Harm reduction in the Steroid Underground subforum - this is NOT a source forum

Read my posts. Did I say that?

There’s your answer.
There's a lot of rotten corpses in Meso's past but what's haunting you about this one that you're digging it up and dragging it into a thread discussing the matters of the living? Do you want Millard to confess to not having handled the matter perfectly? I really don't mean to offend you but it's difficult to move on to a better future (for which that ban and the rule changes were an important step imo) if we let the ghosts of Meso's past haunt us forever. I'm so happy we'll never have to suffer that shit(posting) again.
There's a lot of rotten corpses in Meso's past but what's haunting you about this one that you're digging it up and dragging it into a thread discussing the matters of the living? Do you want Millard to confess to not having handled the matter perfectly? I really don't mean to offend you but it's difficult to move on to a better future (for which that ban and the rule changes were an important step imo) if we let the ghosts of Meso's past haunt us forever. I'm so happy we'll never have to suffer that shit(posting) again.
He can do whatever he wants. I almost never post here anymore so I really don’t care. All of the members that I have any sort of rapport with either left or were banned over that fiasco.

I was just skimming through and responded to a blatant bit of contradiction.
What, precisely, about what I said is inaccurate?

— Did you not refuse to do anything about his spam-bumping?

— Did you allow him back after he threatened to hot pack members to get them thrown in jail?
You said there was no consequence to his behavior.

The spamming of third-party reviews by sources was prohibited as a direct consequence.

Naps was temporarily banned as a direct consequence of his behavior. In retrospect, as I've admitted on multiple occasions, the ban should have been longer if not permanent.

So yes, you sir have been promoting misinformation.

You were once a valued contributor. It's disappointing to see you return as such a diminished troll. Go back to your tribe and dwell on the past, anger, and dreams of revenge.

In the meantime, those who are truly interested in harm reduction for the AAS community can continue to help me improve MESO.
He can do whatever he wants. I almost never post here anymore so I really don’t care. All of the members that I have any sort of rapport with either left or were banned over that fiasco.

I was just skimming through and responded to a blatant bit of contradiction.
I honestly assumed you were banned here, didn't realize you actually just didn't post(no hate btw).

I am going to just go with what @Liska said. mistakes/problems of the past and not allowing it to happen again.
You mean like Napsgear did for months on end with zero consequences?

Either your reading comprehension is rather poor, or your ego is getting in the way...maybe both.

1. Test Subject's statement is 100% true. He didn't say Napsgear never faced consequences; he said his spamming was allowed to transpire for months with no consquences. This is a true statement.
Now, did you eventually take action? Yes, after months of concerned members begging you to look at the evidence of fraudulent/duplicate reviews. I am not here to judge your decision-making process; i'm sure running this site isnt easy, but there was 0 misinformation in Test_Subject's post.

2. Liska's cat gland post was overtly sarcastic/cheeky, but I suspect you suffer from a bit of irony deficiency.

Either your reading comprehension is rather poor, or your ego is getting in the way...maybe both.

1. Test Subject's statement is 100% true. He didn't say Napsgear never faced consequences; he said his spamming was allowed to transpire for months with no consquences. This is a true statement.
Now, did you eventually take action? Yes, after months of concerned members begging you to look at the evidence of fraudulent/duplicate reviews. I am not here to judge your decision-making process; i'm sure running this site isnt easy, but there was 0 misinformation in Test_Subject's post.

2. Liska's cat gland post was overtly sarcastic/cheeky, but I suspect you suffer from a bit of irony deficiency.
The ambiguity of his statement is noted. Consequently, it's can't be 100% true.

He should have said "you mean like Napsgear did with zero consequences for months on end?" if that's what he really meant.

Saying "you mean like Napsgear did for months on end with zero consequences?" leaves open another perhaps even more likely interpretation.

Taking into account the ambiguity, if not outright misinformation, his statements were certainly misleading as a result

OTOH, there is no ambiguity or misinformation in my description of the consequences Naps faced for this behavior.

