I agree with that. Unfortunately the only thing eroids has to offer is reviews. Highly censored ones at that. But honestly man I don't mean to bash you. You may have a great product now and if you do, like you said assays and blood tests will show that. I just know about 18 months ago you were peddling horse shit. Hopefully now it's fire and there will be a great priced ug hgh vendor in the game. I'll believe it when I see it
i wonder if u made a mistake. 18 months ago, i just landed on eroids, everyone blashed me with very cheap price for trial kit, then still a few guys took the trial kits, then run blood test, after the first good blood test posted by one member, people started to buy from me ,and until now, the quality is always very stable. u can check all the labs posted since 18 months on eroids, so i dont know what u mean. maybe u can show me the bad labs posted on eroids. thanks