Ok, not gonna be arrogant or saying I'm better but this is me at 24 natty never touched anything but protein powder and food. 5'10 180lbs 5-6% .


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My point was genetics are key, second diet third hormones then training. My own thread is not needed. Trying to make a point is all
Well you could have just said that rather than posting your portfolio, because your original post says none of that.

Not my thread anyways. That's all I'm gonna say on the matter.
Alright guys so quick update, might go take a couple better photos later today or tomorrow but here's on this week.

Weight this morning: 181 (+11 or so lbs)

Definitely saw the dbol kick in for real this week. Slight water retention but not much, my face is still lean looking and can still see definition in abs. Strength has been getting better and better, starting to feel like I did before my accident but still got a ways to go. My fullness is insane and have been getting comments left and right on looking bigger. Mood and energy have been great too especially during training or at work when I'm moving fast (I'm also a server as well as a trainer) I think so far the best part of this cycle
is that it seems to have temporarily cured my depression and anxiety which has let me be my best and people have noticed that I'm much much more on point at work, able to easily handle my shit and then help out everyone else too which has been great and gained me a lot of positive attention, plus im just in a better mood in general, I'm super happy about that side effect. It's a huge weight lifted off my shoulders not to spend half my days struggling with my mental health and instead being able to focus on my relationships, my girlfriend, as well as training/eating. Sex drive is through the roof as well which is never a bad thing hah. Anyway so far so good and no negative side effects or back pumps or anything, I'll keep you guys posted, let me know if there was anything I missed in the update or anything u wanna know


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Well you could have just said that rather than posting your portfolio, because your original post says none of that.

Lol, really tho, what was the reason for the original post anyway EXCEPT to make the comparison u claim ur not making. And 180lbs at 5-6%? Doesn't look like it in those pictures but could be wrong. If u have others that show it u should start a thread with em cause I'd be interested to see. Not knocking u bro by the way you have some good size and definition especially Natty but still...like he said
Dude I'm 28 now, 240lbs at 13% and far from natty. I was trying to say that genetics are the main key not drugs. And yes, I was 5-6% body fat in those pics around 180lbs. Might have been 7% but not much higher
Dude I'm 28 now, 240lbs at 13% and far from natty. I was trying to say that genetics are the main key not drugs. And yes, I was 5-6% body fat in those pics around 180lbs. Might have been 7% but not much higher

For sure, well I personally believe genetics play a big role too, I mean I gain 20 lbs the first 3 months I first started lifting while staying at the same bf at 13 years old. I just didn't really see your point?
By the way here are better pics taken today, btw I freaking came down with the flu yesterday so only hit a light workout and taking at least today off and trying my best to keep eating enough despite feeling awful but hopefully I can kick this thing quickly even know I have to work 5:30-3am shifts on top of personal training so its hard sometimes to get a lot of rest lol fml


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The point was simple, everyone's bodies are different. Look at you at 24 and having done a few cycles and look at me at 24 never done any cycles and not to be a dick but you know who has the better physique. At some point in your thread I felt the need to chime in don't remember where it was but I did. For the sole purpose of genetics.
Actually these might be better from 2 days ago when I was eating more before I got sick


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The point was simple, everyone's bodies are different. Look at you at 24 and having done a few cycles and look at me at 24 never done any cycles and not to be a dick but you know who has the better physique. At some point in your thread I felt the need to chime in don't remember where it was but I did. For the sole purpose of genetics.

Dude u may have a bit more mass there at 24 then me but #1 LESS then a year ago I had to start almost from scratch after my accident and not being in the gym for a year so I would HARDLY say that my before pictures were "after a few cycles" if u read my previous posts my only "cycle" before was fake test for the first 8 out of 12 weeks and 2nd ur physique there is hardly so much better that u should even make a statement like that, in fact from those pictures I think mine is better, but either way they are close enough where u saying that DOES come across pretty arrogant brotha, sorry.
Either way neither of us are Natty now anyway so why don't we just see how I developed this cycle which is the point of this thread not comparing who was better before we started cycling as my circumstances are I'm sure different from yours as much as yours are different from someone else's
Well you could have just said that rather than posting your portfolio, because your original post says none of that.

Not my thread anyways. That's all I'm gonna say on the matter.
Saw this and thought of you Ironly80.
To clarify you aren't the one picking his nose.