GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

I also tested masteron from batch 3. It also tested as described. That said, this may be less useful to the community as it's no longer the current batch.


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I recently had the GL Primobolan tested with Janoshik. The Primo is the current batch. (Maybe 5) Results are attached. As expected, it tests really well. I'm super happy with the results.
Dang man, you beat me to testing this by a day. Thanks for testing! If you could, post a separate thread in the Lab Testing section as well. Look at one of my recent threads for a way to title it.
I also tested masteron from batch 3. It also tested as described. That said, this may be less useful to the community as it's no longer the current batch.
Interesting if this was the MCT batch 3. I also tested it, 194mg. If so, goes to show the swing both ways 5% error from Jano.

Dang man, you beat me to testing this by a day. Thanks for testing! If you could, post a separate thread in the Lab Testing section as well. Look at one of my recent threads for a way to title it.
Done. Hopefully, I did that correctly.
Interesting if this was the MCT batch 3. I also tested it, 194mg. If so, goes to show the swing both ways 5% error from Jano.

It was MCT. (as was the Primo)
I also tested masteron from batch 3. It also tested as described. That said, this may be less useful to the community as it's no longer the current batch.
Oh wow, two tests! Even tho the batch is gone I will still honor the credit. Thanks a lot for sending it in
Crusing on GL Test C 250 @ 200mg per week, pinned every 3.5 days. Bloods taken at trough.
thats usually right where im at with 200mg. with GL. but damn your E2 is fucking high. mine stays at 39-43ng whether im at 150mg or 200mg a week.
for some reason i feel better though at 150-160mg a week.
Too often when people post labs they leave out important basic info. I am left wondering how often they pin, how many mg/week, and if bloods were taken on a trough. My favorite is when someone says they take .5ml x times per week and don't share what exact product they are using. I feel like I am so close to useful info. Thanks for the detail. It was very helpful. Do you pin IM or sub-q? MCT oil? Those are some solid numbers. If you don't have high E2 issues then you are good to go! I was taking 1mg/wk of Anastrozole when my E2 was at ~54. It kicked my ass. I felt awful. Killed my libido. I stopped taking it and told my doctor 2 weeks later. Only then did he mention that I only need to take it if I am having E2 related sides and it's OK to stop taking it. As long as I have some on hand just in case. Took a few weeks for me to feel normal again. Live and learn, I guess.
Hey appreciate the comment man. I pin shallow IM in VG or upper quad. MCT always. GSO is fine but MCT just flows a little easier. I use 28ga 1/2 slin pins.

Other than itchy nipples/gyno, what other E2 sides would you look for?
thats usually right where im at with 200mg. with GL. but damn your E2 is fucking high. mine stays at 39-43ng whether im at 150mg or 200mg a week.
for some reason i feel better though at 150-160mg a week.
yeah i don't know. my levels in general tend to get pretty high off lower doses especially if i pin more infreqently. right now i am running 400 test/400 npp a week and pinning daily, in a few weeks i'll get bloods and see where things are.
Got some blood work. 300mg of test E got me soaring, especially on free t.


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