Hair Loss

Someone experinced loss of transplated hair? Its a genuine question gonna go to turkey and probably dont gonna stop anyway soon
Someone experinced loss of transplated hair? Its a genuine question gonna go to turkey and probably dont gonna stop anyway soon
yes, and not using nothing of steroids , suplements etc.

Probably if i used finasteride and minox after HT i could maintain resuts better.

any serious ht clinic will advise to use fin and maybe minox after HT

i use minox and finasteride now
Some of you bros dont care about hair loss, but it can be a big concern for most of us other bros. I'm 35 and I still have a thick and full head of hair. I am not one of those guys who would look good bald or balding. In some of my cycles years ago, I noticed large volumes of hair falling out in the shower during a cycle. This brought me to the point where I would look in the mirror and say, "What good is there in having huge muscles if my hair looks like crap?" So my search began to find the best possible hair solution, which involves stopping hair loss and even reversing it!

Let me just show you the final results (IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE), and I will comment on each:

  1. AVODART® (Dutasteride) - Dutasteride was developed to help shrink the prostate and was found to have an even more profound effect on regrowing hair than Finasteride! Not only that, it can take care of more of your DHT, it starts working faster, and stays in your system for much longer. 1 to 5 mg ED is all you need, and it also keeps that prostate down during your cycles. In my book, this is a win/win situation.
  2. PROPECIA® (Finasteride) - Next to Viagra, this drug may have had one of the all time record advertising budgets. Finasteride is a hair loss prevention / regrowth drug. Recommended dose is 1 mg ED and after 6 to 12 months the user may achieve positive results. The reason I write "big 4" in the title of this thread is that it may not be necessary to use both Dutasteride and Finasteride, although there are no known drug interactions. I say roll with Dutasteride if you can and if not then use Finasteride.
  3. ROGAINE® (Minoxidil) - Cheap to buy generic at target in three month supply, Minoxidil blocks DHT on the scalp. After handling DHT within the body via Dutasteride or Finasteride, you can also stop the damage of DHT on the scalp. Use twice a day. I use it after my morning shower and after my workout shower.
  4. NIOXIN® (Cleanser, Conditioner, and Treatment) - Use these Nioxin products as your daily shampoo and conditioner. They work on the scalp to ensure that your skin is healthy. Shampoo removes impurities that clog follicles, including DHT. The conditioner keeps the scalp moisturized. The treatment adds botanicals and nutrients to the scalp skin.
  5. NIZORAL® (A-D Shampoo) - Ketoconazole, the main ingredient in Nizoral, acts as a relatively mild anti-androgen. (Androgen binds to hair follicles and over time shrinks them down, causing thinner and thinner hair.) Use this shampoo once a week for help with DHT.

This hair regiment is not difficult to maintain, and can provide great results. I went from losing my hair to growing it back! It takes a few months to start working, so for the first 6 months have patience. Passing the 1 to 2 year markers using the "Big 4" regiment should yield significant hair gains, or at the very least put an end to your loss.

This article assumes appropriate nutrition, hydration, and sleep.


I have never had an issue with losing my hair until PE's entered my life, but I am sure that is a story as old as time around here. Right now I take oral finasteride, topical minoxidil, and topical RU. Been going strong with only a couple of brief lapses when I was away on work trips and forgot my shit.

I was shedding to a fairly alarming degree previously. This might not impact some people but it sure did me. It was wigging me the fuck out. So after 6 months I am definitely in a much improved place. I am not back to baseline by any means, but I am no longer shedding and I have had some regrowth and improved thickness. I started noticing this basically by feel before my wife noticed by visual inspection. I would run my hands through my dry hair and could just tell things were on the upswing. So I guess now I am stuck taking this stuff basically for life, but that is a price I am willing to keep my hair as it is. Unless of course some groundbreaking new compound comes out to change the game.
I have never had an issue with losing my hair until PE's entered my life, but I am sure that is a story as old as time around here. Right now I take oral finasteride, topical minoxidil, and topical RU. Been going strong with only a couple of brief lapses when I was away on work trips and forgot my shit.

I was shedding to a fairly alarming degree previously. This might not impact some people but it sure did me. It was wigging me the fuck out. So after 6 months I am definitely in a much improved place. I am not back to baseline by any means, but I am no longer shedding and I have had some regrowth and improved thickness. I started noticing this basically by feel before my wife noticed by visual inspection. I would run my hands through my dry hair and could just tell things were on the upswing. So I guess now I am stuck taking this stuff basically for life, but that is a price I am willing to keep my hair as it is. Unless of course some groundbreaking new compound comes out to change the game.
I don't believe in a new effective treatment in the next 10 years, even with AI
Anyone here got experience with ru58841 ? I’ve read mixed responses to it.

Did you read previous pages or you're reffering to other sources of info? Many guys have been on RU (including me) and i don't remember anyone experiencing side effects.
Did you read previous pages or you're reffering to other sources of info? Many guys have been on RU (including me) and i don't remember anyone experiencing side effects.
I’ve read the mixed opinions on other sources. I’ve read that some people get chest pains and breathing problems while taking it some other stated that it does nothing for them.
I’ve read the mixed opinions on other sources. I’ve read that some people get chest pains and breathing problems while taking it some other stated that it does nothing for them.
Just like almost every compound discussed here, your mileage will vary. There are no universals or unequivocal truths in this gig. The only way to know how it works for you is to try. Or not. 100% on you
I’ve read the mixed opinions on other sources. I’ve read that some people get chest pains and breathing problems while taking it some other stated that it does nothing for them.

Haven't heard anything like that. Just take it and if you experience chest pain and breathing problems, quit it.
Haven't heard anything like that. Just take it and if you experience chest pain and breathing problems, quit it.
Okay guess its try and error. This isn’t probably the forum to ask for a RU source. But maybe someone can tell me where in the forum I would be able to find it.