I think these are the benefitsAfter following what a few others and especially from what you have said and experienced regarding Test U, I'm getting much closer to seeing how I may respond to it.
After a couple of decades utilizing Test C/E exclusively be it cycling or TRT, I have just been hesitant but I'm thinking sometime in the coming year I could be be popping my TU cherry... I'll keep reading on until then but I keep becoming more and more intrigued.
-Better e2 control.
-I also have never seen my platelets within range, in years. (I create platelets instead of red blood cells with higher test) I can only assume people would react the same with for erythrocytosis.
-Less pinning. I wonder how it would be every 10-14 days.
Downsides are
-Harder initial titration, but I would say target for 10 percent more than test c/e dose.
-Not for people not on TRT. Getting off would be a bitch.
-illegal. Need to put it in a legal test C vial for travel. Even if they test it, it would still show up as testosterone (I don't think they test esters).
-Finding a consistent tested source(I bought 3 years from GL. I might buy more now.
I would advise for people to make the switch during a blast but it's up to them.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask/tag me.