And yes, it was clear what Liska was doing. I was wondering if there was a serious argument to be offered. I got my answer.
And yes, it was clear what Liska was doing. I was wondering if there was a serious argument to be offered. I got my answer.
You got your answer before you ever asked me. Please appreciate that I didn't think to post a picture of a benzo box with a cat printed on it to trap you in the ultimate censorship deletion dilemma.
You got your answer before you ever asked me. Please appreciate that I didn't think to post a picture of a benzo box with a cat printed on it to trap you in the ultimate censorship deletion dilemma.
Another clever use of humor when discussion involves making sure you comply with forum guidelines. Dead serious when you are seeking to call out similar violations by competitors.

No sources receive special treatment. If there is anything, you take away from this discussion, I hope it is that.
Another clever use of humor when discussion involves making sure you comply with forum guidelines. Dead serious when you are seeking to call out similar violations by competitors.

No sources receive special treatment. If there is anything, you take away from this discussion, I hope it is that.
You consider pictures that show just the tail of a cat or a pair of cat socks worn by a human as promotional material. Please show me where I called out any other lab for posting a picture that has no brand logo, gear or even text on it. No other source posts anything like that at all, but you're pretending that I'm trying to get away with 'similar violations' or wanting 'special treatment' when there is nothing at all to compare this situation to, which is exactly why I asked you what falls within the rules and what does not because you are continually failing to display and formulate the rules in a way that the community as well as the sources can be aware of them, yet act so offended when someone inquires about them.

The rules sticky is gone and you have traditionally posted further rules in random posts strewn throughout the board, which has resulted in noone but you knowing them - a striking example of this is that 'auctions have always been forbidden' rule which I assure you noone else but you was aware of as auctions have been happening in various threads for a long time without being reported ever judging by all of them being completed successfully.

We wouldn't need to have this discussion nor many other discussions if you could finally please make a sticky thread that clearly details the rules of Meso. I am absolutely confident not a single person besides you knows or understands the rules due to them being practically hidden like easter eggs. If there's anything you can take away from this discussion, I hope it's that.
You consider pictures that show just the tail of a cat or a pair of cat socks worn by a human as promotional material. Please show me where I called out any other lab for posting a picture that has no brand logo, gear or even text on it. No other source posts anything like that at all, but you're pretending that I'm trying to get away with 'similar violations' or wanting 'special treatment' when there is nothing at all to compare this situation to, which is exactly why I asked you what falls within the rules and what does not because you are continually failing to display and formulate the rules in a way that the community as well as the sources can be aware of them, yet act so offended when someone inquires about them.

The rules sticky is gone and you have traditionally posted further rules in random posts strewn throughout the board, which has resulted in noone but you knowing them - a striking example of this is that 'auctions have always been forbidden' rule which I assure you noone else but you was aware of as auctions have been happening in various threads for a long time without being reported ever judging by all of them being completed successfully.

We wouldn't need to have this discussion nor many other discussions if you could finally please make a sticky thread that clearly details the rules of Meso. I am absolutely confident not a single person besides you knows or understands the rules due to them being practically hidden like easter eggs. If there's anything you can take away from this discussion, I hope it's that.

You are very annoying. You are so offended and triggered that Millard says no to all things cat because yes, it is promoting your brand. You are the cat cafe. Have a cat on your products or did. There are more cat pictures in your thread than there are Instagram models in Pcom’s thread. Don’t customers get discounts for posting their cats and sharing them? Get over it. Move on or will you keep this going until you finally have the last word like you’ve obviously been doing. Quit acting like a child.
I remember you! Crackhead trio along btop and tank, it's been a while!
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What a very sane not unhinged post history you have mister devil! Thank you for being a responsible adult and scolding this cat child.

Of course you would remember that as it involved you and Jano. Is that really how you want to play this? If so I could show and expose all your previous accounts and let everyone see the real you? It took you quite a few handles to get to where you are now. Again, quit being a child with your let me find a post to make this guy seem not so credible because it will not go in your favor and you will look pathetic. I can fade away like I do but it will tarnish and put a stain on you. It’s not a card I wish to play by the way.

One day you’ll look back on this thread and think, did I really drop a link about cat’s anal glands to try to persuade Millard into accepting socks with cats on them?

