I'm supposed to WIN an UNTESTED NPC show when I'm 16 and natural against a class of 18 guys 6-10 years older then me otherwise my training is obviously inefficient?

If you are using a show as some sort of proof point, then wins are quite effective... Not winning is far less so...

In any case. I do wish you the best of luck.

I would love to see you go onto win if you decide to compete.
If you are using a show as some sort of proof point, then wins are quite effective... Not winning is far less so...

In any case. I do wish you the best of luck.

I would love to see you go onto win if you decide to compete.

Jesus you're an idiot, hah, whatever, "thanks"? I guess?
You look good bro, but those lifts make me cringe. Especially after ten years.

A guy who is almost 40 started training with me about a year ago and he can hit those numbers natty. And that's not to say that I'm an amazing trainer because I'm not.

I'm not trying to bash you -- I'm trying to give you some perspective.
You look good bro, but those lifts make me cringe. Especially after ten years.

A guy who is almost 40 started training with me about a year ago and he can hit those numbers natty.

I'm not trying to bash you -- I'm trying to give you some perspective.

I feel what you're saying. however my strength used to be WAY better but even know my mass has returned for the most part after my motorcycle accident, my strength has not. When I was only 17 and 175lbs playing football I was deadlifting 450x2 benching 325 and repping out 315 for squats. 2 years ago even before I did a prohormone cycle I was doing incline barbell presses for sets of 12 with 225. Idk why but it's been hard to regain my strength but not my mass :( though to be fair I've only started training nice and heavy again a few months ago so probably gonna take some time
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You look good bro, but those lifts make me cringe. Especially after ten years.

A guy who is almost 40 started training with me about a year ago and he can hit those numbers natty. And that's not to say that I'm an amazing trainer because I'm not.

I'm not trying to bash you -- I'm trying to give you some perspective.

thanks for the honest feedback though, hopefully I can get back where I was strength wise soon.
heres some pics from the day before that show when I was 16 if u guys r interested btw lol

Alot of the guys on this forum don't understand or respect the concept of men's physique, they
think everyone needs to be 200+
When for the record Jeremy buendia the men's physique champ competes at 5'8 175lbs...

But u most definitely look good, and are doing a good job. I bet u would have better ab separation in the right lighting also ...
Solid build. I'm also 23 5'8 I was bulking on 400/400mgs of test n tren for 12 weeks started at 160 got up to 190orca-image-1509584629429.jpg_1509584629480.jpegorca-image-1509584557188.jpg_1509584557342.jpeg


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I would legit ignore all of these people calling you out on your strength numbers. Fact is strength training and hypertrophy training are two different things. Are you going to gain some strength hypertrophy training? Sure as a side effect, you are lifting after all, but the goal isn't to hit certain numbers the same way. Building a physique isn't at all about how much you can max, sorry for those of you who think it is.

If your goal is physique based (which is clearly is based off your posts) your numbers aren't necessarily terrible, certainly not the way some people have been coming at you. People who focus solely on numbers to call someone out as "not serious" are the only complete idiots in this thread. Very narrow minded and obviously have no idea about training for anything beyond their own personal goals which seems to be strength related yet find the need to chirp in and comment anyway.

Based off your pics you've got a solid natty base for competing. I think you're underestimating a little on the bf % (I think you're closer to 12-13%) but pics are hard to estimate bf in fairness.
I would legit ignore all of these people calling you out on your strength numbers. Fact is strength training and hypertrophy training are two different things. Are you going to gain some strength hypertrophy training? Sure as a side effect, you are lifting after all, but the goal isn't to hit certain numbers the same way. Building a physique isn't at all about how much you can max, sorry for those of you who think it is.

If your goal is physique based (which is clearly is based off your posts) your numbers aren't necessarily terrible, certainly not the way some people have been coming at you. People who focus solely on numbers to call someone out as "not serious" are the only complete idiots in this thread. Very narrow minded and obviously have no idea about training for anything beyond their own personal goals which seems to be strength related yet find the need to chirp in and comment anyway.

Based off your pics you've got a solid natty base for competing. I think you're underestimating a little on the bf % (I think you're closer to 12-13%) but pics are hard to estimate bf in fairness.

