GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

You do understand what blind means, right. It needs to be unknown to everyone...for a reason.
Common man obviously it was a joke lol
His name is Anadrol
Thanks for explaining what I “blind test” is though because is my first day
Appreciate you lol
Common man obviously it was a joke lol
His name is Anadrol
Thanks for explaining what I “blind test” is though because is my first day
Appreciate you lol
Maybe should have put a smiley face, because I completely missed that. Serious me here looking foolish. :)
Still not blind though since he just told everyone including Jano that he’s sending something of GL’s to him
Ok then if you want something tested with your exact specifications send it yourself then dickweed. I’ll make sure to send the results to everyone but you

Bloodwork on GL's Primo E (GSO), running it @600mgs per week on a Test dose of 750mgs pw (another source). No AI. First time running Primo and feeling great so no complaints here, experimenting with a 1:1 ratio next.

Almost forgot to mention that I was running Parabolan at the time of bloods being drawn (why I chose ultra sensitive) which has now been dropped.

Was also running his GH @5ius per day for approximately 19 days prior to the bloodwork (probably too short of a time?). Pinned 5ius IM to the shoulder ~3.5 hours prior to bloods. Baseline is around ~130-160 give or take. Do want to note that I've ran bloods on another source's GH before and it also came out near baseline so need to figure it out.


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Ok then if you want something tested with your exact specifications send it yourself then dickweed. I’ll make sure to send the results to everyone but you
Wow I didn’t know I said anything that would offend anyone. Sorry for making you angry.

I’m not worried about your results and you’re triggered for no reason. Just stating that what you are doing is in fact NOT blind when you announced it to everyone involved (the lab and the testing lab) that you’re sending in samples. You apparently just don’t understand the concept of a random blind test.
View attachment 255026

Bloodwork on GL's Primo E (GSO), running it @600mgs per week on a Test dose of 750mgs pw (another source). No AI. First time running Primo and feeling great so no complaints here, experimenting with a 1:1 ratio next.

Almost forgot to mention that I was running Parabolan at the time of bloods being drawn (why I chose ultra sensitive) which has now been dropped.

Was also running his GH @5ius per day for approximately 19 days prior to the bloodwork (probably too short of a time?). Pinned 5ius IM to the shoulder ~3.5 hours prior to bloods. Baseline is around ~130-160 give or take. Do want to note that I've ran bloods on another source's GH before and it also came out near baseline so need to figure it out.
Thanks for posting Deathcore. IGF levels are something I don’t think I will ever truly understand.
Thanks for posting Deathcore. IGF levels are something I don’t think I will ever truly understand.
You got it, your primo has kept my estrogen at a nice level. I’ll go into a cruise with your test e in a few weeks so will run bloodwork on that as well.
Wow I didn’t know I said anything that would offend anyone. Sorry for making you angry.

I’m not worried about your results and you’re triggered for no reason. Just stating that what you are doing is in fact NOT blind when you announced it to everyone involved (the lab and the testing lab) that you’re sending in samples. You apparently just don’t understand the concept of a random blind test.
Let me help you better understand bud…

-jano doesn’t know my user name
-my email address changes every time I submit new testing
-you don’t know what if anything I wrote in the testing report before I submitted it
-jano receives hundreds of samples a week
-I did not tell him what I sent him

I’m not sure why you even care because it doesn’t affect you, you also didn’t know the circumstances. Send in your own testing if you care so much
I wonder if all these bloods showing primo controlling estrogen explains how guys used to run high test dosages in the pre AI era. As history notes, high primo with high test was a common stack in the 70’s. I’ve seen enough blood work to be convinced that primo definitely has anti E properties.

Last year I added 400 primo to my “sports trt” (250 mg/wk) and I felt great, actually but I’m wondering how that impacted my estrogen. Was planning on the same stack this summer. I’ll get blood work this time. I don’t really want to increase my test dose. I’ll add dhea or pregnenolone for increased estrogen, perhaps.
I wonder if all these bloods showing primo controlling estrogen explains how guys used to run high test dosages in the pre AI era. As history notes, high primo with high test was a common stack in the 70’s. I’ve seen enough blood work to be convinced that primo definitely has anti E properties.

Last year I added 400 primo to my “sports trt” (250 mg/wk) and I felt great, actually but I’m wondering how that impacted my estrogen. Was planning on the same stack this summer. I’ll get blood work this time. I don’t really want to increase my test dose. I’ll add dhea or pregnenolone for increased estrogen, perhaps.
Holy shit. You changed your views/convinced. Lol. Not hating, but happy for you.

I don't think e2 shows up in studies because it wasn't something they were tracking. Plenty of new drugs create alterations to hormones and they never looked for it initially. Big one is antipsychotics.
This is my labs on GL's Test C @ 500mg and Primo E @ 500mg per week.
This was week 6 and 13hrs after last injection, My E2 is @ 15. These numbers are consistent with previous GL testing i've done in the past at the same dosage as well as compaired to Pharma test at the same dossage.
lab results .png
Holy shit. You changed your views/convinced. Lol. Not hating, but happy for you.
I’ve changed my views plenty. Even the intellects of the time believed the world was flat.

I never denied the anecdotal evidence either , by the way. I just said the published science on primo does not show it impacts estrogen (it doesn’t). But like many AAS, it was never studied at the doses we use for our purposes. But you can’t deny that every, single blood work being done shows it is in fact controlling estrogen.