Since when does this convo have to be carbs vs protein…
1. In the diet you START a bulk with make sure you’re at acceptable fat levels (60+ IMO) and hitting 1.5-2g/lb protein.
2. As you bulk, add carbs.
Incredibly simple and effective.
My bulks go from ~375/300/70 to ~400/900/100 (protein and fat increases from trace in carb sources). I don’t have to trade protein or carbs. Most of this forum won’t hit 900g carbs. But you don’t need to. I find it, in place of a study well never get, counterintuitive to believe that we’re putting on anywhere from 5-10x the muscle in any given time period compared to nattys but that we should abide by their dietary guidelines for growth. Muscle may be mostly fluid, like any tissue, but without the raw lean tissue to store it, that’s temporary. Insulin may be anabolic, but why wouldn’t you make sure theres excess building blocks (essential aminos) for insulin to shuttle while using gear?
I all but guarantee that if you eat 350/600 carbs/protein vs 250/700 you WILL GROW FASTER and look better in the mirror.