GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

After following what a few others and especially from what you have said and experienced regarding Test U, I'm getting much closer to seeing how I may respond to it.

After a couple of decades utilizing Test C/E exclusively be it cycling or TRT, I have just been hesitant but I'm thinking sometime in the coming year I could be be popping my TU cherry... I'll keep reading on until then but I keep becoming more and more intrigued.
I think these are the benefits

-Better e2 control.
-I also have never seen my platelets within range, in years. (I create platelets instead of red blood cells with higher test) I can only assume people would react the same with for erythrocytosis.
-Less pinning. I wonder how it would be every 10-14 days.

Downsides are
-Harder initial titration, but I would say target for 10 percent more than test c/e dose.
-Not for people not on TRT. Getting off would be a bitch.
-illegal. Need to put it in a legal test C vial for travel. Even if they test it, it would still show up as testosterone (I don't think they test esters).
-Finding a consistent tested source(I bought 3 years from GL. I might buy more now.

I would advise for people to make the switch during a blast but it's up to them.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask/tag me.
I think these are the benefits

-Better e2 control.
-I also have never seen my platelets within range, in years. (I create platelets instead of red blood cells with higher test) I can only assume people would react the same with for erythrocytosis.
-Less pinning. I wonder how it would be every 10-14 days.

Downsides are
-Harder initial titration, but I would say target for 10 percent more than test c/e dose.
-Not for people not on TRT. Getting off would be a bitch.
-illegal. Need to put it in a legal test C vial for travel. Even if they test it, it would still show up as testosterone (I don't think they test esters).
-Finding a consistent tested source(I bought 3 years from GL. I might buy more now.

I would advise for people to make the switch during a blast but it's up to them.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask/tag me.
Thank you, I appreciate that and I'm sure I'll have questions down the road.

I'm TRT for life so that wouldn't be an issue. If all goes well I'll be starting a blast in February following upcoming overall health checkups and thorough blood work. We shall see.
Hey man how long can you go without injecting using his Test U? I have to go on a business trip and will be gone for a month… will it last the whole month?
I have heard of people giving them 3 weeks worth with no issues. I havent tried it myself.

Do you have a legal test C prescription?
Forgot to post earlier this month. Using GL test c and primo. Was messing with amounts before landing on 200mg test, 175mg primo per week. I also am on 10 iu hgh, trying to increase but cts has been bad enough (already have had issues before, not surprised to have it from hgh).
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Forgot to post earlier this month. Using GL test c and primo. Was messing with amounts before landing on 200mg test, 175mg primo per week. I also am on 10 iu hgh, trying to increase but cts has been bad enough (already have had issues before, not surprised to have it from hgh).
Assuming no AI? If not, good representation of primos impact on estrogen

Can I ask your reason for running such a big dose of gh?
I made an executive decision to give DHB another shot. Last time I got it from another source that I hope rots in hell cuz it was rubbish. I'm currently running GL Tren E 300/week.. Deca 300/week..Test Cyp 300/week (all estimates because I'm wreckless)
I'm gonna drop the Deca and add DHB 300/week and see where it takes me.
It's about 40 degrees where I am, but it looks like it didn't crash. So rather than heating the vial, I just mixed it with the tren and ran it under hot water for 30 seconds.
I hit my left delt exactly 25 hours ago. Only started with 50 mg (1/2 ml).
Like I didn't hit it at all.

I made an executive decision to give DHB another shot. Last time I got it from another source that I hope rots in hell cuz it was rubbish. I'm currently running GL Tren E 300/week.. Deca 300/week..Test Cyp 300/week (all estimates because I'm wreckless)
I'm gonna drop the Deca and add DHB 300/week and see where it takes me.
It's about 40 degrees where I am, but it looks like it didn't crash. So rather than heating the vial, I just mixed it with the tren and ran it under hot water for 30 seconds.
I hit my left delt exactly 25 hours ago. Only started with 50 mg (1/2 ml).
Like I didn't hit it at all.

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I don’t see the need of adding dhb if you already doing tren
It isn't the most sterile way to go about heating up oil.
Didn't know that.
What could be the issue?
If your needle is capped securely and secured properly to the syringe and you run just the syringe under hot water, you’ll be fine. That tap water is not getting inside the syringe with your oil or on the needle.