Good bulk progress? Or becoming a fat fuck?

What a ridiculous comment Bert & Ernie.

You must have some weak ass shoulders, I bet you love the smith machine- huh champ?

Keep using that smith bro, i'll pick up an empty barbell and raise the shit out of it and get 25, real clean- no swaying, pick up some 30's and do it again.

You probably SHRUG in a smith, right? Eh burt & ernie? A lot of top pros front raise. Such an embarrassing comment. Smith machine guys always hating on natural movements.
What a ridiculous comment Bert & Ernie.

You must have some weak ass shoulders, I bet you love the smith machine- huh champ?

Keep using that smith bro, i'll pick up an empty barbell and raise the shit out of it and get 25, real clean- no swaying, pick up some 30's and do it again.

You probably SHRUG in a smith, right? Eh burt & ernie? A lot of top pros front raise. Such an embarrassing comment. Smith machine guys always hating on natural movements.
This is literally the first time I have seen this type of childish behaviour on MESO.

Please speak to other members with respect or delete your account.

Btw, OP, you look great man. I am also 5’9” manlet FYI! :)

Do not forget to train forearms, neck, calves 5-6x a week!
This is literally the first time I have seen this type of childish behaviour on MESO.

Please speak to other members with respect or delete your account.

Btw, OP, you look great man. I am also 5’9” manlet FYI! :)

Do not forget to train forearms, neck, calves 5-6x a week!
Bro I did slam a guy that said front raises are a complete waste of time. lol I’m gonna have to write this one down! Silly front raises!

I’m going to have look back- never hear “front raises are a waste of time”. Stay at 210. Fucking to pussy? I’d love to get front raise comments?

Again- you must have SHIT shoulders
What a ridiculous comment Bert & Ernie.

You must have some weak ass shoulders, I bet you love the smith machine- huh champ?

Keep using that smith bro, i'll pick up an empty barbell and raise the shit out of it and get 25, real clean- no swaying, pick up some 30's and do it again.

You probably SHRUG in a smith, right? Eh burt & ernie? A lot of top pros front raise. Such an embarrassing comment. Smith machine guys always hating on natural movements.
If you're relying on front raises for anterior deltoid growth and strength, your program is shit -- plain and simple. They're a fucking fluff exercise for an already highly stimulated muscle group.

Which is going to build better shoulders, hitting some heavy seated dumbell presses or incline bench, or doing some light-ass front raises? As a fluff exercise they're fine, but the idea that they're crucial is retarded.

I can OHP 270, so apparently my weak ass shoulders are in OK shape.
If you're relying on front raises for anterior deltoid growth and strength, your program is shit -- plain and simple. They're a fucking fluff exercise for an already highly stimulated muscle group.

Which is going to build better shoulders, hitting some heavy seated dumbell presses or incline bench, or doing some light-ass front raises? As a fluff exercise they're fine, but the idea that they're crucial is retarded.

I can OHP 270, so apparently my weak ass shoulders are in OK shape.
Newbie read this^^^^^ Good info. Tried and True time after time.
I don't see weakness in front delts.

I don't see fat fuck.

My two cents= eat more, lots more, and inject more hormones. Just saying.
Yeah they look fine to me, too. I think that he's being overly self-critical.

I just feel like front raises are a waste of time. They're like tricep kickbacks: do they work? Sure. Are they an efficient use of time? Absolutely not.
I just see these mfs with massive front deltd and im like bruh...i cant see any front delt separation, even when im cut up.
Heavy db presses & more incline should do me right it seems. I’ve been putting more emphasis on chest during this program, but for my next block of improvement ill be focussing on front delts in particular. Ty for the advice brothas.
This is literally the first time I have seen this type of childish behaviour on MESO.

Please speak to other members with respect or delete your account.

Btw, OP, you look great man. I am also 5’9” manlet FYI! :)

Do not forget to train forearms, neck, calves 5-6x a week!
Damn only hitting those 2x per week atm. Ill toss in a set at the beginning of each workout then!
This is literally the first time I have seen this type of childish behaviour on MESO.

Please speak to other members with respect or delete your account.

Btw, OP, you look great man. I am also 5’9” manlet FYI! :)

Do not forget to train forearms, neck, calves 5-6x a week!
& thank you bro
Manlet gang is strong.
Hoping to end up 180 shredded by 30 (19 now) young ik ik ik. Retarded ik ik ik, but im here so hopefully i dont Dallas McCarver myself
You look good. How many calories are you consuming now? I'd say do a slower bulk with a 200kcal surplus to ensure you're gaining, You don't need to be massive and chunky when bulking (unless that's the look you want), eating thousands of calories over your calorie maintenance is just the old school mentality. Keep it up.
It depends upon where he wants to end up and how quickly. I do not know of ANY really big guys who got there eating 200 calories a day over maintenance.

