Help w Low Dose Clomid PCT after long cycle


New Member
So if one is really sensitive to clomid, cuz makes eyes hurt after two days taking 25mg. Ibuprofen relieves the pain, but it seems to be advised not to mess with clomid if you vision issues. Can usually take 12.5mg every 2-3 days with no issues. Don't want to mess w Torem due to black box warning of death (even tho used in past and it worked great). Money is not an issue and time is not rushed.

If one has been mostly on for 7 months, most of the time at 250mg every 5 days, with a couple blasts of prop in there, what is the ideal exit strategy to come off? Taper to 100/week? Hcg vs Hmg? AI even if e2 is normal?
No help? I joined this forum because I thought you guys would be a good resource, as my old forum has died out. Apparently you guys don't like to help out new members?
you need to hit the search button .
I have searched, but didn't find anything on HMG, so I was hoping for a response that fit my situation. With money not being and option and time is flexible, wanted opinions on mainly ideal hcg or hmg strategies? At this point would it help to get on hcg for a couple months before getting off, or just do the last 4 weeks before starting PCT? And 250 or 500 3x/week be better? I've read that HMG works better at restoring fertility if it is an option. Also didn't know if with the low dose of SERM if anything needed changed because of that...
So for this power PCT, the hcg is ran at the same time as the SERM's? I thought you did hcg at the end of the cycle (while still on), and then used SERM's after that? I'm confused with the timing of the hcg and serms...