Got strung out.... Detox round 4

Hey y'all, fresh out of rehab, hopefully I knocked this demon down for the last time. Thanks for all the good advice, and suck a dick haters!!
Glad to see you went for help, and back on the right track. As someone in recovery, I understand the battle all too well.

Continue to stick to any aftercare, treatment, and avoiding any pitfalls to lead you back down the wrong road. Take care brother.
Hey y'all, fresh out of rehab, hopefully I knocked this demon down for the last time. Thanks for all the good advice, and suck a dick haters!!
Dam man, good stuff. This shit is so frusterating. I am getting so depressed that i have urges all the freaking time.

And i feel awful from day to day recently. Getting so tired.

Keep that motivation going. Losibg that motivation of wanting to stay sober is crappy. Working on getting it back..

Congradulations on getting through it
Hey y'all, fresh out of rehab, hopefully I knocked this demon down for the last time. Thanks for all the good advice, and suck a dick haters!!
Hey man, while I've never used anything before I just want you to know you have my support and if you ever need a friend to talk to, shoot me a message
@Logan44551 glad to see you back and working through those demons bud. It takes what it takes. Lord knows I’m hard headed and it took more than it should have. Now it’s time to start enjoying the fruits of your labor and before you know it you’ll be looking back and smiling. Guys like us see the world a bit differently as we’ve been to hell and back. Wouldn’t change it for the world.
One year clean off of all mood and mind altering drugs today. Thought I'd post an update haven't been around for a while. Apparently since this threads old and saying it might be considered spam? I guess that's a new feature.
One year clean off of all mood and mind altering drugs today. Thought I'd post an update haven't been around for a while. Apparently since this threads old and saying it might be considered spam? I guess that's a new feature.
I'm so glad to hear this update. I remember a few of your past relapse posts, so very encouraging to read this. Please stay the course.

I too have a drug past and always on guard against anything that could lead me back down that road.
One year clean off of all mood and mind altering drugs today. Thought I'd post an update haven't been around for a while. Apparently since this threads old and saying it might be considered spam? I guess that's a new feature.
Hell yea man!!!!! Thats fantastic
Hey, brother. I hate that you slipped, but I think the important thing is that you don't get down on yourself about it. Every one of us are nothing more than human and we all fall short in some way every day. I've had problems with intoxicating substances in the past when I lost meaning and couldn't establish real purpose for my life. It's hard to admit, even to people I don't know, but I am a much better person because of it. Now I have a wife, kids, a good job, I own my home, better health, and an all around better life. I don't take it for granted anymore, because I know what it's like to go down a path of meaningless suffering. Use your slip as an opportunity for growth. Keep framing it in a positive light and stay strong. Thanks for sharing what happened with you, because it helps me remember that I'm not above slipping up and I must remain on guard and not get complacent. In case nobody told you today, I love you, bro. Take care.
One year clean off of all mood and mind altering drugs today. Thought I'd post an update haven't been around for a while. Apparently since this threads old and saying it might be considered spam? I guess that's a new feature.

Yes it’s a new feature. Definitely not spam and I’m beyond happy for you and your family bud. Glad to see things have turned around for you. Hope to see you around more
Fuck yeah bro! I’m about 6 weeks off of all alcohol. I know it’s different, but like many people have said we each have our own poison. Honestly it’s been one of the toughest things I’ve ever had to suffer through. I fucking love the way it makes me feel. Taking it one day at a time though, and posts like yours give me strength and hope. I need to be here for my little guy, at least for a lot longer than the path I was going down would have allowed.

Much love.
Fuck yeah bro! I’m about 6 weeks off of all alcohol. I know it’s different, but like many people have said we each have our own poison. Honestly it’s been one of the toughest things I’ve ever had to suffer through. I fucking love the way it makes me feel. Taking it one day at a time though, and posts like yours give me strength and hope. I need to be here for my little guy, at least for a lot longer than the path I was going down would have allowed.

Much love.

Stay strong brother, good going.
Fuck yeah bro! I’m about 6 weeks off of all alcohol. I know it’s different, but like many people have said we each have our own poison. Honestly it’s been one of the toughest things I’ve ever had to suffer through. I fucking love the way it makes me feel. Taking it one day at a time though, and posts like yours give me strength and hope. I need to be here for my little guy, at least for a lot longer than the path I was going down would have allowed.

Much love.
Congratulations man.

Im trying also. Of all the drugs ive taken, alcohol has been by far the toughest to quit.
Congratulations man.

Im trying also. Of all the drugs ive taken, alcohol has been by far the toughest to quit.

Do you think thats because its your bodies preference, or do you think it has more to do with the wide avilability of it and the social acceptance of its use?
Congratulations man.

Im trying also. Of all the drugs ive taken, alcohol has been by far the toughest to quit.

If you are serious about it, go to rehab. There is no easy way out. It's no guarantee you will stay clean, but there is a much bigger chance than "trying it alone". You need to learn about addiction and why you are prone to it, how to identify triggers and how to deal with them before it's too late. Rehab is a good way to learn all this stuff and learn from others mistakes.
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Do you think thats because its your bodies preference, or do you think it has more to do with the wide avilability of it and the social acceptance of its use?
Ive had damn near unrestricted access to a few drugs besides alcohol so its not that. The social acceptance.. well i smoked cigs and had a tough time quitting, but whether j was in china where they smoked everywhere sans judgement, or whether i lived in a place where they treated smokers with disdain, it didnt affect my smoking frequency.

But my drinking went from fun and social to sad and dangerous quite quick and im not sure it cemented its hold that quick during my brief social acceptable drinking.

Kinda long winded way to say i think its just my defective brain and god's personal hatred of me.

Oddly enough i can use meth heroin and coke casually. Never had an addiction issue with them and at one point i was in social circles where coke wasnt frowned upon. So i think im just wired a bit different.
If you are serious about it, go to rehab. There is no easy way out. It's no guarantee you will stay clean, but there is a much bigger chance than "trying it alone". You need to learn about addiction and why you are prone to it, how to identify triggers and how to deal with them before it's too late. Rehab is a good way to learn all this stuff and learn from others mistakes.
Thanks man. I appreciate that.
Ive had damn near unrestricted access to a few drugs besides alcohol so its not that. The social acceptance.. well i smoked cigs and had a tough time quitting, but whether j was in china where they smoked everywhere sans judgement, or whether i lived in a place where they treated smokers with disdain, it didnt affect my smoking frequency.

But my drinking went from fun and social to sad and dangerous quite quick and im not sure it cemented its hold that quick during my brief social acceptable drinking.

Kinda long winded way to say i think its just my defective brain and god's personal hatred of me.

Oddly enough i can use meth heroin and coke casually. Never had an addiction issue with them and at one point i was in social circles where coke wasnt frowned upon. So i think im just wired a bit different.

In the words of my buddy whois a former 20+ year alcoholic “get it together you pathetic fucking drunk”

He did, and believes heavily in, alcoholics anonymous. It worked great for him.