But didn't you like when someone made a joke about me only being 190pds & shouldn't touch anadrol till I'm over 240pds View attachment 78598
Correction, I suggested you wait until you were bigger to necessitate such a large dose. I did not say you "shouldn't touch anadrol", my comment was dose dependant. 50mg of pure anadrol would be plenty for someone who's around 200lbs. More does not always equal better.
So I've been feeling like shit recently I think due to a combination of drastic weather changes, working too much, having to work til 3:30 am some nights and as early as 6:30 other nights, and my doctor starting me on a new med, however have still been able to train hard, though I haven't been able to eat as much as I would like. As a result my weight is about the same though I am significantly leaner and still gained size. Hoping to feel better soon but so far everything is still going pretty well, what do u guys think?


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Hey guys, so sorry for lack of updates, been really busy with work and the holidays. Weight gain has slowed down somewhat but am still seeing good gains. Strength is steadily going up still. I'm going to do a full stat update and better pictures at the end of my cycle coming up in just under 3 weeks. Over all super happy with the progress even though sickness really threw off my diet and training for a few weeks mid cycle but eh what are you gonna do. Luckily my next cycle will be going into spring/summer when it's not freezing cold so hopefully won't have that happen again ha


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I can see you still making gains.
Also no acne at all so far? Whats the secret

Ha, Im definitely getting more acne on traps/shoulders then usual but mostly small stuff u can't see to well from pictures. And shut up @Test_Subject I had just taken my scull cap off and I need a haircut anyway lol. Anyway I would have liked to run hcg but I dont see it as essential for a 12 week cycle pct and wasn't very cost effective for me this time around.
Hey guys sorry for late update but here's final pics from about a week or two ago

Weight around 190
Not sure on bodyfat but I think around 8%
Strength has stayed pretty consistent, but steadily gone up, haven't gone too heavy recently but been squatting 315 for sets of 7-8 AFTER say 4 sets of hack squats til failure where before I could maybe do 5-6 fresh. Deadlifts I rep out 405 for 6-8 pretty easily and bicep curls (Though not a big lift) have gone from 40-45 lbs for 6-8 with good form to 60 lbs with good form. Anyway here's some pics. I also have been working with a guy that competes at the national level and have decided to compete again in late March/mid April and shooting for classic physique class B. soieting for that now. Will keep posted on my contest prep.


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