ok man. I'm done with this petty bullshit, you must be sucking his dick cause he will never look better than me. I'm going for my pro card next year, is he? FUCK NO
Do you have 20inch arms? Are you 240lbs? Hell fuck no. You're not anywhere near me son

Lol alright I was gonna bite my tongue but whatevr. Dude if you ARE only 175 and natural in those pics then you must be about 4 1/2 feet tall in which case I get it, I understand your little man syndrome and need to get attention so bravo, you know what, you're right, you're LIGHT-YEARS ahead of me. However I'm GUESSING if you in fact are bullshitting which I'm pretty sure u are because that picture of you in the green shorts looks like if the show "16 and pregnant" met an article about the water retention steroids cause. I'm guessing you're just posting pics of you when you started cycling and claiming Natty. I could be wrong though you could of just been eating shitty and really really fucking short and bulky. Either way u look like a bloated Chris Pratt in those pics and u should find ur own thread. I never said I'm way better than u man or called u out, we clearly have different physiques but you're the one being a stereotypical geared up Jersey shore looking douchebag right now on the thread I started so...
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Definitely 5'11. You just think you know everything and you don't know shit. Green shorts was an off season year at over 240lbs and yes holding a bit of water. Like fodsod said, you don't want to hear advice from anyone else and think you know everything. I only became an ass because stupid people on this thread think you have a better physique. You don't and never will. Of course bloat is a side effect of AAS use and I have never claimed I'm natural since I started gear. I don't cycle kid, I never come off. Probably why your biceps are as big as my forearms. Stop talking all your shit, cause I'm far from having napoleon syndrome which is the correct definition of "little man syndrome" since you're such a smart ass and know everything. You're a fucking kid and stupid one at that to be talking so much shit. If you stood next to me in the mirror you wouldn't be saying a god damn thing cause I'll fucking dwarf you and yes for the final time, I looked better natural with only 3 years of lifting at 175lbs than you do now with your bullshit 10 years of lifting and on gear. Come the fuck on man. You can't be serious.
Listen man, I don't really care about going back n fourth with you like AT ALL. But first of, I've been asking fodsod for advice, he just hasn't responded. Read more carefully. You're the one with their posing trunks in such a tight little knot all because some people on the internet thought my natural physique was at least close to the same level as yours if not better after YOU CAME INTO THIS THREAD POSTING PICS OF YOURSELF to try to prove ur better than me for some reason. Maybe you're 5'11" but you DEFINITELY still have little man syndrome because u clearly can't let it go that someone out there however insignificant doesn't think you're the best. I'm sorry you have to live like that man, it must suck to have such little self esteem, but get off my thread, I didn't start it to argue with a shit like you, I don't care how big you are, you're still no body or you would have the confidence to let all this shit slide off your back without working yourself into an stroke. Bye
Darkside you're the nobody, I'll be pro next year and you will still be small and nothing.

How come it seems like every d-bag is "about to be pro next year?" ...hmmm. Isn't that like a team saying, they're about to win the Superbowl next year before the season even starts?
Don't worry, I'll post it as soon as It happens this next national season so I can rub and hold your face in the dogshit that you deserve to be in.
Just still can't see how someone like you can even begin to talk shit against my physique knowing it's superior to your own. At least I know my place, if I know someone is better or looks better I respect it and don't talk shit and give them that. How about you compete next year and show the board what you got since you like to think you're hot shit.