Got strung out.... Detox round 4

Title says it all. Relapsed on heroin again, trying to kick currently. I know there are a bunch of recovering addicts on the board. Just wanted to tell on myself, to get some of the power out of it. I made it 30 hours and couldn't take it, did a shot to get some sleep. Now I'm trying again. I really fucked up. Hard to imagine getting strung out after quiting for damn near 20 years, but here I am. Hoping to be on the other side of this as quick as possible. Although I know there isn't any magic bullet to quit. It takes time and pain unfortunately
I am a recovering heroin addict. I know the first 72 hrs are hard and it sucks. Try to put in down again. If you can't get through cold turkey maybe considers some subs or kratom. I have used them both and they have gotten me through the acute withdrawals. I know there are mixed opinions on using either of these but it's risk management at this point. I wish you the best and remember this too shall pass.
I am going to power of ibogaine clinic in Los Cabos for treatment (alcohol) on the 20th of June.

I can share the experience and ins and outs… with anyone that wants to hear about it.
I am going to power of ibogaine clinic in Los Cabos for treatment (alcohol) on the 20th of June.

I can share the experience and ins and outs… with anyone that wants to hear about it.
Id love to hear about it. Ibogaine is pretty fascinating. What little ive read, It is a psychedelic with some special properties that help the physical detox of opiates specifically. I believe LSD has by far the highest success rate for alcoholics and ibogaine highest for opiates. Please correct me if im wrong, this is the first ive heard ibogaine as an alcoholism medicine. I have no doubt its effective. And i hear the trip is long lasting and has some unique qualities.
I am glad this got bumped. @Logan44551 congrats man. Very happy for you. I didn't have 20 years but 3 and I dropped the ball a few weeks ago. I quickly put myself in the methadone's not perfect but it's helped me in the past.

You can know you're making the dumbest decision and still make the drive anyway. But I've got 4 kids and a beautiful wife that need and expect more from me than that bullshit. Anyway...reading this was nice and came at a great time. Nice to hear I'm in good company with a lot of people that have been there done that as well.
Id love to hear about it. Ibogaine is pretty fascinating. What little ive read, It is a psychedelic with some special properties that help the physical detox of opiates specifically. I believe LSD has by far the highest success rate for alcoholics and ibogaine highest for opiates. Please correct me if im wrong, this is the first ive heard ibogaine as an alcoholism medicine. I have no doubt its effective. And i hear the trip is long lasting and has some unique qualities.

No you are correct, more effective for opiates. BUT the ibogaine rat studies look promising for ETOH also.

I chose ibogaine so I could be under medical supervision, and my significant other just wants to experience it. Kinda like a rehab-cation. I can control my habit, but it’s always a daily war. I’m hoping this helps knock out the urge to drink when life gets rough.
Marijuana's not a drug man, you ever suck dick for Marijuana.
I believe anyone who sucks dick for Marijuana is probably is inclined to suck dick anyway.

No judgment.
Hahahahha. just want to be suckin dick. You just blamed the weed because it made you feel better. LOL.
It's kind of like saying you stuck the puppy in the microwave and the the thc made you do it. You just hate puppies.
Do you think thats because its your bodies preference, or do you think it has more to do with the wide avilability of it and the social acceptance of its use?
I’m in recovery myself. There’s a new model of tackling addiction called resonance factor. There’s a whole lot to it but basically it looks at people and their relationship to drugs on all levels.

To answer your question on physiological preferences, some people bond to certain substances neuro-chemically through oxytocin, which can make make breaking the relationship with a certain substance much harder. It’s why some people can take certain substances and put them down just as quick, and there might be one that just gets a hold of them.

There’s a certain percentage of the population that get a massive dopamine hit from alcohol, almost to the same levels as cocaine. Can also be a major factor for some.
Well how's the OP's progress in kicking the habit and getting back on track? It's a rough road for any addiction no doubt.
Update, just celebrated 2 years clean on the 17th. I hope if any one is struggling, they find their way into a new way to live. If I can do it, anyone can. Reach out if you're struggling
Update, just celebrated 2 years clean on the 17th. I hope if any one is struggling, they find their way into a new way to live. If I can do it, anyone can. Reach out if you're struggling
Congrats brother and keep it up!
Thanks! Soon to be ex wife is trying her hardest to get me to cave but it ain’t happening. Staying strong.
Why would someone try to get another human to use a substance? The healthy things would be the opposite… to help or get them not to do a substance.
Update, just celebrated 2 years clean on the 17th. I hope if any one is struggling, they find their way into a new way to live. If I can do it, anyone can. Reach out if you're struggling

Congrats bro! 150 days completely sober for me

That's so awesome guys. What an accomplishment. Keep it up. 150 about 5 months. You starting to feel better and sleep well yet?
I am still going to an outpatient clinic taking shit to help keep me sober. It isn't true sobriety, but it is definitely better than being in the streets. Keep kicking ass fellas!
That's so awesome guys. What an accomplishment. Keep it up. 150 about 5 months. You starting to feel better and sleep well yet?
I am still going to an outpatient clinic taking shit to help keep me sober. It isn't true sobriety, but it is definitely better than being in the streets. Keep kicking ass fellas!
I feel great bro. Better than ever! I went to an inpatient clinic for about 2 months. I am so happy I did although I was dreading it at the time. Keep fighting the good fight!
This is threat man. I'm an addiction neurobiologist, got here in a wild way. I was going to med school, made it through undergrad and most of my masters strung out on opioids. Got clean in 2016, finished my masters and swapped to my path now because I wanted to figure out my own brain.

We're making some cool progress on fast tracking the post acute phase right now, been working on a study the last 8 months trying to speed that process up with peptides, proper nutrition, heavy supplementation, enhancing BDNF, GDNF, NGF etc. There's a really friggin cool noribogaine analog in the pipeline that could totally shut down the methadone/Suboxone sectors.

It's funny how many addicts swap to being gym rats, it's a definite pipeline, haha.