How do you frequently assess the effect on hair loss of your stack?

I read that by the time you see visible changes a great deal of hair loss and thinning has actually happened.
How do you monitor the situation frequently? Like a few times a week on a stack.
I added 12.5mg a day of dianabol to my trt and want to keep an eye on it and stop if necessary. thank you
Seems some people say adding a strainer in your shower drain and counting hairs/cleaning it post shower daily is a great way to track it.

It’s posted on here in the hair thread somewhere but I feel like they said 5-10 hairs a day is normal, 10-20 is not. COULD BE WRONG ON THOSE NUMBERS, going off memory, but it’s all here. Big giant thread on hair loss.
Assume it's happening and take steps to protect your hairline, always, while on gear, or better yet ALWAYS, gear or not.

At the very least low dose oral minoxidil and ketoconozole shampoo twice a week to reduce scalp DHT. You can do these with a 99% chance of no sides. It's all upside.

If you really want to ensure you're protecting it, forget the ketoconozole and find a low dose of Finasteride you can tolerate, but that's not always cost free in terms of side effects, unlike the option above.

You cannot imagine how horrible it is to lose it. It's absolutely brutal when it's beyond the point of no return and you'll curse your previous full haired self for not saving those follicles while you had a chance.

PS: Not shilling, but the only place I'm aware you can get 2% Keto shampoo without a prescription is PCT24x7, the other India pharma sellers won't send it because it's liquid and too cheap to be worth the trouble. 1% over the counter is ineffective.
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Take pics of your crown and hairline under the same light and with the same hair length. If there's thinning you'll see it. Also, if you're not to a point you find a good amount of hair in your comb or in shower then again you're fine. Stop overthinking it and don't take anything, especially finasteride. If you're so afraid of going bald overnight you could start topical minoxidil like rogaine and if possible dermarolling once every 10 days. But if you think you don't need it yet, then most probably you'll just throw cash in trash.
"By age 35, two-thirds of American men will have some degree of appreciable hair loss and by age 50 approximately 85% of men have significantly thinning hair."

Ketoconozole and oral minoxidil will cost less than $6 a month and go a long way to preserving what you've got. Hair goes through a long process of miniaturizing before it drops. Those are the hair growth stem cells disappearing, never to return. Only the tiniest minority of men maintain high quality hair into their late 30s and by 50 it's so unusual it's almost hard not to notice the guys that have thick hair at that age.

Topical minoxidil is 10x more expensive, a pain in the ass, messy, and often doesn't work because you don't have enough of the enzyme in your skin needed to convert it to the active ingredient. Oral minoxidil fully converts into the active ingredient in the liver (it's not liver toxic).

If you don't see much balding in the men on your mothers side than Fin may not be worth it for now, but this is an investment in your future self that will pay off nicely at little financial and no cost to your health.
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no cost to your health.
This is literally the reason I haven’t started running hair stuff. 50/50 shot it will kill your dick and take potentially years, if ever, for a recovery.

SSRI’s did the same thing to me. I’m losing my hair.. and about to start a DHT cycle but damn.. idk if it’s worth it.
This is literally the reason I haven’t started running hair stuff. 50/50 shot it will kill your dick and take potentially years, if ever, for a recovery.

SSRI’s did the same thing to me. I’m losing my hair.. and about to start a DHT cycle but damn.. idk if it’s worth it.

You have a point with fin. It's scary stuff if you're sensitive to it (I am).

But 2.5mg of oral minoxidil is an "infant dose", and as it very, very slightly lowers BP (it's a blood pressure med) it'll prevent ED, not cause it. The worst side is it boosts hair growth everywhere. No effect on hormones or libido at all.

Keto shampoo has no systemic effect on DHT. It barely affects the hair follicles, and doesn't go further than that. The worst side is it's not a great shampoo, and you have to leave it on for a full 5 minutes. There is absolutely zero effect on sexual function from it. As a bonus it'll knock out any dandruff issues you might have.
But 2.5mg of oral minoxidil is an "infant dose", and as it very, very slightly lowers BP (it's a blood pressure med) it'll prevent ED, not cause it. The worst side is it boosts hair growth everywhere. No effect on hormones or libido at all.

Keto shampoo has no systemic effect on DHT. It barely affects the hair follicles, and doesn't go further than that. The worst side is it's not a great shampoo, and you have to leave it on for a full 5 minutes. There is absolutely zero effect on sexual function from it. As a bonus it'll knock out any dandruff issues you might have.

There are thousands of people/posts out there that would 100% disagree with these statements.
There are thousands of people/posts out there that would 100% disagree with these statements.
People with bad experiences shout the loudest.

Actual science says that only occurs in a small amount of people AND the vast majority of the people ED occurs in are also obese, diabetic, high BP, etc.
There are thousands of people/posts out there that would 100% disagree with these statements.

Sure, I'm reading the thousands of comments right now about how minoxidil and keto shampoo kills libido lol.

Minoxidil helps hair the same way it lowers blood pressure, by opening up microscopic blood vessels, that's all it does.

Ketoconole is an anti-inflammatory, which reduces the inflammation triggered by DHT that is part of how DHT damages follicles. Like a topical ibuprofen.

Anyone who believes that they can affect libido in any way is extending their fear of finasteride to anything related to hair loss prevention.

You can think your way into ED and if they can't get it up it's because they're crazy, not because of either of these two substances.

What a coincidence that two things completely unrelated to DHT, that might help prevent hair loss, just happen to cause ED?
was genetically blessed with a good hairline, but ill occasionally look at the shower drain to see if there's any hairloss. Thankfully there isn't (knock on wood), and I run mast every cycle

If you're prone just avoid DHTs, or just embrace the bald. I don't really see a good third option?
was genetically blessed with a good hairline, but ill occasionally look at the shower drain to see if there's any hairloss. Thankfully there isn't (knock on wood), and I run mast every cycle

If you're prone just avoid DHTs, or just embrace the bald. I don't really see a good third option?

I envy the guys that look good bald. Most of us don't though,

Supposedly all male pattern balding can be traced to Ghengis Khan and his hundreds of sons mass reproducing with conquered women across Eurasia. Otherwise, these guys would've been weeded out of the gene pool by females not selecting them lol.
was genetically blessed with a good hairline, but ill occasionally look at the shower drain to see if there's any hairloss. Thankfully there isn't (knock on wood), and I run mast every cycle

If you're prone just avoid DHTs, or just embrace the bald. I don't really see a good third option?
Third option is to get a hair transplant when it gets bad enough and I will 100% be doing that. I would not make an attractive bald man.
Third option is to get a hair transplant when it gets bad enough and I will 100% be doing that. I would not make an attractive bald man.

At which point you have to take finasteride.

I was nearly first in line for that stuff when it came out. 1mg a day killed my libido and motivation before anyone even mentioned that was a thing. I quit and recovered.

In hindsight, what I should've done was try a lower dose until I found one I could live with and kept my 22yo hair.

.25mg ED seems ok. At the time no one knew that even minuscule doses of .25mg every other day could be almost as effective as 1mg ED with far less risk of sides.
Look the hairline of your mother's father. If he was bald, whatever the f you do you will be too just earlier if you take steroids.

Transplants exist.

So shaving it.
Look the hairline of your mother's father. If he was bald, whatever the f you do you will be too just earlier if you take steroids.

Transplants exist.

So shaving it.

My moms dad died in his 80’s with WAY better hair than I currently have at 32.