Do you?
It depends upon where he wants to end up and how quickly. I do not know of ANY really big guys who got there eating 200 calories a day over maintenance.

Do you?
200 calories is like 5% over my maintenance calories. That wouldn't do shit for me, especially on cycle, and I'm not even that big.
I'm a jealous mofo. Your Bf is around 8ish if I'd guess. Looks like you know how and what to eat. Eat some more,and see how you respond. Your shoulders look fine, if your that worried do some more OH lifts. Your forearms look like they could use some work. What do your legs look like?
Like I said, I'm jealous, you look good, and this is because you have focus, determination, and drive. Only thing missing is that pat on the back. Atta boy!
I was referring to OP as he's only on TRT doses and thinks he's fat when he has a visible six pack. He clearly likes to stay lean so a small surplus would have him gain weight slowly over time. If he were to consume thousands over maintainence he'll only make another thread like this once he loses his abs in the next couple of months, then probably start cutting until his abs show again, losing muscle in the process and just making suboptimal progress. But like you said, it depends on his goals too.
You look good. How many calories are you consuming now? I'd say do a slower bulk with a 200kcal surplus to ensure you're gaining, You don't need to be massive and chunky when bulking (unless that's the look you want), eating thousands of calories over your calorie maintenance is just the old school mentality. Keep it up.
I like this approach, because you’re right. I do tend to cut down when i see my abs fade. However i am definitely willing to sacrifice to be able to reach my goals. What i am worried about in regards to gaining fat is like you said, losing my hard earned progress having suffered mentally for no reason.
also, i dont want go create more fat cells. Its extremely easy for me to get lean as i started this journey as an anorexic lil girl.
I'm a jealous mofo. Your Bf is around 8ish if I'd guess. Looks like you know how and what to eat. Eat some more,and see how you respond. Your shoulders look fine, if your that worried do some more OH lifts. Your forearms look like they could use some work. What do your legs look like?
Like I said, I'm jealous, you look good, and this is because you have focus, determination, and drive. Only thing missing is that pat on the back. Atta boy!
thanks bro! Here’s is how im looking atm (im guessing around 13-14%bf) here are the wheels.
you’re right about forearms, i dont do any direct training, however huge forearms will fuck my bjj performance up a little bit.
still, im probably just going to get massive forearms anyway and just edit my fighting game to be able to compensate for them


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I'm a jealous mofo. Your Bf is around 8ish if I'd guess. Looks like you know how and what to eat. Eat some more,and see how you respond. Your shoulders look fine, if your that worried do some more OH lifts. Your forearms look like they could use some work. What do your legs look like?
Like I said, I'm jealous, you look good, and this is because you have focus, determination, and drive. Only thing missing is that pat on the back. Atta boy!
Pat on the back thing is lowkey facts but at the same time i’m a perfectionist.
My own parents used to call me a fat fuck when i was young(er) , and i was literally starving myself, throwing up, and basically just acting like i was trynna get on the cheer squad or some chit.
But ay, I do get worried about not executing my plan perfectly and being unable to realize my maximum potential (before i lose my hair lol).

Probably couldve been 5’9 if i wasnt malnourishing myself through puberty, feels bad man but oh well.
At least i’ll be able to help my kid be the best he can be, if my nads don’t end up perma fried,
and i can run a fertility protocol so i could pop a baby in my chick.
If you're 5'8, I'd say you are about 15lbs from looking amazing, or 10 from looking great, if you maintain or lower your current body fat which I would say is 15% currently.

One tip to keep yourself in check: don't buy bigger (waist) jeans or pants. Don't let yourself. That way you know gains aren't affecting your waist line too much.

I'd say stay at 2-400 cals over maintenance (if you really know that number) and stay there. And make those "overage" calories protein (straight) so they are slightly less likely to result in your body fat going up.
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If you're 5'8, I'd say you are about 15lbs from looking amazing, or 10 from looking great, if you maintain or lower your current body fat which I would say is 15% currently.

One tip to keep yourself in check: don't buy bigger (waist) jeans or pants. Don't let yourself. That way you know gains aren't affecting your waist line too much.

I'd say stay at 2-400 cals over maintenance (if you really know that number) and stay there. And make those "overage" calories protein (straight) so they are slightly less likely to result in your body fat going up.
5’7 so shit...will i be a pro in 15 pounds? I kid, I kid. However thats a good plan, its kind of hard to be in a consistent lean bulk considering i train CRAZY hard in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu some days and i flow on others. Hard to know how much im burning. (Im talking full blast cardio lifting human beings for over an hour)