High Protein Bugs?

Hi there, new to the forum. I was reading some reviews at Cricket Powder Protein that was recommending, as the name suggests, using protein powder made from CRICKETS to support muscle growth! Have any of you guys/girls heard anything about this? If so, does it taste weird? I'd love to hear everybody's story on this, and their views. Me personally, I'd be willing to try it if cricket protein powder is really better than beef.
I'm not sure where you all are located, but being from North America, the idea of eating insects(whether for muscle gains, or purely pleasure) seems so foreign. Yet in many other countries, eating insects is a delicacy. Could you imagine growing up eating fried crickets, or roaches?!?
@Perrin Aybara @Seven Dog
When moving into my first apartment, I was looking for good exercise equipment that would be ideal for an apartment(lightweight, durable, and not overly priced). A simple google search didn't really show any good results(tons for massive home gyms in garages, etc.), but nothing really targeted to apartments. So I figured I could create a site that may be able to help someone looking for similar products. So it's a little self-promotion, but with the honest intentions of helping people find what they're looking for. I hope it doesn't offend anybody on this forum.
@Perrin Aybara @Seven Dog
When moving into my first apartment, I was looking for good exercise equipment that would be ideal for an apartment(lightweight, durable, and not overly priced). A simple google search didn't really show any good results(tons for massive home gyms in garages, etc.), but nothing really targeted to apartments. So I figured I could create a site that may be able to help someone looking for similar products. So it's a little self-promotion, but with the honest intentions of helping people find what they're looking for. I hope it doesn't offend anybody on this forum.

As long as you're not sling bathtub gear..or protein bugs lol, should be fine. Imo

Sounds like a good idea you have, GL.
@Perrin Aybara @Seven Dog
When moving into my first apartment, I was looking for good exercise equipment that would be ideal for an apartment(lightweight, durable, and not overly priced). A simple google search didn't really show any good results(tons for massive home gyms in garages, etc.), but nothing really targeted to apartments. So I figured I could create a site that may be able to help someone looking for similar products. So it's a little self-promotion, but with the honest intentions of helping people find what they're looking for. I hope it doesn't offend anybody on this forum.
Do you run gear?
This thread is full of cricket shit!!

This op is just spamming.

Check out ApartmentWorkouts.com

And then look at the site he's asking about (cricketpowderprotein.com).

See any similarities?

Same templet, same format, etc. Best this, best that, etc.