Link me one weak professional bodybuilder. Powerlifting concentrates on CNS and explosive power, sure, but Ronnie Coleman could squat 800 pounds.

Ever seen videos of Dorian Yates rowing? It's not like hypertrophy and strength training are entirely separate from one another like you're suggesting.
Alot of the guys on this forum don't understand or respect the concept of men's physique, they
think everyone needs to be 200+
When for the record Jeremy buendia the men's physique champ competes at 5'8 175lbs...

But u most definitely look good, and are doing a good job. I bet u would have better ab separation in the right lighting also ...
But didn't you like when someone made a joke about me only being 190pds & shouldn't touch anadrol till I'm over 240pds Screenshot_20171103-162858.png
Link me one weak professional bodybuilder. Powerlifting concentrates on CNS and explosive power, sure, but Ronnie Coleman could squat 800 pounds.

Ever seen videos of Dorian Yates rowing? It's not like hypertrophy and strength training are entirely separate from one another like you're suggesting.

Weak? No. Repping 315 and 225 isn't weak either. And this guy isn't a pro. Tell me, what exactly do you think the Men's Physique pro's are repping regularly in the gym? I'm honestly curious.

LOL at coming at me with Ronnie Coleman. I would hope Ronnie Coleman can lift more than Jeremy Buendia.

Buendia in an interview talking about bench press:

"I’ve hit a real clean 405 pounds for 3 reps at my strongest."

That's Olympia champion. Keep in mind the OP in here isn't even a Pro yet, he's basically competed in 1 show. So 225 for 7 (or whatever he wrote on bench) is now unimpressive? Does he need to eclipse Buendia before he's allowed to be considered a serious lifter? LMAO, this board cracks me up some times.

People train for different things is all I'm saying. You get good at what you do. So if your goal is to go in and 1 rep max then yeah 225 isn't really all that impressive. But if you don't train to hit that max then it won't be as good as someone who is in there training with that style.

Buendia in the same interview:

"I avoid super-heavy lifting and any exercises that may overexert my core such as deadlifts and squats. I still train for the pump each day—and I still lift pretty heavy—but my priority is to keep my waist tight and small but build everything aesthetically around it"

So if at his strongest he was hitting 405 for 3, and now he doesn't train super heavy.... you still think he'll be able to hit 405 for 3? I'm sure he could get it back but he's probably not going to be at his strongest if his training style has changed and he hasn't lifted super heavy for awhile.

*Side note this is a 2 year old interview and he has gotten bigger the last few years so he may be able to hit 405 (or more) but back when the interview was done he was still MP champ at that time so the frame of reference shouldn't change for getting my point across.
Keep in mind the OP in here isn't even a Pro yet, he's basically competed in 1 show. So 225 for 7 (or whatever he wrote on bench) is now unimpressive?

225 after ten years is...unremarkable. And yes, 225 for 7 is very unimpressive. There are dad-bod 40 somethings at my gym who can do that.

How many competitions he has won or competed in is entirely irrelevant to what I was saying.

The fact is, the stronger you are, the less "heavy" weight becomes to you. Doing 10 reps at x weight is going to give you better results than doing 10 reps at .75 of x.

Like I said, hypertrophy and strength are not distinct areas of training. There's a vast overlap.
225 after ten years is...unremarkable. And yes, 225 for 7 is very unimpressive. There are dad-bod 40 somethings at my gym who can do that.

How many competitions he has won or competed in is entirely irrelevant to what I was saying.

The fact is, the stronger you are, the less "heavy" weight becomes to you. Doing 10 reps at x weight is going to give you better results than doing 10 reps at .75 of x.

Like I said, hypertrophy and strength are not distinct areas of training. There's a vast overlap.

Those dad bods also probably weigh 225 pounds themselves. Let me know how much they lift when they actually diet and drop their bf to a respectable level.

Seriously take that dad bod and drop him to 10% bf. Do you think in that time span of getting him a better physique his lifts will go up or down?

I can't believe I seriously have to have this discussion with you. No shit that 10 reps at X weight is going to yield better results than 10 reps at .75x weight. Man lands on moon.

You're DRASTICALLY oversimplifying though because there's so many different factors that go in to these things which is why completely dismissing this guy as serious off 1 thing (his 225 for 7 bench) is totally foolish. That's what I'm saying. Get it????