How much cardio do guys do?


New Member
How much cardio do you guys do? I am for 15k steps a day on top of 5k on the treadmill. Excessive or normal? I’m cutting at the minute.
When cutting you want your cardio in a spot where you can progress down the line. So least cardio for maximum fat loss. That way when you stall, you have more in the tank to dig harder
Wow guys isn't it quite excessive with that much cardio and steps? I seriously prefer eating 2300cal to lean down with moderate cardio than eating 2800 with 1 hour cardio + 10-15K steps. I'm currently doing ed morning fasted walks of 30 min and 15min light running on treadmill 4 times a week postworkout. My total steps are around 12K including the walks and treadmill and i'm 4th week on cutting.
Currently in a leaning out phase, doing 60min 6x per week on empty stomach and at least 8500 daily steps (not including morning cardio). Almost ready for growth phase probably 1-2 weeks left and then I'm halving the morning cardio and slowly reducing it in the coming weeks.
From 0 to 30 minutes daily. I should be doing it more as it's healthy but I always find excuses not to do it.
0 on purpose, however my job makes me hit 15-20k constantly. Those steps are 60% climbing the stairs. On my free days I always walk and stay on my feet. Otherwise I'm active, playing basketball, football with friends and swimming. Sitting and doing nothing is not my moto. Easily eating 3500+ cal and with ocassional 5000cal day once in awhile. Maintaining 230lbs somewhere legit ~12% body fat.
Run 2 miles pre-lift, then walk for 10 minutes to let the heart rate settle a bit. Comes out to around 30 mins pre lift

Then I'll do a light 10 minute walk at the end of the lift to help free up lactic acid.

So 40 minutes total, 6 days a week
Currently in a leaning out phase, doing 60min 6x per week on empty stomach and at least 8500 daily steps (not including morning cardio). Almost ready for growth phase probably 1-2 weeks left and then I'm halving the morning cardio and slowly reducing it in the coming weeks.
60 minutes? That’s a long time for cardio. How many km?
Wow guys isn't it quite excessive with that much cardio and steps? I seriously prefer eating 2300cal to lean down with moderate cardio than eating 2800 with 1 hour cardio + 10-15K steps. I'm currently doing ed morning fasted walks of 30 min and 15min light running on treadmill 4 times a week postworkout. My total steps are around 12K including the walks and treadmill and i'm 4th week on cutting.
It’s for the other benefits I’m doing it such as extra energy and just an overall general healthy feeling more so than anything.
It’s for the other benefits I’m doing it such as extra energy and just an overall general healthy feeling more so than anything.
Yeah it's really good for the heart too. Reduces the risk of heart attack/stroke, which is especially important with AAS, lowers blood glucose, I'd imagine it improves insulin sensitivity too. There's so many benefits to cardio. The only downside is the cortisol your body creates if you do you cardio and lifting together (like i do)

Then the extra endurance is nice, and very noticeable in the gym. Can't be gassing out after 2 sets If you have no cardiovascular endurance
It’s for the other benefits I’m doing it such as extra energy and just an overall general healthy feeling more so than anything.

Thing is, you have to enjoy it to do that much and i don't. I hate my life doing cardio. It's like forcing a runner do heavy workouts with weights. I know the benefits from it and i don't say don't do it but you can still get the benefits from a moderate amount, doing 60 minutes on top of your desired steps is way much.

I don't know, i spend 2 hours give or take doing my workouts and already trying to compress time like rest less between sets because day has only 24 and if you exclude work and sleep it's only a little you have for your personal time. I don't mind spend the 2 doing what i love, which is lifting, but hell no i'll be doing 1 hour cardio per day on top of my steps. If i don't work and stay inactive through the day i don't mind, but that's the only exception.

Well, no wonder why i always been a fat pig. The only time i leaned out i was doing 4 morning running cardio session of 50-60 minutes and i literally hated everything about this. When i stopped doing this excessive amount i started gain weight like a effing sponge, i threw the towel and the rebound was massive..i might have gained like a 100 pounds in 2 years that period. Since then i swear to do as much as i can tolerate without pushing it to the limits, regarding the things i'm "forced" to do.
60 minutes? That’s a long time for cardio. How many km?
I do it on an elliptical at home. I don't precisely track the distance, I focus on maintaining my heart rate between 120-140 bpm. Given my sedentary job, most of my cardio activity relies on "dedicated machine sessions". Additionally, I've recently purchased a LifeSpan walking pad and do my daily steps on that while working.

Personally, I find that a balanced approach of incorporating cardio and making only slight adjustments to my calorie intake yields better results than drastically cutting back on food. This allows me to maintain a reasonable intake of carbs and also have 1-2 higher carb days per week. In addition to the general health benefits, cardio boosts my energy levels during the day.
When cutting Usally upto a hour of intense. While maintaining or bulking 40 mins split into 2 20 mins walk to the gym and back
How much cardio do you guys do? I am for 15k steps a day on top of 5k on the treadmill. Excessive or normal? I’m cutting at the minute.
60min/week on bad weeks (less time, lot of work). 120-150min/week the best case. Prio. 1 is always weight lifting. Cardio in the morning.....
I do push pull legs then a day of cardio only at 45 minutes repeat. I also do 30 min at the end of pull day. It works out to doing cardio every other day.