GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Thanks for testing and sharing this man, about to hop on his Test E for quite a bit.
Another reason for testing Testosterone is when bad blood results come up. You probably remember the number of low Quest bloods recently.

Even I had a 4.2 multipler on GLs Test E but I stated that was normal for me. Seeing specific batches test well with future low test bloods shows the problem isn't the Test.
Appreciate the dedication to ensuring good and accurate products @GoodLyfe.

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This is much appreciated, been using Colonial Labs test e (I know they didn't get a lot of love here). After much deliberation I've decided on GL as a new source and this test is reassuring. Thanks
Hey guys I've never had this one happen to me before. Been cruising with the deca here and I hadn't used it in a few days and saw it was all cloudy. I thought maybe it was crashed so I heated it up in hot ass water and it turned clear, but within 1 min of taking it out of the hot water it went back to being cloudy. My guess was it isn't crashed, but it somehow got some moisture in the bottle. Maybe leaked from the rubber stopper on top? Any ideas if this bottle is fixable of just toss it? Cuz if there moisture inside, who's to say it is sterile any longer? Sucks almost a full freaking bottle!
Hey guys I've never had this one happen to me before. Been cruising with the deca here and I hadn't used it in a few days and saw it was all cloudy. I thought maybe it was crashed so I heated it up in hot ass water and it turned clear, but within 1 min of taking it out of the hot water it went back to being cloudy. My guess was it isn't crashed, but it somehow got some moisture in the bottle. Maybe leaked from the rubber stopper on top? Any ideas if this bottle is fixable of just toss it? Cuz if there moisture inside, who's to say it is sterile any longer? Sucks almost a full freaking bottle!
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Curious how long did you heat treat it? Water has to be pretty damn hot sometimes as well. Even to a light boil and dip the vial in, swirl it around and such.
Hey guys I've never had this one happen to me before. Been cruising with the deca here and I hadn't used it in a few days and saw it was all cloudy. I thought maybe it was crashed so I heated it up in hot ass water and it turned clear, but within 1 min of taking it out of the hot water it went back to being cloudy. My guess was it isn't crashed, but it somehow got some moisture in the bottle. Maybe leaked from the rubber stopper on top? Any ideas if this bottle is fixable of just toss it? Cuz if there moisture inside, who's to say it is sterile any longer? Sucks almost a full freaking bottle!
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Always interesting to me some people still put their vials in water. I feel it's a much better choice to put it on a hot plate or candle warmer
Always interesting to me some people still put their vials in water. I feel it's a much better choice to put it on a hot plate or candle warmer
Candle warmer and hot plate is definitively ideal. If it is dipped in water it’s only the bottom half, but you are right the other methods are safer.
I've used hot water and put my vial in it for like 1 to 2 minutes shake it and good to go. It worked when I had crashed test e. But I think this deca is toast. I brought the water to a slight boil turned heat off put bottle of deca in the pot for 1 to 2 minutes swirled and I did this multiple times. Was still turning cloudy. I then brought water back to a boil put bottle in the water and just let it sit in there long enough for it to go from clear to cloudy as the water cooled down.
I've used hot water and put my vial in it for like 1 to 2 minutes shake it and good to go. It worked when I had crashed test e. But I think this deca is toast. I brought the water to a slight boil turned heat off put bottle of deca in the pot for 1 to 2 minutes swirled and I did this multiple times. Was still turning cloudy. I then brought water back to a boil put bottle in the water and just let it sit in there long enough for it to go from clear to cloudy as the water cooled down.
Email GL, I’m sure he’ll get you taken care of
The only sure fire way, If moisture is indeed inside it, is to empty the contents in a sterile heating apparatus of sorts, bring up to its melting point and stirring until the water has evaporated out of the oil and refilter it. Not everyone has the means to do that though haha.
Yeah I'm sure when I put another order in he'll hook it up. He takes care of his guys from my experience and what I've seen on the board.
Idk, I’m pretty sure he won’t require another order. Ask though
The only sure fire way, If moisture is indeed inside it, is to empty the contents in a sterile heating apparatus of sorts, bring up to its melting point and stirring until the water has evaporated out of the oil and refilter it. Not everyone has the means to do that though haha.
Haha yeah that's kinda what I had read when I was doing a Google search before I posted on here. Little above my comfort level. I'll leave the brewing of such chemicals to the pros like GL.
Hey guys I've never had this one happen to me before. Been cruising with the deca here and I hadn't used it in a few days and saw it was all cloudy. I thought maybe it was crashed so I heated it up in hot ass water and it turned clear, but within 1 min of taking it out of the hot water it went back to being cloudy. My guess was it isn't crashed, but it somehow got some moisture in the bottle. Maybe leaked from the rubber stopper on top? Any ideas if this bottle is fixable of just toss it? Cuz if there moisture inside, who's to say it is sterile any longer? Sucks almost a full freaking bottle!
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So after a hot water bath, it was completely clear tho for a minute. Sounds to me like it might have recrashed after, I'd try a coffee burner or something else before tossing it.
Haha yeah that's kinda what I had read when I was doing a Google search before I posted on here. Little above my comfort level. I'll leave the brewing of such chemicals to the pros like GL.
Did have to put this out there, when I order, I always get one or two extra just incase. Never had any issues whatsoever with GL’s gear but shit happens on our end sometimes ya know. Always good to have backups, and could always save them for a rainy day
So after a hot water bath, it was completely clear tho for a minute. Sounds to me like it might have recrashed after, I'd try a coffee burner or something else before tossing it.
I'm not sure it is crashing tho. Cuz I did hot ass water multiple times. I had a bottle of test e that had a few crystals that went back into solution rather quickly. Maybe I'll try another way of heating like you say though.


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