GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Crusing on GL Test C 250 @ 200mg per week, pinned every 3.5 days. Bloods taken at trough.


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Crusing on GL Test C 250 @ 200mg per week, pinned every 3.5 days. Bloods taken at trough.
Our bodies are all different so I’m curious to know if you have any gyno symptoms with an 80.5 E? I’m a little surprised to see it that high on such a low dose of test, but we all respond differently.
Our bodies are all different so I’m curious to know if you have any gyno symptoms with an 80.5 E? I’m a little surprised to see it that high on such a low dose of test, but we all respond differently.
Nope. I’ve run up to 650mg a week and not had any issues, have never run AI. I do have fairly low SHBG so that probably has some impact here. Body fat is usually in the 12-20% range depending on calorie intake at the time.
Nope. I’ve run up to 650mg a week and not had any issues, have never run AI. I do have fairly low SHBG so that probably has some impact here. Body fat is usually in the 12-20% range depending on calorie intake at the time.
Super interesting. I’m similar in that I’m not very susceptible to gyno. My E is generally substantially lower than yours on the doses you are using, but even when I’m above 750 mgs of test per week I have very minimal symptoms (usually itchy nipples is the first sign for me). I’m fortunate in that I’m able to handle gyno symptoms with minimal doses of AI.
Super interesting. I’m similar in that I’m not very susceptible to gyno. My E is generally substantially lower than yours on the doses you are using, but even when I’m above 750 mgs of test per week I have very minimal symptoms (usually itchy nipples is the first sign for me). I’m fortunate in that I’m able to handle gyno symptoms with minimal doses of AI.
yeah nips always get a little itchy the first week or two that i bump up the dose from a cruise but it goes away. Do you have high or low SHBG?
Just wanted to report back on my experience with GL after a couple times

Ordered GL hcg around a month back. Worked absolutely amazing. Hcg always seems to be hit or miss from a lot of other vendors. But lemme tell ya, my balls came back to life like nothing.

Quite shocked about the ease and quality of GL all around. Feel spoiled almost.
Just wanted to report back on my experience with GL after a couple times

Ordered GL hcg around a month back. Worked absolutely amazing. Hcg always seems to be hit or miss from a lot of other vendors. But lemme tell ya, my balls came back to life like nothing.

Quite shocked about the ease and quality of GL all around. Feel spoiled almost.
Thanks man!
Crusing on GL Test C 250 @ 200mg per week, pinned every 3.5 days. Bloods taken at trough.
Too often when people post labs they leave out important basic info. I am left wondering how often they pin, how many mg/week, and if bloods were taken on a trough. My favorite is when someone says they take .5ml x times per week and don't share what exact product they are using. I feel like I am so close to useful info. Thanks for the detail. It was very helpful. Do you pin IM or sub-q? MCT oil? Those are some solid numbers. If you don't have high E2 issues then you are good to go! I was taking 1mg/wk of Anastrozole when my E2 was at ~54. It kicked my ass. I felt awful. Killed my libido. I stopped taking it and told my doctor 2 weeks later. Only then did he mention that I only need to take it if I am having E2 related sides and it's OK to stop taking it. As long as I have some on hand just in case. Took a few weeks for me to feel normal again. Live and learn, I guess.
yeah nips always get a little itchy the first week or two that i bump up the dose from a cruise but it goes away. Do you have high or low SHBG?
Good question. I have to look back at my last bloods and jog my memory. Doing labs with Marek Health in a couple weeks so we’ll see where I’m at after 6 weeks of banging big kid doses of GoodLyfe’s gear.
I recently had the GL Primobolan tested with Janoshik. The Primo is the current batch. (Maybe 5) Results are attached. As expected, it tests really well. I'm super happy with the results.


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