Hair Loss

Topical finasteride. Anyone use it? Used oral with no results really and feel like it made me a little b*tch and I like my dht. But not sure how systemic the topical goes.
Stupid bitch ass hair loss. I had high hopes for MENT, but didn't work out (after having been on every protocol imaginable save for estrogen). HT it is.
Bros is oral minoxidil 2.5mg enough to stop hair loss from high test dosages?
Minoxidil doesn’t do anything to prevent hair loss. It kinda just helps regain what was already lost. Without finasteride or something else in place, minoxidil is fighting a losing battle that you’re going to lose ground anyway
Minoxidil doesn’t do anything to prevent hair loss. It kinda just helps regain what was already lost. Without finasteride or something else in place, minoxidil is fighting a losing battle that you’re going to lose ground anyway
fuck dude. I started minoxidil about a couple months ago didnt lose any hair started test about 4 weeks ago and started shedding like a bitch. so idk if it was shedding from the minoxidil or from starting test... fucking in a weird spot right now so i stopped the test and the shedding has stopped but was it minoxidil shed or from the test idk. i started fina again at .5mg eod trying to see if that will at least stop the shedding when i start test again. what would be a good drug i could use to see if the minoxdil does anything? I was thinking about using dbol or anavar and if i start to shed ill know its from the gear. becasue right now i cant pinpoint if its from test or from shedding when starting minoxidil. I have a full head of hair so i stress about this shit otherwise i wouldnt give a fuck but im 30 havent started losing hair yet. what should i do? im serioulsy considering just to start shaving my head and say fuck it. Really was hoping to keep my hair pretty close to a fullhead until at least 40.
fuck dude. I started minoxidil about a couple months ago didnt lose any hair started test about 4 weeks ago and started shedding like a bitch. so idk if it was shedding from the minoxidil or from starting test... fucking in a weird spot right now so i stopped the test and the shedding has stopped but was it minoxidil shed or from the test idk. i started fina again at .5mg eod trying to see if that will at least stop the shedding when i start test again. what would be a good drug i could use to see if the minoxdil does anything? I was thinking about using dbol or anavar and if i start to shed ill know its from the gear. becasue right now i cant pinpoint if its from test or from shedding when starting minoxidil. I have a full head of hair so i stress about this shit otherwise i wouldnt give a fuck but im 30 havent started losing hair yet. what should i do?
Have you noticed fin hindering gains in the gym? Debating on trying topical instead
Have you noticed fin hindering gains in the gym? Debating on trying topical instead
no never noticed this. You could just include a dht base in your cycles. Idk if that will be a total replacement for the lower dht fin causes but it might help. when im on fin i dont lose hair on anything even strong dhts and tren, fin works really well but the sides are fucking stupid and not really worth it in my opinion. thats why im trying it at .5mg eod. 1mg a day and your dick quality goes to shit and you get PE if you take fin long enough. also kills my sex drive.
apearntly topcial is far better for sides. but havent used it to confirm this. supposed to have less systemic action.
Yea thinking of going that route. Heard different things on the topical doses. .025% and .3%. two hugely different doses so not sure which one. You think topical is ok to have with babies in the house with exposure and stuff
fuck dude. I started minoxidil about a couple months ago didnt lose any hair started test about 4 weeks ago and started shedding like a bitch. so idk if it was shedding from the minoxidil or from starting test... fucking in a weird spot right now so i stopped the test and the shedding has stopped but was it minoxidil shed or from the test idk. i started fina again at .5mg eod trying to see if that will at least stop the shedding when i start test again. what would be a good drug i could use to see if the minoxdil does anything? I was thinking about using dbol or anavar and if i start to shed ill know its from the gear. becasue right now i cant pinpoint if its from test or from shedding when starting minoxidil. I have a full head of hair so i stress about this shit otherwise i wouldnt give a fuck but im 30 havent started losing hair yet. what should i do? im serioulsy considering just to start shaving my head and say fuck it. Really was hoping to keep my hair pretty close to a fullhead until at least 40.
So I got my dht tested. Normal range is 12 to 65. Mine was 118
Yea thinking of going that route. Heard different things on the topical doses. .025% and .3%. two hugely different doses so not sure which one. You think topical is ok to have with babies in the house with exposure and stuff
I would be very very careful if you have kids in your house like keep it in a safe or something or for sure out of reach of a kid and wash your hands really well after you apply it.