HCG and before Clomid or with Clomid?


New Member
I found a post suggesting that someone should run HCG and then Clomid once the testicles are "primed" and it has peaked my interest.

Quickly, I'm 24 and have TT levels around 350 ng/dl. FSH / LH are 3.7 / 4.6 respectively. Free T is 8.7. SHBG is 34. 3 years ago in college I took something that a friend of a friend said would help me put on muscle. I didn't think much of it and took the pill pretty regularly for 6-8 months. I now realize it made my T levels soar as I had a ton of confidence, energy, and slept better. I'm not sure if it was straight testosterone as my sex drive was lower and my acne cleared. However, I quit taking it when I graduated and I began to experience sharp pains in my prostate. I went to the doctor and they prescribed an anti-inflammitory and discovered my TT levels were less than 200 ng/dl. The doctor (urologist) prescribed clomid and sent me on my way. Taking 12.5mg clomid daily boosted my levels to just north of 1000 ng/dl. However, when I stop the clomid my levels dropped back to where they are now. I still experience prostate issues time to time and believe this is related to my drastic change in hormonal levels, low t, and overall lack of any kind of sex drive.

Any thoughts are appreciated!