Harm reduction in the Steroid Underground subforum - this is NOT a source forum

Someone should definitely PM me who is selling ritalin..

so i can be aware of the dangers and avoid them of course. I wanna be diligent in harm reduction.
After a bit of a search, i wouldnt trust anyplace thats selling it, buyer beware.

That shits illegal/regulated everywhere and there are too many unsafe analogues that people pass it off as.. especially from china.
That shits illegal/regulated everywhere and there are too many unsafe analogues that people pass it off as.. especially from china.
Uhhh lol, and steroids and steroid analogues are not? They are also not from china too right? Lol

I agree sources shouldn’t sell addictive drugs here but the point you made didn’t make a ton of sense
Uhhh lol, and steroids and steroid analogues are not? They are also not from china too right? Lol

I agree sources shouldn’t sell addictive drugs here but the point you made didn’t make a ton of sense
I dont believe they are. Maybe qds can weigh in. China will sell whats legal in china, and sell legal chemicals that are analogues or experiencially similar to illegal chemicals sometimes fraudulently claiming ita an illegal chem. Thats my experience.

Selling steroids to overseas isnot illegal for chinese to do. Selling ritalin is. So anyone advertising ritalin in china is proba ly selling a legal analogue, or just gonna rip you off.

Correct me if im wrong onthe legality.
Uhhh lol, and steroids and steroid analogues are not? They are also not from china too right? Lol

I agree sources shouldn’t sell addictive drugs here but the point you made didn’t make a ton of sense
AAS raws aren't illegal to manufacture in China whereas methylphenidate (Ritalin), (lis)dexamphetamine (Vyanse, Attentin), Modafinil, Ephedrine, benzos, opioids and a bunch of related classes of drugs are highly illegal to manufacture and sell to the degree that it's rarely done as it's just not worth the risk/punishment. Since these products represent (dark) markets more profitable than ours, they are frequently counterfeited and substituted with analogues or some other trash you don't want to be taking, especially not if you're unaware of what's in it.

If anyone does buy some of these drugs and has any doubts about the product, there are actually various labs where you can have your rec. drugs tested, and it would be cool if we could have a bunch of links to those labs for harm prevention, as that wouldn't encourage the purchase of these products. If that already exists, someone post a link please.
I dont condone mixing risky substances, But theres this fourm called Bluelight.org, Its a harm reduction fourm for psychoactive drugs of all types, Be safe guys.
If anyone does buy some of these drugs and has any doubts about the product, there are actually various labs where you can have your rec. drugs tested, and it would be cool if we could have a bunch of links to those labs for harm prevention, as that wouldn't encourage the purchase of these products. If that already exists, someone post a link please.

Wedinos are a great harm reduction group based in Wales, UK.

They'll test all recreational drugs but no AAS.

Wedinos dot org

There's also pillreports dot net which is a great resource if you're using ecstasy tablets.

Edit: sorry thought you were just asking for general links. Not an actual link to a thread.
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there are actually various labs where you can have your rec. drugs tested, and it would be cool if we could have a bunch of links to those labs for harm prevention, as that wouldn't encourage the purchase of these products.
Just to clarify...you believe that having notable & vetted avenues for testing illicit drugs/narcotics here on MESO will serve to reduce the purchase/usage of said illicit drugs/narcotics? Can you explain to me how you arrived at that conclusion?

*P.s- I'm not coming at you because you attempted to get me banned for an out of context graphic...I'm just confused by your logic*
Wishing, hoping, threatening, promoting or calling for violence, including threats of sexual violence and self-harm are prohibited.
I'm just confused by your logic
what’s there to be confused about, the crazy cat lady is just bitching like a sjw, (aka a karen) like who gives a fuck if ppl wanna sell/buy rec drugs. just like the hodge twins, do whatever THE FUCK you wanna do.

also, in general, snitches get stitches, it’s just how it is, js. and it would be funny af if someone put a ticket on their head for it. lol.
what’s there to be confused about, the crazy cat lady is just bitching like a sjw, (aka a karen) like who gives a fuck if ppl wanna sell/buy rec drugs. just like the hodge twins, do whatever THE FUCK you wanna do.

also, in general, snitches get stitches, it’s just how it is, js. and it would be funny af if someone put a ticket on their head for it. lol.

Well, I was outed by the he/she/catlady for posting an image with the sole intention of revealing the fact that there are source(s) selling recreational drugs here on MESO. I was not peddling/shilling/or advocating for the use of these illicit substances, but rather spreading awareness of the aforementioned matter.

And yet- contradictively, the she/he/catperson believes it would benefit the community to have public resources for testing illicit substances- and even goes as far as to proclaim that this would not encourage the purchase of these substances- which is frankly incompatible with all common sense.

