Has anyone actually harmed their heart / kidneys from steroids in spite of having good BP and blood work?

My kidneys were always perfect despite being obese for a decade and drinking quite much alcohol. Last year i started gear for the first time, this year in February i did a Test+Primo for 11 weeks and added anavar for another 7 weeks, so 18 weeks total.

Just a week before finishing my cycle and return to cruise i started experiencing some discomfort in my kidneys, an acute pain. This thing continued for 3-4 weeks, it happened mostly in from the time i woke up until i return home to eat breakfast after morning cardio. It was like acute lil stabs in the back.

I started searching and realised it happens frequently and it's coming from the anavar. I found some post here in meso of some guys saying they had to drop the anavar due to kidney pain. I did bloodwork and it came back stellar. While running the cycle i had liver and lipid protection but not kidney protection. I just took some astragalus powder from nutricost and honestly i doubt i'll be use anavar again in the future. It would be better to take an oral that screw up a little your liver than like anadrol for example than messing up with your kidneys.
How certain are you that the folks posting, that you are reading, know what they are talking about when it comes to anavar and kidneys?
How certain are you that the folks posting, that you are reading, know what they are talking about when it comes to anavar and kidneys?

Not so much, but this comes in hand with my personal experience and tend to agree with that. If i'm not mistaken one guy said he "used" to experience kidney pain when passing a certain dose, and that means is something that happened more than once. Makes a case.
How certain are you that the folks posting, that you are reading, know what they are talking about when it comes to anavar and kidneys?

Just a quick search..

im cruising on 100mg ed of anavar until i start my pct. been on about 2 weeks now and my lower back is killing me. im starting to think it might be my kidneys. i didnt have any orals during my cycle except var, i was just running sust at 750mg ew.

whats up do you think? should i get off the var?

im currently taking var only 80mg.. seems fine noticed very very little effect on anything. been 3 weeks but my friend is doing the same thing but 100mg... he said for the past week hes been in like pain in his kidneys pissing alot to? any thing to specify on this ? i Know vars not that big of a deal.. kinda got me concerned this even being my first cycle of anything...

also 8 weeks?
then 4 weeks of PCT clomid how many mg for 4 weeks.. ? thanks..

i was experimenting with anavar and I didnt notice anything until after about a week, I had to stop taking it tho im on too much think I need to give my kidneys a break they were hurting lol. if ur comparing it to the kind of strength as dbol preworkout not even close. dbol you will get insane strength mental drive and pump increase first time you take it

I usually get kidney pain over 60mg, so I stay there and keep dandelion root and astragalus close. Extra electrolytes helps too.

i did a bit of a kitchen sink end of blast for my high test run, was already running test at 1.5g for 6 months... did var at 60mg for 2 months and 2 last weeks dbol and winstrol at 40mg each (4g of NAC to save me organs)

stopped due to kidney pain, anavar caused... cleared for a week and pain went away, treated with some nimesulide the crises

honestly, I love high test, I plan to stay on at least 500mg/w as cruise and at least 1000mg as blast... I just found my sweet spot of 1mg adex for every 250mg of test and no side effects with that ancillary alone
My kidneys were always perfect despite being obese for a decade and drinking quite much alcohol. Last year i started gear for the first time, this year in February i did a Test+Primo for 11 weeks and added anavar for another 7 weeks, so 18 weeks total.

Just a week before finishing my cycle and return to cruise i started experiencing some discomfort in my kidneys, an acute pain. This thing continued for 3-4 weeks, it happened mostly in from the time i woke up until i return home to eat breakfast after morning cardio. It was like acute lil stabs in the back.

I started searching and realised it happens frequently and it's coming from the anavar. I found some post here in meso of some guys saying they had to drop the anavar due to kidney pain. I did bloodwork and it came back stellar. While running the cycle i had liver and lipid protection but not kidney protection. I just took some astragalus powder from nutricost and honestly i doubt i'll be use anavar again in the future. It would be better to take an oral that screw up a little your liver than like anadrol for example than messing up with your kidneys.
That’s interesting, good to know!
Glad you figured it out for yourself. Could’ve gotten real bad!