Hey guys btw wanted to get a little feedback on my training split. So currently I was planning on doing pretty much a 6 day split 2 days on 1 day off where it would be something like Monday: chest, tri, abs,
Tues: back, bi, calves
We'd: off
Thurs: shoulders, tri, abs
Friday: legs, calves
Saturday: power/explosive training, plyometrics, agility, and balance work (I like to keep my explosive strength and speed up even if my goal is bodybuilding mostly
Sunday: off

Every week is changes rep ranges
Week 1 is 12-15
Week 2 9-11
Week 3 is 6-8
Week 4 is 2-5

And I'm hitting triceps and calves 2x a week on purpose because they r a bit behind

My question is do u think to take advantage of increased recovery on cycle i should switch to something like

Monday: chest, back, some plyo/agility
Tuesday: legs calves + some plyo/balance
Wed: arms, and
Thurs: rest
Friday: repeat from Monday

So that I'm hitting each body part a little more frequently or u think what I'm doing is better? Thanks
@fodsod you think you coyld grace this young man with your presents an maybe give him a lil of your own advice bro. Looks like hes moving in the right direction an wana see him do as well as possible. Hope im not outta line by callin you up in here but i know that you know your shit when it comes to competing and he could benifit greatly from your advice brotha ;):cool:
Idk darkside and gearspecialist bolth have nice physiques pretty even imo but id say darkside has a little bit better muscle proportions and fullness but your bolth neck n neck with eachother
@fodsod you think you coyld grace this young man with your presents an maybe give him a lil of your own advice bro. Looks like hes moving in the right direction an wana see him do as well as possible. Hope im not outta line by callin you up in here but i know that you know your shit when it comes to competing and he could benifit greatly from your advice brotha ;):cool:
@Skull, while I'd like to help I think this young man has already decided he knows exactly what he needs to do to get to the next level and any advice or suggestions on both PED usage and training will be skimmed and then discarded. There's a reason he listed all of his "credentials and accomplishments" in his first post.
@Skull, while I'd like to help I think this young man has already decided he knows exactly what he needs to do to get to the next level and any advice or suggestions on both PED usage and training will be skimmed and then discarded. There's a reason he listed all of his "credentials and accomplishments" in his first post.

I don't think that's really fair. I'm always open to advice and it definitely won't be just "skimmed and discarded". I mean if all someone is going to say is something like I should wait to cycle then it's a little late heh, but I respect anything someone with more experience is gonna say. The only reason I put my "credentials" at all is because I felt there's a lot of people on here that are very quick to automatically slam the fuck out of you for wanting to use AAS unless you're at least in your late twenties so I thought giving some background info might give at least some of those people a sense that I do have at least some decent time training under my belt. I in no way think I'm the most experienced person my age to want to do a cycle but still, Im not some guy that just started training 3 or 4 years ago and wants to get big quick. I want to compete and I've spent a lot of years training naturally and learning from some great mentors and unfortunately had a major year setback where I was totally out of the gym but now that I'm back to close to where I was mass wise at least if not strength wise, I don't think it was too crazy for me to want to run this cycle. Anyway I would actually like to hear whatever you have to say even if u think I won't like it or listen
Idk darkside and gearspecialist bolth have nice physiques pretty even imo but id say darkside has a little bit better muscle proportions and fullness but your bolth neck n neck with eachother

Thank you, and right? Idk where Gear got the idea he was leaps and bounds ahead of me at 24 but I guess it doesn't really matter
I don't think that's really fair. I'm always open to advice and it definitely won't be just "skimmed and discarded". I mean if all someone is going to say is something like I should wait to cycle then it's a little late heh, but I respect anything someone with more experience is gonna say. The only reason I put my "credentials" at all is because I felt there's a lot of people on here that are very quick to automatically slam the fuck out of you for wanting to use AAS unless you're at least in your late twenties so I thought giving some background info might give at least some of those people a sense that I do have at least some decent time training under my belt. I in no way think I'm the most experienced person my age to want to do a cycle but still, Im not some guy that just started training 3 or 4 years ago and wants to get big quick

You're right, that probably wasn't a fair assessment since this post has limited information and your responses are mostly you defending yourself. Although the post simply reads like you're looking for a "looks good" and a "atta boy" from those that read it rather than really looking for guidance on how to reach the next level.

I only know what I've read and what I can see in the pics you've posted. All of that tells me a lot about what you've been doing, what you haven't been doing (or not doing it effectively) and where you need to change direction to get where you want to go. Most guys that can actually help will simply view you through a coach's eye or as a bodybuilding judge would initially to assess where you need to improve then go from there.

