GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Why do you care? You act like what I'm taking is alot. I guess for someone like you it would be alot. But we are NOT the same.
Yeah man 2.5 gram cycle of test tren and anadrol and 15iu of gh is hardly a high dose cycle, especially for a 42 year old. It’s not like you’re using toxic compounds either.

Given how you responded to @size28s i can only imagine you look incredibly mediocre, at best.

I for one am very grateful that “we are NOT the same”

But hey, whatever floats your boat brother.
Giving GLs Anavar a go for the first time. I’ve used dbol orals but never Anavar. I keep the cycles fairly light, was told 25 would be a female dose. Is 50 mg pre workout fair? Or is that on the high side.
Giving GLs Anavar a go for the first time. I’ve used dbol orals but never Anavar. I keep the cycles fairly light, was told 25 would be a female dose. Is 50 mg pre workout fair? Or is that on the high side.
25 is a good starting dose for the first time. If everything else is dialed in you’ll def be able to feel it. Run it until you plateau and increase as needed. Female does is 5mg fyi
I’m new to gear but I’m on 750mg test E and now 50 winny and just starting to notice something. Maybe everyone is different.
I mean 500mg was like okay i’m breaking my natural plateau. 750 was like alright this is more like it. Winny is like oh okay this is what I thought it would be like. Well its what I thought 500 test would be like. But I guess just mostly talking strength gains I didn’t see much difference from natural till I introduced winstrol. I’m totally digging it right now.
Yeah man 2.5 gram cycle of test tren and anadrol and 15iu of gh is hardly a high dose cycle, especially for a 42 year old. It’s not like you’re using toxic compounds either.

Given how you responded to @size28s i can only imagine you look incredibly mediocre, at best.

I for one am very grateful that “we are NOT the same”

But hey, whatever floats your boat brother.
Gotta love how everyone tries to make what's not their business their business on here its pretty funny.. Which is why I don't come on here much anymore say what you want about my age lol I been training over 20 years I'm 5'10 and 260 about 5% bodyfat..I could give a fuck what anyone on here thinks really. And it's funny that you would think I care cause I don't. Carry on Karen.
Ya I feel any guy whose on a lot of gear and doesn’t want to show their results then they are prolly on way too much gear or don’t know what they are doing when it comes to training to diet
Or I contract for the government and I'm covered in tattoos which I don't post pics... for a reason use your imagination why..again not ur business KAREN
Gotta love how everyone tries to make what's not their business their business on here its pretty funny.. Which is why I don't come on here much anymore say what you want about my age lol I been training over 20 years I'm 5'10 and 260 about 5% bodyfat..I could give a fuck what anyone on here thinks really. And it's funny that you would think I care cause I don't. Carry on Karen.
Haaa man you must be a freak 5”10 260 5 percent body fat. Congrats sounds like you’re bigger than most pros. Can’t wait for pics
Gotta love how everyone tries to make what's not their business their business on here its pretty funny.. Which is why I don't come on here much anymore say what you want about my age lol I been training over 20 years I'm 5'10 and 260 about 5% bodyfat..I could give a fuck what anyone on here thinks really. And it's funny that you would think I care cause I don't. Carry on Karen.
Are you bautista
Gotta love how everyone tries to make what's not their business their business on here its pretty funny.. Which is why I don't come on here much anymore say what you want about my age lol I been training over 20 years I'm 5'10 and 260 about 5% bodyfat..I could give a fuck what anyone on here thinks really. And it's funny that you would think I care cause I don't. Carry on Karen.
5’10 260 5% body fat.

I commend you. Huge if true. Can’t wait to see pics
Gotta love how everyone tries to make what's not their business their business on here its pretty funny.. Which is why I don't come on here much anymore say what you want about my age lol I been training over 20 years I'm 5'10 and 260 about 5% bodyfat..I could give a fuck what anyone on here thinks really. And it's funny that you would think I care cause I don't. Carry on Karen.
Brother… you have photos of yourself posted on this forum while you were running 1.5g test and 700mg of tren ace and getting ready to cruise on 600mg of test. We can all see that you are not 260lbs at 5% bodyfat but whatever makes you feel better.
Gotta love how everyone tries to make what's not their business their business on here its pretty funny.. Which is why I don't come on here much anymore say what you want about my age lol I been training over 20 years I'm 5'10 and 260 about 5% bodyfat..I could give a fuck what anyone on here thinks really. And it's funny that you would think I care cause I don't. Carry on Karen.
This man is ready to walk onto the Olympia stage year round you’ll better listen up
Brother… you have photos of yourself posted on this forum while you were running 1.5g test and 700mg of tren ace and getting ready to cruise on 600mg of test. We can all see that you are not 260lbs at 5% bodyfat but whatever makes you feel better.
Time to search for these pics.

Found them… LMAO.
Post them in here if you find them. I want to see this mass monster..
Just go to his profile and click on his media posts. There are only 6, you’ll find it very quickly.

I also forgot to mention he was on 700mg of anadrol and 10iu hgh on top of the 1500 test and 700mg tren lol