Help Please! Been on HRT for 2 years, want to have a baby


New Member

A couple of years ago I went to my doctor complaining of no energy, no sex drive, and constantly being tired. I told him I would like to try testosterone injections. He prescribed me 200mg per week. Almost immediately my balls got small and it was hard to piss. I was able to get relief from the bph with natural remedies. Anyway my wife and I have been trying to have a baby and I now realize I'm probably sterile. Can I restart my natural testosterone at this point, after being on it for so long?
if I was trying to have a baby I would be seeing the best DR I could find , I would not be asking for bro science advice here .

^ that.

Go see some fertility docs.

Hot damn you mates make me proud to be a part of this forum!

OP have you even informed your doc of this?

Well the testing would BEGIN with a sperm count and a few hormonal tests.

So really do yourself and your wife a favor and cease wasting time posting questions on an AAS forum about what may or may not be, but rather obtain an appropriate medical evaluation to determine WHAT IS!
Bro Im having a kid and got my girl pregnant 3 weeks after a heavy 20 week cycle...

I highly suggest you stop talking and start researching what the hell your talking about...
Every post you've made is extremly laughable.... And your 19, you don't have a clue about aas or diets.. Why are you giving advice when your the one that need it
Blow a load onto a mirror. After that, count as many sperms as you can. If it's under 1 million, go to a doctor. If it's above, you're good to knock your girl up. That's all those fancy fertility doctors do, anyway. They just want your hard-earned $$$ that you'd rather spend on hookers and blow.