who are a buck eighty giving advice on how to get jacked to a kid who is a buck fifty? This is the equivalent of that.

Why are obese people giving advices to other obese people in Meso nowadays? What happened to quality information?

I guess our season vets are tired of these glp 1 fanatics eh.
Not sure if this was directed at me, but I’m nearing 50 pounds lost, bulk of that coming from just TRT and a GLP-1, so my methods have been effective so far. Everything is speculation though, Sema Tirz Reta are too new for anyone to be very experienced with. Seasoned vets are not going to be interested in long term use, it’s unnecessary for them.

Much of what we suggest are methods we are personally using ourselves. That’s about as good as you’re gonna get with compounds this new. I use words like “should be” and “I think” a lot when giving ideas on this compound, because we are all shooting in the dark to a certain extent. Best we can do is research, document, eat clean, get in the fucking gym, and try to guide each other and learn from our mistakes as best as we can.
Not sure if this was directed at me, but I’m nearing 50 pounds lost, bulk of that coming from just TRT and a GLP-1, so my methods have been effective so far. Everything is speculation though, Sema Tirz Reta are too new for anyone to be very experienced with. Seasoned vets are not going to be interested in long term use, it’s unnecessary for them.

Much of what we suggest are methods we are personally using ourselves. That’s about as good as you’re gonna get with compounds this new. I use words like “should be” and “I think” a lot when giving ideas on this compound, because we are all shooting in the dark to a certain extent. Best we can do is research, document, eat clean, get in the fucking gym, and try to guide each other and learn from our mistakes as best as we can.
It’s to those who are giving you advice on how glp 1 works based on studies they have read somewhere or on how other peoples experiences they have read while either haven’t use it successfully themselves or someone they trained. And to top it off they are obese themselves and have nothing to base their suggestions from personally.

Unless they are retired competitors, coaches or doctors; it is wise to take heed and caution on whose advice you listen to. Just an observation nothing more.
It’s to those who are giving you advice on how glp 1 works based on studies they have read somewhere or on how other peoples experiences they have read while either haven’t use it successfully themselves or someone they trained. And to top it off they are obese themselves and have nothing to base their suggestions from personally.

Unless they are retired competitors, coaches or doctors; it is wise to take heed and caution on whose advice you listen to. Just an observation nothing more.
For sure bro, figured that was what you meant. Yeah I see people all the time tell me exactly what’s gonna happen once they start their GLP. They are gonna realize that actually running these compounds is a whole different world than reading animal studies. It’s one thing to hear GLPs cause bloating, but once you fuck up your eating and are shaking down the nearest girl for cramping meds because you feel like you’re gonna give birth to a fucking tree, then you really get it. Hell, 50% of the things that I actually do I wouldn’t even advise someone on, because I know it’s retarded.
jeezus what is this wizard math
It’s simple, as far as I remember tirz and reta effects GIP to GLP-1 9 to 1.
So it takes 9 mg to activate the GLP-1 receptor as much as 1 mg of Sema.

From Nova Nordic we know 2,4 mg is the safety limit for Sema,
From Lilly 15 mg is the max safety limit for tirz,
They tend to say 12 mg for Reta.
And I rarely see someone with a plan on how they will keep the weight off once it’s gone or their GLP stops working. If you couldn’t stop gaining at 330, good luck eating at mantainence once you weigh half that amount and didn’t spend any time thinking about what to do or building habits like hitting the gym to replace that dopamine fix you got from food. I already know remaining lean isn’t going to be enough of a deterrent, so I’m weight training so that once the time comes, I’ll already have a new lifestyle and the building blocks to start crafting a physique that I don’t want to fuck up with food. I’m also being realistic with myself and building experience with different compounds and a knowledge base, so that I have things I’m already experienced with to deploy as fail safes if things start going to shit.
FOR YEARS he says on a drug that literally came to market 18 or so months ago.
We have data on a Sema with ppl using it since 2014,
On Triz we have a study where participants have been on it for 88 weeks and is still loosing weight in the 5% a year speed.
Reta is just Triz with a glucagon antagonist added (because activating GIP increase glucagon).