We understand cats are your thing and there is nothing wrong with that but it’s bizarre that you act like the posting of cats doesn’t support your brand. It’s not much different than Pcom constantly posting/spamming with Instagram bodybuilders. Sure, cats are more adorable to see but it’s the same as what Pcom is doing to support their brand.
Of course you would remember that as it involved you and Jano. Is that really how you want to play this? If so I could show and expose all your previous accounts and let everyone see the real you? It took you quite a few handles to get to where you are now. Again, quit being a child with your let me find a post to make this guy seem not so credible because it will not go in your favor and you will look pathetic. I can fade away like I do but it will tarnish and put a stain on you. It’s not a card I wish to play by the way.

One day you’ll look back on this thread and think, did I really drop a link about cat’s anal glands to try to persuade Millard into accepting socks with cats on them?

We understand cats are your thing and there is nothing wrong with that but it’s bizarre that you act like the posting of cats doesn’t support your brand. It’s not much different than Pcom constantly posting/spamming with Instagram bodybuilders. Sure, cats are more adorable to see but it’s the same as what Pcom is doing to support their brand.
Of course you would remember that as it involved you and Jano. Is that really how you want to play this? If so I could show and expose all your previous accounts and let everyone see the real you? It took you quite a few handles to get to where you are now. Again, quit being a child with your let me find a post to make this guy seem not so credible because it will not go in your favor and you will look pathetic. I can fade away like I do but it will tarnish and put a stain on you. It’s not a card I wish to play by the way.

One day you’ll look back on this thread and think, did I really drop a link about cat’s anal glands to try to persuade Millard into accepting socks with cats on them?

We understand cats are your thing and there is nothing wrong with that but it’s bizarre that you act like the posting of cats doesn’t support your brand. It’s not much different than Pcom constantly posting/spamming with Instagram bodybuilders. Sure, cats are more adorable to see but it’s the same as what Pcom is doing to support their brand.
You didn't read the argument properly at all as I'm not trying to persuade Millard of anything other than that the complete set of Meso rules is not well defined or easy to find. I've not once argued that I should be allowed to post cat or dog pictures (which have also been removed as cat café promotional material, so this extends to an unknown number of animals), I inquired about the extent of this rule. If you think this rule is obvious, I'll invite you to a game of "which of these images are promo material?" as I'm confident you wouldn't get through that without some wrong takes.

As I've already discussed with Millard before this entire argument, I could just ask my customers to make Meso accounts to post their cat picture instead of me posting them (though them being posted isn't required at all for any discount), but I didn't like the idea of people signing up just for that and potentially not contributing to the board otherwise, and Millard made similar points.

Lastly, Millard didn't ban posting these pictures at all, it's just that I cannot post them for my customers, but if they make accounts and post just the pictures that's still allowed and would result in the exact same content in my thread, just less condensed with more one post accounts. All touchdown pictures, which are arguably all promo material, can still be posted, this rule is merely about who can post them, which doesn't change the content of the threads themselves.
@Liska stfu and quit arguing with millard over cat pics. lmao. also, in general, this is his forum, the dude can do whatever “tf” he wants, if you (or anyone else for that matter) don’t like it, leave, an go to evo or something.
@Liska stfu and quit arguing with millard over cat pics. lmao. also, in general, this is his forum, the dude can do whatever “tf” he wants, if you (or anyone else for that matter) don’t like it, leave, an go to evo or something.

The whole conversation has clearly gone over your head.

For what it's worth I think a stickied thread with all the rules for both users and sources would be dead handy. Right now the rules are as clear as mud.
@Liska stfu and quit arguing with millard over cat pics. lmao. also, in general, this is his forum, the dude can do whatever “tf” he wants, if you (or anyone else for that matter) don’t like it, leave, an go to evo or something.
If you had paid any attention at all in recent months, you would have noticed that these rule changes may in part be because Millard can specifically not do whatever he wants with Meso. Thanks for barking on his behalf though, maybe he'll give you a pat on the head and something to chew on, you very good boy!
If you had paid any attention at all in recent months, you would have noticed that these rule changes
been here eight years, never needed to read the rules, it should be common sense. also, this is definitely you irl. lol. js. 6E9AAD51-A081-402A-9F24-647483C1BCE7.jpeg
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