GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Reminder, no shipments from March 21-March 31

I will still take orders during this time but will not be shipping anything.
Reminder, no shipments from March 21-March 31

I will still take orders during this time but will not be shipping anything.

Orders received on Monday March 20th will make it out.
HCG also fights off testicular atrophy. You don't want to be atrophied too long if you don't want scar tissue testes.
For me personally it keeps my sexual function, sex drive, erection quality, etc All in check just using lowest efficacious dose for me.. 500iu 2x a wk
I’ll probably order some next cycle if that’s the case. Gotta protect the boys haha. So just 500iu pinned twice a week for a total of 1000iu a week?
Any input on running Anavar along side trt for 4 weeks or is that a waste of Anavar?
I would do at least 8 weeks. It’s such a mild compound you should be okay. I would recommend maybe taking NAC since it is an oral. Also if its your first time start low and titrate up if needed. Lastly it is mild but if you prone to hair loss you can get a bit of thinning of hair. I did when I used it.
Reminder, no shipments from March 21-March 31

I will still take orders during this time but will not be shipping anything.

Orders received on Monday March 20th will make it out.

And a reminder, I won’t reply to emails with anything other than a protonmail or Tutanota email address. If you don’t get a reply from me, that’s 99.9% the reason why.


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