GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

This is my wife's results on GL's Test C @ 30mg and Primo E @ 30mg per week. This was week 8 and 36hrs after last injection.
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Wow!! 10x. What happened that clit my friend :). Credit is good
This is my labs on GL's Test C @ 500mg and Primo E @ 500mg per week.
This was week 6 and 13hrs after last injection, My E2 is @ 15. These numbers are consistent with previous GL testing i've done in the past at the same dosage as well as compaired to Pharma test at the same dossage.
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Thanks for posting! Credit is good
Okay Meso. I have a very sub-par batch of GH from a different vendor I am going to post. They are green tops so there will be no confusion between them and my blacktops.

I have 2 reports: the first one is the initial sample I sent for testing to determine if I wanted to try out this new vendor. The second test is the results after I got my full order and re-tested. Needless to say, the ole bait and switch was performed on me so I am offering these kits at a big discount of $80. These are sold as-is. They are low purity and contain dimer. Obviously this vendor will not be getting any more of my business. This is why it’s EXTREMELY important to test before and after. No bulk discount on the green tops.

People always ask what dimer is and the best definition I can offer is dimer is the result of a flaw somewhere in the manufacturing process. Anyways, here are the reports.


Pastebin has been updated

That’s hot AF
There’s a whole Reddit sub about this if you’re interested lol. I somehow stumbled upon it when some chick posted on the steroids sub asking why tren was giving her heart palpitations. She was taking it to grow her clit… Turns out there’s a whole community of weirdos like this who are trying to grow their clits lol
There’s a whole Reddit sub about this if you’re interested lol. I somehow stumbled upon it when some chick posted on the steroids sub asking why tren was giving her heart palpitations. She was taking it to grow her clit… Turns out there’s a whole community of weirdos like this who are trying to grow their clits lol
Count me in. I like clits that can poke me in the eye when she sits on my face.
Just so everyone is clear , fingers crossed for something that won’t arrive until next year?
I'm sure hoping GL just missed the 2024 year in his pastebin. I see some sources talking about a restock this month, not a year from now. Just started on his Primo so I'm sure hoping it's gonna be available soon.