Greyowl's low-dose DNP diary


New Member
Today I'm starting my first DNP cycle. I'm going to keep it low throughout at 200 mg ed. I'm going to stay on for as long as I can. I'm interested in whether this low a dose over a longer period of time can be effective; and if so, whether the sides stay tolerable throughout. I'm also interested in what effect this low a dose will have on my workouts.

I'm using Heretical's DNP with querceten (sp?) in it. Plan to take a broad spectrum of anti-oxidants, potassium chloride and glycerin. Theoretically the quercerten means I won;t need benadryl. Any other supplement's anyone would reccomend for this low a dose?

Diet -- no changes except that I will pay more attention to eating clean -- no simple carbs, lower amount of salt than I'm used to eating, no wine with dinner anymore.

Well that's about it. I won't check in to update until I notice anything noteworthy.
I just want to say again how wrong I was to go relatively low carb. I'm carb sensitive and I do very well on lower carb diets. On this program, I was eating the same only adding some fruit. Well now that I'm carbing up I swear I'm seeing more fat loss and less flatness. It's never a great idea to mix carbs and fat but I did this last night with some pizza and it didn't matter. I'm now focusing on high carb low fat meals... Even if they are from corn pops and skim milk...
I only have 2 days to go and that will be it for my 9 days. I have a question for the DNP vets or H. How long can/should I go at 400. Can I take it to the 14 day mark or should I shut it down at 9?
scrappy said:
How long can/should I go at 400. Can I take it to the 14 day mark or should I shut it down at 9?

DNP usually determines when the cycle should end. when you become so uncomfortable it is not worth staying on it is time to come off.

For me that is anywhere from 3-21 days depending on dose

@ 200mg ed the 1 week is a breeze, then week 2 gets warm, by the end of week 3 I usually feel like i'm on 1000mg of crystal dnp.
LOL @ Oxandrin. Yeah, that sounds about right, for the first week you're thinking "this isn't so bad, what's the big deal?" and then after that you realize what the hype is all about. DNP is usually only run 2-3 weeks max, I'd say maybe a month at most, just because it gets to damn uncomfortable after a while, even at 200mg ED. Back in the 30's there were women that would run it for a YEAR, so there really is no time limit as the body does not develop a tolerance. The only thing I would say is that you may get a histamine build up (hives/rash) on a cycle of a month or more, so make sure to have plenty of benadryl or quercetin on hand if you plan on doing that, or take both to be even safer.
start of day 7 @ 200mg

bought a box fan for sleep..worked well

down another 0.5lb for a total of -2.5lbs.

felling really tired and holding water like the hoover dam. might try a one-time very low dose of lasix.

pumppumppuk said:
might try a one-time very low dose of lasix.

Pumpiepump, are you sure it's a good idea to throw in a diuretic while you;re still on DNP? After all, you're going to be losing all the bloat when you cycle off in a coupla weeks anyways, right?
Middle of Day 7 at 200 mg and it appears that I am just now seeing some results on the scales. If so, not much, maybe 1.5 - 2 lbs from where I would otherwise be. Virtually no sides except for a bit of night sweats and a queezy feeling.

I wonder why there seems to be so much variance of results between people using the same dose. I would think there would be some variance but not as much as has been reported. I assume diet has a big plart to play in it.

Peoples, if you are bothered by night sweats while on DNP that trick I mentioned earlier with the talcum powder really works. Last night I used corn starch and that worked just as well.
greyowl said:
Middle of Day 7 at 200 mg and it appears that I am just now seeing some results on the scales. If so, not much, maybe 1.5 - 2 lbs from where I would otherwise be. Virtually no sides except for a bit of night sweats and a queezy feeling.

I wonder why there seems to be so much variance of results between people using the same dose. I would think there would be some variance but not as much as has been reported. I assume diet has a big plart to play in it.

Peoples, if you are bothered by night sweats while on DNP that trick I mentioned earlier with the talcum powder really works. Last night I used corn starch and that worked just as well.

Like most human chemical reactions, I would assume its weight dependent, have you considered comparing body weight, bet the lightest people have most reaction from the same dose
Like most human chemical reactions, I would assume its weight dependent, have you considered comparing body weight, bet the lightest people have most reaction from the same dose

Weight might be one factor and bf would be another. Currently I am at 177 lbs.
im on my second day of 200mg.. i know it hasnt accumlated as much yet but i cant even feel it today.. yesterday i did but today its pretty easy.. i guess its when you step up to 400 where it kicks your ass

great log


greyowl said:
Pumpiepump, are you sure it's a good idea to throw in a diuretic while you;re still on DNP? After all, you're going to be losing all the bloat when you cycle off in a coupla weeks anyways, right?


i was thinking maybe hands are huge.

are your joints hurting? my hips are killing me, and have never hurt before. my knees hurt a little, too.

pumppumppuk said:
Greyowl, i was thinking maybe hands are huge.

are your joints hurting? my hips are killing me, and have never hurt before. my knees hurt a little, too.


