Health way worse after stopping TRT - Please advice me

Says it has a page 3, but when I click on it I get connection error to server lol

I don't want to hide the stuff I bring in as I don't want to get eyes on me with future family. I ordered a pwo ones from Poland in "secret" package and I still got called to the police station. Got checked in x-ray 3 of the 5 latest landings... Sweden is... Well no words...
I don't think my tattoos help too haha

Update! My peas are now cherrys, I'd say maybe 50% back. LH and FSH is soon hitting 1, but test is low.
Not sure how long I can/ should run the HCG? Will take a s-test in a few weeks, but from the looks of it so far, trt and hcg will be the future, but will give it this year.

Edit! How much does test while on hcg distort results?
are you asking how much does taking testosterone affect your test results of testosterone?

hcg AND testosterone will BOTH shut down LH FSH if thats what you meant?
Says it has a page 3, but when I click on it I get connection error to server lol

I don't want to hide the stuff I bring in as I don't want to get eyes on me with future family. I ordered a pwo ones from Poland in "secret" package and I still got called to the police station. Got checked in x-ray 3 of the 5 latest landings... Sweden is... Well no words...
I don't think my tattoos help too haha

Update! My peas are now cherrys, I'd say maybe 50% back. LH and FSH is soon hitting 1, but test is low.
Not sure how long I can/ should run the HCG? Will take a s-test in a few weeks, but from the looks of it so far, trt and hcg will be the future, but will give it this year.

Edit! How much does test while on hcg distort results?

Hcg until you get some higher TT numbers. Also, maybe your hcg is half bunk. Happens a lot with hcg. Your dose might also be too low though ...
Hcg until you get some higher TT numbers. Also, maybe your hcg is half bunk. Happens a lot with hcg. Your dose might also be too low though ...
Sounds good, will stay on! Right now I take 500 iu e3d from recommendations here, compared to Dr.Scally recommending 2000 iu. Reading on dangers of hcg, it sounds like it's generally safe even with a few thousand e2d or e3d, but I have no clue.
Sounds good, will stay on! Right now I take 500 iu e3d from recommendations here, compared to Dr.Scally recommending 2000 iu. Reading on dangers of hcg, it sounds like it's generally safe even with a few thousand e2d or e3d, but I have no clue.

Yeah, 500 e3d is not enough at all for your situation. That's a dose to keep the balls alive during steroid use but not for bringing your balls back to life from years being suppressed.

Get it delivered in the netherlands in poste restante.

Go by plane, take your shipment and bring it back with you in your checked luggage

Or just order 100g test c raws from qsc EU warehouse so you dont have to worry about this shit for a few years
Yeah, 500 e3d is not enough at all for your situation. That's a dose to keep the balls alive during steroid use but not for bringing your balls back to life from years being suppressed.
Upped the hcg dose last night and woke up as if I was 15 and saw a pair of titties. Huge difference, gonna try the gym the couple of days ahead as it's been rough. Went from 200 dead since stopping to 120 being hard.
New update!!

It's been I think 2.5 months now stopping everything and to reset.
Last month about I went to endo and T-clinic. Neither recommended 500iu hcg regiment, they put me on 2000iu e2d. According to them that it would be a risk is not medically correct and a common regimen. 500iu as suggested is not for a more serious case as mine.
I kept going with Clomid 50 daily.

Test yesterday:
LH - 1.22
FSH - 0.88
SHBG - 1.82
TT - 2.520
E2 - 13.6

BP is on 125 morning and around 135-145 afternoons/ nights with 3x meds.

Libido is back, not as on test, but doable. I can keep it up.

Mood is good, more or less same as on T.
Sleep is something I always struggle with.

Gym is crap! I get tired fast and I am weak, hard to bench 100 lol
But cardio is fine.

It's clear I am low and not responding yet pr at all, I bet it will be even worse if I remove hcg and clomid. Not sure what is best healthwise and longlivity? But will hang on atleast for the baby.
New update!!

It's been I think 2.5 months now stopping everything and to reset.
Last month about I went to endo and T-clinic. Neither recommended 500iu hcg regiment, they put me on 2000iu e2d. According to them that it would be a risk is not medically correct and a common regimen. 500iu as suggested is not for a more serious case as mine.
I kept going with Clomid 50 daily.

Test yesterday:
LH - 1.22
FSH - 0.88
SHBG - 1.82
TT - 2.520
E2 - 13.6

BP is on 125 morning and around 135-145 afternoons/ nights with 3x meds.

Libido is back, not as on test, but doable. I can keep it up.

Mood is good, more or less same as on T.
Sleep is something I always struggle with.

Gym is crap! I get tired fast and I am weak, hard to bench 100 lol
But cardio is fine.

It's clear I am low and not responding yet pr at all, I bet it will be even worse if I remove hcg and clomid. Not sure what is best healthwise and longlivity? But will hang on atleast for the baby.
Wanna share which clinic?
-Dane in a similar situation to you