Resting Heart Rate

Ended up adding 80mg telmisartan (ARB) and 5mg lisinopril (ACE-Inhibitor) daily in hopes of reducing it and because they're what arrived first. A little over a week on those and I didn't see much improvement to RHR. Did see BP improve slightly but it wasn't as concerning as my RHR.
It's fuckin dangerous to combine these two drug classes due to high potassium blood serum levels. Also these drug classes will not lower heart rate.

Yesterday I added 5mg nebivolol (beta blocker) and the today my RHR average has been 66.
I really hope you did not start with 5mg a day right away. You need to titrate that shit up... Wtf.

I see beta blockers mentioned a ton but I hardly ever see this important bit:

Beta blockers will drastically limit your max heart rate when doing cardio.
The latest (3rd) generation of beta blockers are very cardioselective in their action, meaning they do lower heart rate but do not interfere with training or cardio capacity/output. You can still train like a beast and have a lower heart rate.
I really hope you did not start with 5mg a day right away. You need to titrate that shit up... Wtf.

The latest (3rd) generation of beta blockers are very cardioselective in their action, meaning they do lower heart rate but do not interfere with training or cardio capacity/output. You can still train like a beast and have a lower heart rate.
5mg is the typical starting dose for Nebivolol, FYI. I wouldn't expect much heart rate reduction on less.
You need to find aas that's doesn't do this to your bp. It's possible though difficult. It's always better getting a scrip from your doc vs just dealing with the " silent killer".
I keep saying this but the mast has made things soo much better. It'll be in my cycle everytime. Keeps heart rate low too. Without it I'm in the high 70s.

You doing TRT test / high mast too?

It really seems like a benign drug. Hardly any BP increase for me.
Just started using mast with trt and it's been great. Keeps e2 sides to almost zero for me.

I regret taking more than TRT test all those years. Even at 250mg test, I can see massive bloat in my face. Makes you look awful and hold so much water.

You can see it in the threads here, guys going on (what I thought) was a weak low dose of test, 500mg, saying their resting heart rate instantly went up by 10-20.

But I can take 1g of mast and get no BP/heart rate increase.

You've over 50, still taking shit and lifting heavy? I wanna be like you, no joke. Just enjoying my senior years and being big and strong.
I regret taking more than TRT test all those years. Even at 250mg test, I can see massive bloat in my face. Makes you look awful and hold so much water.

You can see it in the threads here, guys going on (what I thought) was a weak low dose of test, 500mg, saying their resting heart rate instantly went up by 10-20.

But I can take 1g of mast and get no BP/heart rate increase.

You've over 50, still taking shit and lifting heavy? I wanna be like you, no joke. Just enjoying my senior years and being big and strong.
Haha and I go to the gym with my walker. But thanks bud for the compliment. I'll never give up. I gave up for almost 2 yrs. But test and mast makes me feel good and actually helps with a lot of my issues for some reason. Maybe it's all in my head.
My legs and calves are genetic gifts. Thank Gob because I can only do a few machines but my legs are still symmetrical.
Right now I'm just maintaining and hoping I'm able to keep it with my 1-2 workouts a week

It's kinda funny when the guy in the walker flexs his legs in the gym mirror to make sure there still the same size and boy do people stair.
I'm not the baddest but I'm not stopping unless aas cause med problems. It's like my body was made for higher test.
My upper body is coming back and I'm getting leaner but it's hard not being active.
Masteron has been a gift. No bloat, 60bpm, bp 130/80
Masteron will be a staple. I'm gonna cruise at 400mg sustanon and 800mg mast and see how my bloods are even while on. So far so good. Doc was surprised my cholesterol was good!
Just remember I'm bald and have zero hair worries. I also do 12.5mg aromasin per week just to keep e2 good.
And this didn't happen overnight. Between 15-23ish (if I remember correctly) I was aas free building my base to about 220lbs ( actually did 1 cycle that i think was real shit fake shit was everywhere then). Took a 15 year break in the military 100% off everything and still built back to 220lbs aas free. I started back up in 2015. Biggest I've been was 256lbs. Now I want to be 235lbs ripped. Currently sitting at 240lbs while on a long slow cut from 253lbs.


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I regret taking more than TRT test all those years. Even at 250mg test, I can see massive bloat in my face. Makes you look awful and hold so much water.

You can see it in the threads here, guys going on (what I thought) was a weak low dose of test, 500mg, saying their resting heart rate instantly went up by 10-20.

But I can take 1g of mast and get no BP/heart rate increase.

