How long should I wait to run my next cycle.

Your most likely going to lose 95% of your gained weight, not trying to bash you as people make mistakes but it's critical to not jump into a cycle without everything you need (test, ai, pct, blood work) browse around the forums for a while there is lots of great information from very knowledgeable members here.
Your most likely going to lose 95% of your gained weight, not trying to bash you as people make mistakes but it's critical to not jump into a cycle without everything you need (test, ai, pct, blood work) browse around the forums for a while there is lots of great information from very knowledgeable members here.

Week 2 of pct and I have not lost 95% of gains mate, caught the flu for a week didn't train and did lose 5lbs. Now in week 2, Been taking 15gs of creatine a day loading, hadn't trained in a week but already looking puffed up and nice with water retention. As big as I looked before the flu, Hopefully I continue to keep up nice and come march I get to start pinning test and popping more dbol. Novla seems to be doing the job nuts are return to size, still have wood problems unfortunately, nipples where super itchy first week of pct, but no problem or gyno now.
So if I go get bloodwork and its clear
then I can be gtg? thats all I was asking. Why wouldnt my blood go back to normal if I pct correctly and take the right ammount of time off. This is my first time with juice and I just don't know what to expect off cycle aside from running a dbol only cycle I've kept to a good routine being on vacation from work at the moment all Ive done is train, sleep, and eat +4000cals a day protein and carbs. I'm not bloated I've made gains. blood pressure is good and I drink lots of water and milk thistle for the liver.
You won't know because you were too stupid to do precycle bloodwork. Now you won't know when or if you are back to normal. Some never recover
Will I really lose it all? Ive eaten great and I'm really not that bloated, if this is the case then thats just downright depressing. I guess I'll start lots of cardio and tell people at the gym Im cutting to explain the sudden weight loss lol..
Yes, you will lose 70% of what you think are gains. Better prepare yourself. Do what you have to do
Yes, you will lose 70% of what you think are gains. Better prepare yourself. Do what you have to do
Test back to normal or not I'm getting back on in March, estro no good to cycle? well I'll pop some aromisin. I don't understand why people assume you'll lose it all on dbol, I lost all my water retention during my bought with the flu, didn't eat, and was dehydrated a week and only went down 5lbs which I could get back natty. Early bodybuilders ate dbol like candy, they didn't piss out their gains... The only shit I'll say about dbol only is it does shut ya down, and when the half life of dbol is over without test, your blood levels go all over the place. What I think is ridiculous is guys on these forums scaring "newcomers" that they might not get back to "normal". That's like me going to my buddy who just did a line of blow and saying to him "you're fucked for life, you're going to be an addict now." It's not right scaring people with that, and if I was so worried I wouldn't be jumping back on in march. Especially younger guy in there 20's their hpta will recover far quicker then the older guys.
Test back to normal or not I'm getting back on in March, estro no good to cycle? well I'll pop some aromisin. I don't understand why people assume you'll lose it all on dbol, I lost all my water retention during my bought with the flu, didn't eat, and was dehydrated a week and only went down 5lbs which I could get back natty. Early bodybuilders ate dbol like candy, they didn't piss out their gains... The only shit I'll say about dbol only is it does shut ya down, and when the half life of dbol is over without test, your blood levels go all over the place. What I think is ridiculous is guys on these forums scaring "newcomers" that they might not get back to "normal". That's like me going to my buddy who just did a line of blow and saying to him "you're fucked for life, you're going to be an addict now." It's not right scaring people with that, and if I was so worried I wouldn't be jumping back on in march. Especially younger guy in there 20's their hpta will recover far quicker then the older guys.
Talk to me in a few years genius. You will be on Trt for life before you are 25 smh. Get used to pinning
Sounds like you know everything already. Makes me wonder why you came here worried in the first place. No one here is trying to scare you. They're trying to keep you healthy and not fuck yourself up. Oh, but you're 22. I remember that. Invincible. That'll never happen to me!

You say you've studied for a year, but know less than most guys do after an hour. A person could Google "first steroid cycle" and know more in 5 min than you do.