First hand experiences is good to have; but you have plenty of meat head just doing and taking and bunch of things without knowing anything really,

And you have plenty of scientists never using any of these things themself with loads of knowledge about them.
And you have plenty of scientists never using any of these things themself with loads of knowledge about them.
And most of them are fucking retarded. My endocronologist tried to get me on an AI to “treat” my 182 ng/DL test…because why not crash my in reference range estrogen too while we’re at it? Walked out that office and ordered from a UGL that very same day, best decision I ever made.
Tirze has GLP-1 and GIP. Reta has both an an additional glucagon agonist.

What is the glucagon antagonist?
Sema only mimick GLP-1 (Glucagon-like peptide 1)(read: is an agonist).
Tirz mimick both GIP (Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide) and GLP-1 (in a ration of 9:1). (contains two agonists).

GIP actually release more Glucagon as a sideeffect; but it releases even more insulin, so tirz still works.

Glucagon is a bit complicated (it does several things) but its basically the opposite of insulin (insulin lowers blood glucose and Glucagon raises it).

So in Reta they added a glucagon antagonist to the mix, that works by blocking the action of glucagon at its receptor. This means it prevents glucagon from binding to its receptor and exerting its effects, which lead to a decrease in blood sugar levels compared to tirz.

All of this is theory obviously.

There is thing things regarding it that I can’t seem to fit with peoples real life experiences.
Sema only mimick GLP-1 (Glucagon-like peptide 1)(read: is an agonist).
Tirz mimick both GIP (Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide) and GLP-1 (in a ration of 9:1). (contains two agonists).

GIP actually release more Glucagon as a sideeffect; but it releases even more insulin, so tirz still works.

Glucagon is a bit complicated (it does several things) but its basically the opposite of insulin (insulin lowers blood glucose and Glucagon raises it).

So in Reta they added a glucagon antagonist to the mix, that works by blocking the action of glucagon at its receptor. This means it prevents glucagon from binding to its receptor and exerting its effects, which lead to a decrease in blood sugar levels compared to tirz.

All of this is theory obviously.

There is thing things regarding it that I can’t seem to fit with peoples real life experiences.

This paper suggests reta has a glucagon agonist, not antagonist.

But I agree especially with that last part:

There is thing things regarding it that I can’t seem to fit with peoples real life experiences.

There is a lot we don't know about these drugs. I remember an argument about early GIP agonists work by GIP agonism in general, or one day of agonism followed by 6 days of downregulation (once weekly injection)
wonder if pissing out extra glucagon is good for kidneys? lol

while this RETA thing sounds cool as does MORE (even though as you say folks note less weight loss from my understanding, which perhaps makes it less side effect prone), that being said hitting MORE receptors means more potential side effects... perhaps tirz just got lucky as slightly less effects on GI tract.. but there is other shit at play, I won't pretend to know or theorize but there are some serious side effects with sema be it kidney failure or thyroid cancer.... these cancers may not show up for another 5-10 years.. perhaps will overwork your pancreas esp in those prone to this and actually end up giving your diabetes. I don't know, and while def science on them, as Alex says science changes as we learn more. heck they are JUST starting to figure out why some antidepressants work even when it was never a "lack" of serotonin like they once thought.

I know I have said this before, esp in regards to untested drugs, but even tested ones it usually happens(serious side effects observed) after patent runs out and studies can be done easier and of course few years for studies to actually come out to figure out issues. If a diabetic gets retinopathy or kidney failure no one would be surprised so takes awhile for a signal to emerge esp when already known side effects of such drugs, PLUS untangle how much a factor Covid was for example re kidney function.
good thing about Internet is at least the healthy folks who are taking it for weightless we would prob start to here stories.