Hair Loss

Where did u hear that t4 causes hair loss?

GH improving hair quality cancelled out by T4?? Back to the drawing board.

How does topical nasalcrom prevent hair loss?

Cromolyn is a mast cell stabilizer. Mast cells secrete PGD2. PGD2 suppresses hair growth. Cromolyn inhibits PGD2 therefore removes that brake on hair growth (study).

Cromolyn may also increase PGE2 which would result in more growth as well.

You want PGD2 elsewhere, just not in this case, so topical use and cross your fingers it gets where you want it to get (reference).

Interesting, they cite this paper with a good overview of thyroid function and hair loss.

One good message was to get a comprehensive thyroid panel done. And if you're running gear or especially GH, definitely get a comprehensive thyroid panel right now.

They put more stress on TSH than T3, T4, rTx, et cetera. And treatment is almost always levo (T4) in the absence of underlying disease.

I recall few years back NIOXIN was the shampoo to use for hair loss. That thing was expensive... Im surprised there aren't any generic or story brand shampoos with same ingredients.
Has anyone tried topical finasteride? Some claim they have zero sides and others experience the same libido, erection sides but in a lesser degree. This is a issue i don't want to mess with at all as i'm already having some issues most possibly due to my varicocele that i'm trying to deal with. I have a good amount of recession and shedding and using 5% minoxidil only, currently on low Test. But i'm planning to add masteron in 5-6 weeks while i start my cutting phase, i was like ok i'll try it and if i get balding i'm going for the shaver (sooner or later) but unfortunately i have to try keeping them as a favour for my gf and i'm searching for a higher concentration minoxidil like 10 or 15% and RU. Probably some dermarolling and 1-2 times per week keto shampoo. I'm debating if finasteride would do anything for my hair knowing i'm gonna use dht derivatives anyways from now on or the stack i mention without fina would do the same job give or take. Any thoughts?
Has anyone tried topical finasteride? Some claim they have zero sides and others experience the same libido, erection sides but in a lesser degree. This is an issue i don't want to mess with at all as i'm already having some issues most possibly due to my varicocele that i'm trying to deal with. I have a good amount of recession and shedding and using 5% minoxidil only, currently on low Test. But i'm planning to add masteron in 5-6 weeks while i start my cutting phase, i was like ok i'll try it and if i get balding i'm going for the shaver (sooner or later) but unfortunately i have to try keeping them as a favour for my gf and i'm searching for a higher concentration minoxidil like 10 or 15% and RU. Probably some dermarolling and 1-2 times per week keto shampoo. I'm debating if finasteride would do anything for my hair knowing i'm gonna use dht derivatives anyways from now on or the stack i mention without fina would do the same job give or take. Any thoughts?
Finasteride won’t do anything for your hair to protect it from DHT derivatives. It only protects from the conversion caused by 5-alpha reductase. Which in the case of DHT derivatives, no conversion is necessary. So with ZERO 5ar, you could/would still get hair loss from DHT derivatives. I simply avoid using mast and primo because of hair loss concerns. Anavar seems fine as long as I’m running RU58841 tho
Finasteride won’t do anything for your hair to protect it from DHT derivatives. It only protects from the conversion caused by 5-alpha reductase. Which in the case of DHT derivatives, no conversion is necessary. So with ZERO 5ar, you could/would still get hair loss from DHT derivatives. I simply avoid using mast and primo because of hair loss concerns. Anavar seems fine as long as I’m running RU58841 tho

Yes brother i know it only protects you from non dht derivatives, i was thinking if it would do anything synergistically with the others, because test alone or no test at all as i started experiencing hair loss before jumping into peds, could lead to hair perhaps fina could do anything with Test and RU with the dht compounds? Probably not but i had to ask haha! Anavar seems to be the lightest besides proviron from all the dht's that are prone to hair loss. When i started my ped planning i was thinking going with test, EQ and t-bol as my main compounds but i see most people going with dht derivatives, so i followed too. Weird thing is some people swear mast it's harsher on hair and some say primo. Also some shedding and thinning could be from very low e2 and ppl blaming the anabolics..who knows
Just wanted to report that I’ve taken several different hair loss supps. Minoxidil, finasteride, RU and keto shampoo. The shampoo I always used along with all of them. I’ve had the most success with a low dose of oral minox with the least side effects.
anyone have a source for oral minoxidil?
Conor I know you’ve been dming me, but you can just drink topical minox.. people do it.

the minox I use comes out in foam but if you have a liquid version you can drink it. obviously if you can get pills it will be more palatable.
Conor I know you’ve been dming me, but you can just drink topical minox.. people do it.

the minox I use comes out in foam but if you have a liquid version you can drink it. obviously if you can get pills it will be more palatable.
So, the nonactive ingredients: alcohol, propylene glycol, etc. are safe to consume? Probably not ideal tho