Good luck, I have a feeling you're going to need it, and I look forward to your next thread months from now titled, "Help guys! I should've listened but now my dick doesn't work and I feel like shit!".
Talk to me in a few years genius. You will be on Trt for life before you are 25 smh. Get used to pinning

Again scaring people, its not like I'm doing a 20week cycle, or cruising forever. I did 6 weeks on now 4weeks pct how is that going to shutdown the healthy hpta of a 22year old?
Sounds like you know everything already. Makes me wonder why you came here worried in the first place. No one here is trying to scare you. They're trying to keep you healthy and not fuck yourself up. Oh, but you're 22. I remember that. Invincible. That'll never happen to me!

You say you've studied for a year, but know less than most guys do after an hour. A person could Google "first steroid cycle" and know more in 5 min than you do.

Good luck, I have a feeling you're going to need it, and I look forward to your next thread months from now titled, "Help guys! I should've listened but now my dick doesn't work and I feel like shit!".

I'm not trying to act like I know it all, I actually came here asking for advice and rather then advice got a bunch of shitty old dudes bitching about dbol as I've seen on so many other forums... Seriously what do you fellas have against dbol, I think its fucking great. It's almost like you guys bash it because you know its fucking great. Yeah I could've gotten more gains pinning test, that was the plan, but I did not realize needles would be such a pain to get where I am at. If anything you guys should give me a better source for pins other then amazon instead of crying about the "dangers of dbol" and how it is the steroid that should never be done on its own.
Again scaring people, its not like I'm doing a 20week cycle, or cruising forever. I did 6 weeks on now 4weeks pct how is that going to shutdown the healthy hpta of a 22year old?

I'm not trying to act like I know it all, I actually came here asking for advice and rather then advice got a bunch of shitty old dudes bitching about dbol as I've seen on so many other forums... Seriously what do you fellas have against dbol, I think its fucking great. It's almost like you guys bash it because you know its fucking great. Yeah I could've gotten more gains pinning test, that was the plan, but I did not realize needles would be such a pain to get where I am at. If anything you guys should give me a better source for pins other then amazon instead of crying about the "dangers of dbol" and how it is the steroid that should never be done on its own.
If your clown ass wasn't 22 I would have given you a good pin source. How the fuck do you know your hpta is healthy you've never done bloodwork moron
Do NOT run dbol only! I jus did it and Ima dumbass you well lose most of your libido and your head we'll be wonky especially if you did it at 60mgs for like 3 months like I did. Drop the juice! Get bloodwork get your levels straight and do injectables fuck the orals! And I highly reccomend hcg when pcting.
Honestly this is what happends when you take steroids. Yo have to deal with it...Just remember it will passed and you will feel good again when you take test again.
Wow ur the kids that is asking for advice and now are bugging out becasue you didnt get the adivice you wanted. Dbol is not bad just running a dbol only cycle is which is what your dumbass did. Good luck man dont ask questions if you dont like the asnwers you get. Go into it blind like you did this time.
Do NOT run dbol only! I jus did it and Ima dumbass you well lose most of your libido and your head we'll be wonky especially if you did it at 60mgs for like 3 months like I did. Drop the juice! Get bloodwork get your levels straight and do injectables fuck the orals! And I highly reccomend hcg when pcting.

Mate I lost some gains but I attribute that to getting the flu my last week running it, I ate great and did get some solid gains. Now libido is shit right now, and my head is all types of fucked. Dbol is great but would I do it again, naw! it wasn't worth shutting myself down after 6weeks, I could've gotten more gains running it with an injectable for 12weeks. now I have to wait to recover after only getting to juice for 6weeks. Next cycle test, dbol, then maybe drol and or deca, and I'm going all out with the most aggressive pct I can find.
Mate I lost some gains but I attribute that to getting the flu my last week running it, I ate great and did get some solid gains. Now libido is shit right now, and my head is all types of fucked. Dbol is great but would I do it again, naw! it wasn't worth shutting myself down after 6weeks, I could've gotten more gains running it with an injectable for 12weeks. now I have to wait to recover after only getting to juice for 6weeks. Next cycle test, dbol, then maybe drol and or deca, and I'm going all out with the most aggressive pct I can find.
Lmao, what the fuck did you think we were joking. Smdh
Lmao, what the fuck did you think we were joking. Smdh
Mate I posted this thread because I had done wrong, was oral only that big of a mistake, no I got shit out of it! Did I get what I wanted? No I donnot look like Arnie, Now yeah it was not worth shutting my self down for. All in all it would have been better to run test with, I could've packed on more pounds, I would've got to stay on longer, and I wouldn't have gotten shutdown as hard.