Definitely 5'11. You just think you know everything and you don't know shit. Green shorts was an off season year at over 240lbs and yes holding a bit of water. Like fodsod said, you don't want to hear advice from anyone else and think you know everything. I only became an ass because stupid people on this thread think you have a better physique. You don't and never will. Of course bloat is a side effect of AAS use and I have never claimed I'm natural since I started gear. I don't cycle kid, I never come off. Probably why your biceps are as big as my forearms. Stop talking all your shit, cause I'm far from having napoleon syndrome which is the correct definition of "little man syndrome" since you're such a smart ass and know everything. You're a fucking kid and stupid one at that to be talking so much shit. If you stood next to me in the mirror you wouldn't be saying a god damn thing cause I'll fucking dwarf you and yes for the final time, I looked better natural with only 3 years of lifting at 175lbs than you do now with your bullshit 10 years of lifting and on gear. Come the fuck on man. You can't be serious.
So your profile pic is you standing in front of your bathroom door, going off of standard building measurements the door being 6'8 and the towel rack being 48 inches. You are roughy 5'7.
Lol @Gearspecialist ...I understand you may not be the brightest cause I have said MANY times I NEVER claimed my physique was better than yours.....OTHER people did...and I don't care if you win the damn Olympia it doesn't change you being shitty because of how you ACT not how big you are you big meat wad duh
By the way question for you guys. So since I've started my cycle like I said I've been feeling really good mentally. Now when I was on my first vial of test 2 things, I would get some moderate PIP after injections which did get less severe as weeks went on however, I would still get it. Second I tasted just a couple drops of the oil because I know that my first cycle I tried to do a year or two ago, the fist 8 weeks the oil had almost no pip at all and just tasted like bland oil where as the test I got from a different source (and a much more trusted one that used the stuff himself) it was a 1000% different experience, would get WAY more pip and the oil tasted spicy like I've heard test is supposed to, leading me to conclude those first 2 months I was using something severely underdosed because I didn't see almost any big gains those first 2 months of my first attempted "cycle". My issue currently is I noticed immediately that my second vile I cracked 2 weeks ago gave me SIGNIFICANTLY less PIP then my first and also did not have as strong of taste. So I ended up this week getting another vile from, again in my opinion a more reputable source and it's been the same experience as before, WAY more PIP and way more spicy test tasting oil. I know I probably should of just bought from this second source to begin with but I had a friend who swore by this other stuff and had used it himself and had some on hand, however when I got the viles they totally looked like they were from some random UG lab but since everything seemed g2g the first few weeks I figured it was fine. Is it possible this second vile I was taking for the past couple weeks was underdosed compared to the fist one because I also haven't been feeling quite as good as I was on the first vile. Thoughts?
Also I feel like this week my gains have been less on top of not feeling as good, even know my strength has stayed high. If you think that this IS because of my second vile being of a lesser quality then the first (there's no batch number btw) does this mean I might have to wait a week or two for this new (I feel) better dosed vial to build up my test levels again? Or do u think it's all in my head? Either way I'm likely just gonna stick with this new source even know it hurts like a bitch, at least moreso than the other stuff
Tough to say. I've never tasted my gear before.

Blood work would tell the tale...

You should try it out, it's delicious! Great on eggs! And true, might be hard to tell though since I started the new vile a few days ago and I don't think the one in question had 0 test in it, just feels like it was pretty under dosed as my sex drive seems a lot lower then a couple weeks ago too when it was raging.
Definitely not a hater just don't like when people clearly can't see who has a better physique. It's like sadik coming in second against Jeremy. Jeremy does not look better than sadik, it's just fucking politics. Jeremy should have been third the last time sadik competed against him, probably why sadik got sick of it and went classic. Why don't you just get bloodwork darkside? That will make all your questions a lot easier to answer.
I'm gonna get bloods soon, I've been dealing with some other stuff with my doctor currently that's been more pressing but all that is taken care of now so was gonna try n get in there this next week or the week after
And Trestolone sounds really intriguing. Never heard of it before but just looked it up a bit. I don't know where I would get it from as my sources don't have it but if I run into a source somehow I would definitely be interested in running it in the future. How do you feel it compares to Tren or deca as far as mass building, strength, sides, and so on?
Well I feel it's like Test x10, with Tren and dbol. I dosed it at 1.2ml eod which ended up being 315mg per week. Only sides I got were a little high blood pressure, insane dreams, and a little night sweats the first week due to increase in body temp. After a week I didn't notice any night sweats. Strength went through the roof at about the 7-10 day mark. Deadlift went up 100lbs, squat went up 50lbs, bench went up about 40lbs. Crazy endurance but the strength man, makes you feel like you can lift anything. Definitely have to be careful on the come up with Trest and allow your tendons and ligaments to get used to the weight change. I didn't gain weight as I am in a deficit at the moment so I just lost bf. My source and other people claim 10-15lbs within the first 2-3 weeks if diet is on point though. It's one of my favorite compounds to run by far.