GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Is it really though?
Yeah kinda. A little over dramatic, or a lot. Basically saying you can’t wash a cut with tap water, in fear the tap water will be diseased or tarnished enough to create infection. Some people are a little pansy and though.

This board makes me mad sometimes
Yeah kinda. A little over dramatic, or a lot. Basically saying you can’t wash a cut with tap water, in fear the tap water will be diseased or tarnished enough to create infection. Some people are a little pansy and though.

This board makes me mad sometimes
I wouldn't say it is the stupidest thing, but I will agree with you that it is definitely over dramatic, over cautious.

Yea it's kind of stupid after thinking about cleaning a wound with tap water.

I wasn't joking about loving the taste of tap water. I'm on an unfiltered well and it really is great.

I concede. It was a ridiculous statement.
I live on 10acres in central cali and drink my well water. Kinda gross, but I justify by saying lots of minerals!
I will be introducing TPP/NPP combo shortly after the new year in MCT and GSO

I still don’t have primo raws in hand for everyone waiting on those :(
I do anticipate having them in the next week or so (fingers crossed)

Please keep an eye on the pastebin, it will update automatically as I make changes to it, specifically when primo is available in MCT and GSO.

Merry Christmas to you all! I hope it’s a good one.

I am still taking orders, but nothing will ship until the week of Dec 26th.
I will be introducing TPP/NPP combo shortly after the new year in MCT and GSO

I still don’t have primo raws in hand for everyone waiting on those :(
I do anticipate having them in the next week or so (fingers crossed)

Please keep an eye on the pastebin, it will update automatically as I make changes to it, specifically when primo is available in MCT and GSO.

Merry Christmas to you all! I hope it’s a good one.

I am still taking orders, but nothing will ship until the week of Dec 26th.
Can you add a test tren mast blend? It holds well in mct
I will be introducing TPP/NPP combo shortly after the new year in MCT and GSO

I still don’t have primo raws in hand for everyone waiting on those :(
I do anticipate having them in the next week or so (fingers crossed)

Please keep an eye on the pastebin, it will update automatically as I make changes to it, specifically when primo is available in MCT and GSO.

Merry Christmas to you all! I hope it’s a good one.

I am still taking orders, but nothing will ship until the week of Dec 26th.
Hey I just had recent blood labs taken while using your test. Do I need to post everything tested like cbc and metabolic panel or just my total test and free test to get the store credit? Thanks
Hey I just had recent blood labs taken while using your test. Do I need to post everything tested like cbc and metabolic panel or just my total test and free test to get the store credit? Thanks

You can post as much as you want but at least the uncapped Test and your dosing protocol please.
Thanks man
I hope everyone is having or had a good holiday. It’s back to business as usual for me!

I am expecting Primo to be ready to go on Thursday 12/29, both MCT and GSO.
Tren goes with everything.
I have to agree. Using my multiple compounds to maximize anabolism and prevent nasty sides.

Let's say mental sides affect a user at 350-400mg of tren so you want to keep it at 250-300 max
Add in 300mg of DHB which can help minimize pip and an elevated CRP
Ever thought of tren hex? Seems like another unique one that people don't have. Unsure of how many people would utilize it though ..