That's a tough thing to have someone take a look at you as you are right now (no one cares what you've done to get there) and say these things are going to lose you a show so this is a list of changes that need to be made. That's how it works though.

Successful bodybuilders train to win shows. So that means unless you're a genetic freak (you are not) then you have to do what's best to win shows. Anything that isn't directly related improving a weak body part is a waste of time and energy. (plyo, balance, agility?) All a waste of effort when it comes to winning shows. While you're doing that stuff the other guy is adding another inch to his calves or hitting hams for a second time that week because that' s where he breaks down visually when on stage. That's what loses him the side chest pose or the rear lat spread costing him the show.

In the end it means you have to sacrifice your ego in the gym and look how you need to look to make progress. Again, not an easy thing to do since you find yourself not looking great all the time. Holding water, adding some some fat, looking smooth or the opposite and looking small and flat.

All of this was just a long way of telling you successful bodybuilders (guys that actually win shows or are top 5 light weight thru middle weight or top 10 light heavy through super heavy at the National level shows) are single minded and dedicated to do whatever it takes to win shows. The only thing that matters is being on stage and being announced the winner. You do not appear to be there just yet. Which is totally cool but that's why I couldn't help you even if I wanted too.
Hey guys btw wanted to get a little feedback on my training split. So currently I was planning on doing pretty much a 6 day split 2 days on 1 day off where it would be something like Monday: chest, tri, abs,
Tues: back, bi, calves
We'd: off
Thurs: shoulders, tri, abs
Friday: legs, calves
Saturday: power/explosive training, plyometrics, agility, and balance work (I like to keep my explosive strength and speed up even if my goal is bodybuilding mostly
Sunday: off

Every week is changes rep ranges
Week 1 is 12-15
Week 2 9-11
Week 3 is 6-8
Week 4 is 2-5

And I'm hitting triceps and calves 2x a week on purpose because they r a bit behind

My question is do u think to take advantage of increased recovery on cycle i should switch to something like

Monday: chest, back, some plyo/agility
Tuesday: legs calves + some plyo/balance
Wed: arms, and
Thurs: rest
Friday: repeat from Monday

So that I'm hitting each body part a little more frequently or u think what I'm doing is better? Thanks
I did a three day split like that for a long time, but it was push, pull, legs.

I'd do two days on, one day off, and sometimes it will have u hitting the same body part 3 x in a 7 day period.

I'd drop the plyo and balance stuff.

Agility I'd keep , but it would probably look much different than what most guys would call agility. Body weight per hand carries for speed, heavy clean and press.

I'm no bodybuilder or physique guy, but I think most will agree that a good foundation in strength makes for a good bodybuilder.
Thanks guys for your feedback, and I understand what you're saying. @fodsod
I do want to say part of the reason I keep in some plyo and agility is that I've always had a hard time with calves and legs keeping up with my upper body even know I don't believe my workouts for legs are any less intense, however I have noticed the times where I am doing a lot of plyo and agility my legs somewhat and especially calves seem to grow better then if I don't have it, and the days where I do some balance work is usually on a day where I AM also working on a lagging body part and want to add a little auxillary work to a lighter workout and it seems to help my overall strength and stability/control during my heavier lifts, I don't necessarily think it means I'm not focused on the bodybuilding aspect of my training but if u think I should scrap it I'm open to doing so. I would however like to hear what you do think I should be doing instead more specifically that would be a better use of my training time
You're right, that probably wasn't a fair assessment since this post has limited information and your responses are mostly you defending yourself. Although the post simply reads like you're looking for a "looks good" and a "atta boy" from those that read it rather than really looking for guidance on how to reach the next level.

I only know what I've read and what I can see in the pics you've posted. All of that tells me a lot about what you've been doing, what you haven't been doing (or not doing it effectively) and where you need to change direction to get where you want to go. Most guys that can actually help will simply view you through a coach's eye or as a bodybuilding judge would initially to assess where you need to improve then go from there.

That's a tough thing to have someone take a look at you as you are right now (no one cares what you've done to get there) and say these things are going to lose you a show so this is a list of changes that need to be made. That's how it works though.

Successful bodybuilders train to win shows. So that means unless you're a genetic freak (you are not) then you have to do what's best to win shows. Anything that isn't directly related improving a weak body part is a waste of time and energy. (plyo, balance, agility?) All a waste of effort when it comes to winning shows. While you're doing that stuff the other guy is adding another inch to his calves or hitting hams for a second time that week because that' s where he breaks down visually when on stage. That's what loses him the side chest pose or the rear lat spread costing him the show.