This is what I'm confused about.

Also, not quite sure what this means...
it would be funny af if someone put a ticket on their head for it
But if it means what I think it does you ought to go edit quickly, as calls to/threats of violence are a bannable offense if I'm not mistaken.

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@mr.redpill don’t even worry about it bro, @Liska is just salty about having their cat pics removed an being told to stop, so the crazy cat lady is acting like a sjw just like the rest of the losers who post that lame shit on a aas forum, but in all honesty, that’s probably the most pussy they’ll ever get to see irl.

an btw, i was speaking in general, also, i’ll say whatever tf i want, that’s why i joined this board eight years ago, and the reason why i joined, is the same as this og members username @CensoredBoardsSuck
Did you both intentionally misread Liska's post?

They didn't say it would reduce the purchases of rec drugs. They said it 'wouldn't encorage the purchase of these products'. Very different things.

I.e having a resource on the forum for harm reduction would have a neutral effect on users purchases. This has always been the ethos of harm reduction in regards to recreational drugs.
Did you both intentionally misread Liska's post?

They didn't say it would reduce the purchases of rec drugs. They said it 'wouldn't encorage the purchase of these products'. Very different things

I misquoted her in my first response, which I publicly apologize for- I corrected it in my 2 response to "ハカク".

I.e having a resource on the forum for harm reduction would have a neutral effect on users purchases. This has always been the ethos of harm reduction in regards to recreational drugs

I couldn't disagree more.

There's a girl I use to hook up with in college. Smoked alot of pot- always dabbled in other drugs but she never had a major issue. What you would call the "experimental type".

She told me once that she always wanted to try heroin/coke but "missed her window" in highschool when the drugs were alot cleaner. In other words, the whole Fentanyl issue spooked her out of ever dipping her toes.

Point being, FEAR itself is a large deterrent in regard to recreational drug usage. By providing resources for testing, sure you could potentially reduce harm to plenty of current junkies- but if you alleviate that aforementioned fear you will create more junkies in the process.

So whether she said "It will reduce the purchase" or "it will have a net neutral effect" both points are equally moot.

I mean come on brother- I can't even believe you're trying to argue this.

Why do AAS sources post tests of their RAWS?
Why do AAS sources incentivize HPLC testing?
Why do AAS sources incentivize bloodwork?

Short form answer...because it increases their ROI.

If you can prove the purity & efficacy of a given product- more people will buy it.

Are you really going to sit there and say it's any different with rec drugs?

This is common fucking sense dude.

With respect.
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I misquoted her in my first response, which I publicly apologize for- I corrected it in my 2 response to "ハカク".

I couldn't disagree more.

There's a girl I use to hook up with in college. Smoked alot of pot- always dabbled in other drugs but she never had a major issue. What you would call the "experimental type".

She told me once that she always wanted to try heroin/coke but "missed her window" in highschool when the drugs were alot cleaner. In other words, the whole Fentanyl issue spooked her out of ever dipping her toes.

Point being, FEAR itself is a large deterrent in regard to recreational drug usage. By providing resources for testing, sure you could potentially reduce harm to plenty of current junkies- but if you alleviate that aforementioned fear you will create more junkies in the process.

So whether she said "It will reduce the purchase" or "it will have a net neutral effect" both points are equally moot.

I mean come on brother- I can't even believe you're trying to argue this.

Why do AAS sources post tests of their RAWS?
Why do AAS sources incentivize HPLC testing?
Why do AAS sources incentivize bloodwork?

Short form answer...because it increases their ROI.

If you can prove the purity & efficacy of a given product- more people will buy it.

Are you really going to sit there and say it's any different with rec drugs?

This is common fucking sense dude.

With respect.

I don't think we're gonna agree on this one but I'll explain my position to you in regards to recreational drugs harm reduction.

I don't think anyone deserves to be punished for using any sort of drugs. Whether that be heroin and meth or cannabis and poppers or in our cases steroids.

I don't think it is morally wrong for anyone to use drugs as we are all free agents and rights bearers, regardless of the laws in place. It's our choice what we do with our bodies and the fairest option for anyone is to allow individuals to do this as safely as possible.

Laws have done absolutely nothing during the 'war on drugs'. It's a joke.

I'm sober now 6 years but I can tell you during my experimental period as a teenager and early 20s I would have used the MDMA powder and pils I purchased whether they were tested or not. Same as the benzos I would sometimes use for the comedown. However, resources such as pill reports helped me swerve possible issues with contaminated and highly overdosed pills. And I would definitely have availed of services such as wedinos to test the black market benzos I was using if they were available at the time.