Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Sema- Constipation was bad was lucky to have a bowel movement every few days.
Tirz- Regular bowel movements
Reta- Couple bowels movements a day contstantly had gas.

I'd choose Tirz

Sides are so personal tho. I get the runs on 1mg pharma ozempic like im doing a colonoscopy prep

And yet im 1700 cal on 4k TDEE. Tirz id need 15 mg generic and barely have 300 cal deficit.
// edit. Haven’t tried generic sema so not 100% sure if it’s just a generic vs pharma difference or compound itself.
Which weight-loss glp/gip would you say has the least gastrointestinal side effects
Between Tirz and Sema Tirz is way less side effects. Sema feels quite harsh on my GI. Indigestion, nausea, just feeling "unwell". I will stick to Tirz from now on and only add a little Sema on top for a serious push. Sema does crush my appetite but not worth the harshness usually.
Between Tirz and Sema Tirz is way less side effects. Sema feels quite harsh on my GI. Indigestion, nausea, just feeling "unwell". I will stick to Tirz from now on and only add a little Sema on top for a serious push. Sema does crush my appetite but not worth the harshness usually.
Would you say you noticed muscle loss in addition to fat loss? I saw someone post in millards thread they lost muscle in addition to fat and confirmed with dexa.

I was considering using tirzepatide on my cut. I am about 20%bf
Would you say you noticed muscle loss in addition to fat loss? I saw someone post in millards thread they lost muscle in addition to fat and confirmed with dexa.

I was considering using tirzepatide on my cut. I am about 20%bf
I have not. If you cut reasonably and are on at least test I doubt you will. The muscle loss studies are looking at sedentary people who get in a GLP, eat way less and probably hardly any protein, and don't exercise. I don't think we can compare ourselves to that group.
@AlexDavis43 you had some recent thoughts on this that were interesting. I gave him a hard time about the dihydroberberine spam but bro seems genuine and his thoughts on GLP dosing convinced me against daily microdosing of GLPs in preference of weekly bolus. maybe he can repost here.

Unfortunately I haven't come across any data or studies to support that theory but I think it might have some truth. At the end of the day, we don't have clinical trials comparing these dosing schedules but we know once weekly works well.

The idea supports once-weekly dosing to manipulate appetite-regulating pathways, some take 5 days to recover, then give it a day to rest and whack 'em again on the seventh day.

Everyone likes microdosing/daily injections because that works well with TRT/blasts but it might not apply to other drugs, in this case the GLP1s.

Mentioned here and here.
Anecdotal evidence from me having tried single and split doses of Sema, is that the single dose was far more effective with appetite suppression. Worst side effect for me was the monumental reflux, which I discovered could be neutralized for hours with a glass of whey protein mixed with milk.
Do these drugs just not work on some people?

Reason I ask is a friend asked to try some tirz (which they’ve never used before, neither have they used sema) - 1.5mg felt nothing, another 1.5mg felt nothing - they ended up taking 5mg over the course of 2-3 days and eventually had their appetite suppressed but it only lasted 1-2 days before it came back?

That happened to me (not at exactly those dosages) but probably because I was using an overhyped UGL from another forum to get my Semaglutide. Turned out the stuff was bunk. I realized this when I started over months later using a compound pharmacy in the US from one of the more reputable online telehealth companies.

After reading about half of this entire thread, I think that more people need to consider WHERE they're getting their Sema or Tirz from and how they are transporting it rather than keep increasing dosages or combining both. Or saying that the drugs don't work.
Do these drugs just not work on some people?

Reason I ask is a friend asked to try some tirz (which they’ve never used before, neither have they used sema) - 1.5mg felt nothing, another 1.5mg felt nothing - they ended up taking 5mg over the course of 2-3 days and eventually had their appetite suppressed but it only lasted 1-2 days before it came back?
There are also folks who are just non-responders, this is just from a quick googling but that does seem to be a thing. Up to 15% of patients on weight loss drugs may be 'non-responders'
Anybody adding Cagrilintide? Any experience with dosage or stacking with Tirzepatide?
I haven't tried it but in other groups I have read a few who have. The majority say cagri is very strong so they recommend starting at half the starting dose when stacking. Most people who are on max tirz usually scale back their tirz dosage as well when adding cagri.
Great info in this thread... one favour to ask... can some of you post some results? I think it is relevant in a thread like this!

Maybe we can get people that are on Sema and people that are on Tirz to compare!
I started Mazdutide last night and said I would document this drug since I don’t see anyone taking it yet. The trials are in china I believe.

I have been on sema and tirze before. I experienced a tolerance to both drugs at different points. I have been on a long break and decided to experiment to Mazdutide this time. I’m not taking anything else.

I dosed 3mg (starting low but expecting it to take time for me to get to 9mg) last night around 8pm. Around 9:45pm I experienced a big feeling of euphoria and energy. I have felt this with tirze as well. My mental health got a whole lot better with tirze so I’m thrilled that maz feels similar in that aspect.

This morning I felt less hungry but not as much as tirze. I wasn’t surprised. It takes time and I’m on a low dose. By 1:15pm I realized I forgot about eating. Im moving so I’ve been boxing things up and been super busy. This now feels a lot more like tirze when I was at 10mg.

I have no side effects. No fatigue, no nausea, no constipation, no burps or heart burn.

I feel really good about this so far.