In the end it means you have to sacrifice your ego in the gym and look how you need to look to make progress. Again, not an easy thing to do since you find yourself not looking great all the time. Holding water, adding some some fat, looking smooth or the opposite and looking small and flat.

All of this was just a long way of telling you successful bodybuilders (guys that actually win shows or are top 5 light weight thru middle weight or top 10 light heavy through super heavy at the National level shows) are single minded and dedicated to do whatever it takes to win shows. The only thing that matters is being on stage and being announced the winner. You do not appear to be there just yet. Which is totally cool but that's why I couldn't help you even if I wanted too.
The more I read your posts on here the more I am impressed by your knowledge. That and you are calm, respectful and not arrogant. I agree with everything you are saying.

I have been following this thread DarkSide... you have a great base. Listen to the experts here brother, you will do well.
The more I read your posts on here the more I am impressed by your knowledge. That and you are calm, respectful and not arrogant. I agree with everything you are saying.

I have been following this thread DarkSide... you have a great base. Listen to the experts here brother, you will do well.

Thank you man. And ya, I don't think its true to say you guys couldn't help me if u wanted to. Listen I'm currently just doing what I think is best based on MY experience this far, it in no way means I'm not ok with being told that I'm wrong, as long as you can tell me why and what I should do instead. I'm not just looking to feed my ego with this thread and I really do appreciate any advice from the vets.
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The more I read your posts on here the more I am impressed by your knowledge. That and you are calm, respectful and not arrogant. I agree with everything you are saying.

Well I'm glad it comes across that way. No one on here is good enough to be bashing guys trying to move up.

I've judged quite a few NPC shows over the years and you always get competitors asking how or where they can improve. That's how I approach stuff like this and even my own personal criticism. If I was judging this person what would cause them to get added points. All the "good stuff" is irrelevant. That's why you'll probably never see me post a pic unless it's from a show. Anything less than stage ready for me isn't acceptable in my mind.

@DarkSide94 I'll look over your posted stuff this weekend and see where I think you can maybe try some different protocols or training systems to help you get to where you want to go. Just some suggestions for you to consider based on what I see in your pics compared to your listed protocols. Look for a pm probably on Monday or Tuesday. I don't care to open the door for the trolls to come out and wallow around in posted information.
@fodsod thanks man, I really appreciate you taking your time to do so. Let me know if I can give you any info that would help u get a better idea of what I'm currently doing
Hey guys, so I had to take a few days off training due to this flu-like sickness that's been kicking my ass since last Wednesday and have barely been able to force myself to eat but finally started getting over it and hit it hard with legs yesterday and got back to my diet. My weight is about the same as last week but definitely leaner. Will do a full update after a few more days
Alright guys sorry for the little gap since last update. I ended up having bronchitis for 2 weeks and although I was able to get some good workouts in, I also had to take a significant amount of days off so I just wanted to wait. I took my last dose of Dbol yesterday. So far

Arms are at 17" and 16.5" (up 1" from a month ago)

Legs are 24" (up 2")

Calves 16"(up 1")

Strength still through the roof. Training is fun as hell, love how I feel in the gym. No side effects to speak up besides night sweats and a little nipple puffiness sometimes (tend to be gyno prone, had it as a teen never really went away) so I'm actually gonna be switching to aromasin 12.5eod n see if that helps, besides it increases igf1 and helps free test so probably a better AI anyway. This week is my heavy week (staying close to 4-5 reps on big lifts) so will give some strength updates soon.


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Man I think you are definitely on the right track. Keep up the good work and don't let any of these AssHat haters get to you. I'm sure some of them probably don't lift much more than a cheeseburger to their cum dumpsters anymore.
So weighed myself yesterday and I'm up to about 187 (+17lbs)

Today was a killer leg workout too. Was doing squats with 335x5 or 6 with relative ease and much better form then I've ever done with that kind of weight and was barely winded after my sets as where normally I would have to sit down for a minute or two after going heavy like that

Also I know this isn't like a great bench mark unless you know the exact machine but to give you an idea of how much my strength has returned

Hamstrings have always been a weak point for me and there's a single leg plate loaded leg curl machine I like to finish on to beat em up. Before I started my cycle the highest I could do with good for was around 20-35 lbs with this particular machine Today I was reading out 70 lbs for sets of 9. Even know it's not a big lift that shits crazy to me, ha
Sorry but darkside isn't even on the same planet as me. The pictures I originally posted were of me all natural at 175ish lbs and low bf to compare to his current physique on gear. Kid has a lot of growing to do.


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