GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Yea please let me know I’ve been hesitant to get DHB because I’ve had some people tell me pip is really bad. I use to run sus but it was a toss up with the pip. Sometimes it would be great and others it would cripple me.
Been pinning about 1mL of GL dhb mct every other day mixed with 250 test E. Pip is nothing to stress on. It’s more than bearable. And for the strength and cosmetic gains it gives it is defined worth it by far. Truly I get more pip off the 300 test e and it’s really not bad either imo.
Been pinning about 1mL of GL dhb mct every other day mixed with 250 test E. Pip is nothing to stress on. It’s more than bearable. And for the strength and cosmetic gains it gives it is defined worth it by far. Truly I get more pip off the 300 test e and it’s really not bad either imo.
Thanks for the feed back. Im gonna give it a try this next order.
The last thing I want is a postal inspector canine interested in my package.
I would hope he isn’t cooking other concoctions or storing them together. @GoodLyfe
I think it’s just a squishy Dino toy. I don’t think it would draw any attention. But until we know what it is, who knows.