You've over 50, still taking shit and lifting heavy? I wanna be like you, no joke. Just enjoying my senior years and being big and strong.
I WILL be back to this soon! My arms are 18" but I have too many tattoos to cover up now on my right shoulder.
I used to be able to use my cane at the gym and just go slow, but I've fallen 3 times in the last week. Scary shit when you lose complete balance and fall straight back. Thank God I was at home. I can handle the wife helping me get up, but I'd be embarrassed as hell having a couple guys help get me off the ground. So walker here we are.
The nerve damage in my legs is getting worse. My left thigh burns the moment I start the machines. It like it's been already trained and is done.
Also I donate blood every 2 months.
My goal was always symmetry. Neck, arms, and calves should be close to the same size.
I've got a 19,5-20" neck, 19.5-20" calves, and only 18" arms. Dam those arms are very stubborn. But they're a little over 19" pumped haha.
Oh ya, I had 2 really back accidents in the military and was stupid riding a motorcycle. Crashed at 65mph.


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I regret taking more than TRT test all those years. Even at 250mg test, I can see massive bloat in my face. Makes you look awful and hold so much water.

You can see it in the threads here, guys going on (what I thought) was a weak low dose of test, 500mg, saying their resting heart rate instantly went up by 10-20.

But I can take 1g of mast and get no BP/heart rate increase.

You've over 50, still taking shit and lifting heavy? I wanna be like you, no joke. Just enjoying my senior years and being big and strong.
Sorry for the long winded posts. Guess I just needed to get this off my chest. I don't believe in feeling sorry for yourself. It ones worst enemy. No excuses. Just do what you can.
I regret taking more than TRT test all those years. Even at 250mg test, I can see massive bloat in my face. Makes you look awful and hold so much water.

I've been shocked by what a few weeks of 6.75mg x 2/week has to done to bring down face bloat at that T dose. Going from the higher to the mid range of normal E2 has been nothing but positives thus far, except a brief joint pain scare after the first dose that thankfully went away. The fear of crashing E2 made me extra cautious with the dose, but I'm glad I went ahead despite all the anti-AI talk.
But test and mast makes me feel good and actually helps with a lot of my issues for some reason
No problem with the long winded posts. I find it inspiring. Anyone still in the game at 50+ and healthy is a very successful person in my book.

I just hit 40 and I made my decision to never quit. I'll trade dying early if it means I get to enjoy my older years and have energy + strength + great physique.

Not that I expect mild doses of test + mast + gh to really shorten lifespan much.
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No problem with the long winded posts. I find it inspiring. Anyone still in the game at 50+ and healthy is a very successful person in my book.

I just hit 40 and I made my decision to never quit. I'll trade dying early if it means I get to enjoy my older years and have energy + strength + great physique.

Not that I expect mild doses of test + mast + gh to really shorten lifespan much.

Perhaps if you were one of the tiny minority genetically destined to reach a very old age without chronic disease keeping a high physiologic level of test might shave off some lifespan. But generally, higher testosterone correlates with less risk of the diseases that typically send men into a spiral of increasingly ill health. Obesity, diabetes, depression, and muscle wasting.
Perhaps if you were one of the tiny minority genetically destined to reach a very old age without chronic disease keeping a high physiologic level of test might shave off some lifespan. But generally, higher testosterone correlates with less risk of the diseases that typically send men into a spiral of increasingly ill health. Obesity, diabetes, depression, and muscle wasting.

I agree with that, but wanted to play devil's advocate before @Jin23 comes here and blasts me.(Which is fine, we need someone to keep us in check)

Plus I'll probably do up to 1g of mast / high GH cycles until my health goes to shit.
I agree with that, but wanted to play devil's advocate before @Jin23 comes here and blasts me.(Which is fine, we need someone to keep us in check)

Plus I'll probably do up to 1g of mast / high GH cycles until my health goes to shit.

Having had the benefit of seeing aging up close in a variety of forms I've concluded it's better to add life to years than years to life.
I've been shocked by what a few weeks of 6.75mg x 2/week has to done to bring down face bloat at that T dose. Going from the higher to the mid range of normal E2 has been nothing but positives thus far, except a brief joint pain scare after the first dose that thankfully went away. The fear of crashing E2 made me extra cautious with the dose, but I'm glad I went ahead despite all the anti-AI talk.
Yeah I keep my estrogen on the lower to middle range with no issues.

Sometimes the joints get a little "ehhh", but estrogen returns back to a normal range very fast even if you do accidentally crash it, like within a few days for me. I think the whole AI scare stuff is way overblown
I regret taking more than TRT test all those years. Even at 250mg test, I can see massive bloat in my face. Makes you look awful and hold so much water.

You can see it in the threads here, guys going on (what I thought) was a weak low dose of test, 500mg, saying their resting heart rate instantly went up by 10-20.

But I can take 1g of mast and get no BP/heart rate increase.

You've over 50, still taking shit and lifting heavy? I wanna be like you, no joke. Just enjoying my senior years and being big and strong.
Bloat shouldn't be that bad on 250mg test and that mast dose unless you're higher bf % and/or estrogen is out of check

But I agree I love masteron. I run it every cycle, bulk or cut. It's good stuff