My fingers seemd a bit swollen around day 2 but not since then. Nop rpobs with joints and hips and knees. As I say, no noticeable sides and not much weight loss yet.
ok, yesterday was my last day. As of Sat I thought I looked really good. Sunday I had some simple carbs and that had me doing even better. However, I cheated on Sunday night and Monday and I was actually up to 205 by Tues.
Today I was 204. I'm excited to see how I'll look in a couple days.
I was fine with everything on this cycle but what got to be annoying was the loose dumps. Night sweats were bad but i'd deal with that for this kind of weight loss but the craps really got to be annoying.
Sorry so graphic.

I will probably start to taper off the t-3 which I ran for a short while and then go to a relatively low carb diet with increased cardio and start the gear.
I will be running masteron and anavar.
I would run DNP again but not until later in the year. Then I don't think I'll need it again.
Heretic, how long is good to take off between runs?
Day 8 at 200 MG and I had an interesting experience this morning. I fell off the wagon last night and just before going to bed scarfed down almost an entire container of Hagen Dasz ice cream after a big meal of Mexican beans and brown rice plus a shitload of meatballs. Despite all the carbs from the beans and rice I had virtually no night sweats last night and when I weighed myself this morning I was actually down about one pound. WTF, does this make any sense? Maybe this shit is working after all.

As for sides, I continue to get dampish and somewhat sweaty and I do have serious diarrhea, otherwse nothing, except that my urine smells sulpherous and chemical. This is a change since my urine usually smells like raspberries and freshly-mown grass with a lingering after-hint of hazelnut, making it the perfect accompaniment for lighly-sauced veal dishes or own its as an apertif.
my guess is that it is a coincidence...for me, i'll go days on dnp and nothing, and then *pow* down 4 pounds in 1 day.

oddly enough, I've never had any diarrhea from DNP...seems like everyone else gets it, but I never do.
I definitely had some carb ups that weren't hot and then some were really hot. 400mg was a good dose for me. I'm still gettin hot today. On cheat day I had pizza, a hamburger and some chips and salsa... hot salsa is fun on DNP if you like to sweat your ass off. I forgot to cheat with Ice cream. I'd be interested to see if you feel cool from it, even though the DNP will burn it up the ice cream must make you feel cool

To the question about dieting. I was dieting while on DNP and it seemed to make things better. When I really fell off the wagon and ate my ass off the next day I did notice it in the mirror. We'll see how I fare in a few days when the water goes. I also did some morning exercise and lifted heavy while on. Keep in mind I was not at 600mg and this must be a huge difference cause 200-400 was a huge difference to me.
wed was my last dose.....had to stop due to sinus infection....started running a high temp 102....spent most of the day in a cold tub....things got pretty hairy last night.....had to bag due to vomiting.

total weight loss as of a.m. today -4.0lbs

probably will start back on it later after the summer.

cant say enough to CAREFUL.

pumppumppuk said:
wed was my last dose.....had to stop due to sinus infection....started running a high temp 102....spent most of the day in a cold tub....things got pretty hairy last night.....had to bag due to vomiting.

total weight loss as of a.m. today -4.0lbs

probably will start back on it later after the summer.

cant say enough to CAREFUL.


Are you saying your sinus infection was related to the DNP?

Sorry you went thru this. Good to know you're feling better.
i dont think it was the dnp....just bad timing. the fan blowing on me at night probably had more to do with it. i had plenty of antibiotics, but just thought it would pass, but it set in with fever, so i had to stop the dnp and get on the antibiotics.

just wanted to post this so any newbies looking for a quick way out would know that this stuff is serious. had i not been able to do a drip last night, i would have been at the er due to severe dehydration.

greyowl said:
Are you saying your sinus infection was related to the DNP?

Sorry you went thru this. Good to know you're feling better.

You know, I had several days of a head cold after the last cycle I did. Its like anything though, you push your body hard and something has to give.
Start of Day 10 at 200 mg ed. I've lost maybe 2.5 lbs give or take 1 lb. Almost no sides, even the occasional night sweat has stopped. Occasional hot flashes and that's it. I noticed my skin gets itchy at times but no rash.

