How much does PCT actually suck?


New Member
Hey all. I had this buried in a separate thread but I figure it kinda makes sense as it's own thread in the right forum so here we go. I'm on my first ever cycle right now, 400mg Test Cyp/week. On hand for PCT I have Nolva. I also have Aromasin, but I haven't been aromatizing at all so so far it's unused. I'm open to picking up some Clomid if you think I should, but the eyesight issues some people have reported scare the shit out of me.

November 17 would be the end of the 12th week of my cycle. Originally my plan was to wrap it all up then, wait 2 weeks for the compound to clear my system and then start my PCT. However, I just found out I'll be going on a 10-day work trip starting on Dec 1st, which would be the first day of my planned PCT.

So basically my questions are: Am I going to feel like a total bag of dogshit for the first few weeks of PCT? Would I be better off extending the cycle by 2 weeks so my last injection is the night before the trip, so I'm basically in the comedown stretch of the cycle while I'm gone, and then I start PCT when I get back home? Which part of the end of a cycle is worst?

The first option would be to cut it a bit shorter and wrap up after 10 weeks, so I'm already 2 weeks into PCT when I leave on the trip. The second option means this would be a 16-week cycle, which is definitely pretty damn long for a beginners first ever cycle, but not completely outrageous, right? It's just very, very important that I'm not a completely piece of shit on this trip, I need to still be coherent and have energy, and since I've never gone through PCT before I have no idea how to gauge that.
Easiest thing to do is run your cycle how you intended on in the first place. So you do your 12 weeks. Then drop the dose to 250mg for the 1st week then 125-150mg the 2nd week, that would be week 13-14. That will allow you to slowly wean yourself off the drugs and lessen the crash.

By slowly weaning yourself off it will lessen the crash IMHO. Now i say this as a 44 year old man who's currently in week 3 of PCT after 9 years on TRT. Normally for 2-3 months in the summer i bump my dose to 500-600mgs and then back down to 175-200 for the rest of the year. This year the mrs and I decided we're gonna try for kids so i knew i had to get off everything. I skipped my summer cycle and just ran TRT as usual but started to reduce the dose the last month, 200-175-150-125-75 then nothing. I cant tell you how PCT works as its my first go of it and this is only my experience. What i can say is that i dont feel to bad and that is a godsend.

Im using 2500IU HCG 3x/week- 50mgClomid/day- 20mg Nolvadex/Day. Im working with a reproductive urologist and this was his protocol. He didn't Rx the Nolvadex but i did as an extra serm as clomid and nolva work well together.

So in short lower your dose for a few weeks after your stop the cycle and take your last shot before you go on your trip. Remember test E or C has a 7-8 day half life, so the compounds won't be out of your system for 14-16 days. You have nothing to worry about on your trip and that will bring you peace of mind and keep the task at hand. Once you return you'll of cleared most of the test and be ready for start your PCT. Hope that helps sir, safe travels.
I have been doing gears for 13 years now. I’m 42. Still to this day my libido has never been better than on my first few PCTs of my early cycles. I had Clomid, Nolva, HCG and a supp called HCGenerate. All that is probably overkill for a simple 500mg Test only cycle lol but I’ve probably never felt better than when I was all hopped up on PCT drugs.

Those days didn’t last forever though because I started blasting and cruising a few years later. But don’t fear PCT. Your genetics and lifestyle/routine will determine how much gains you will keep. I was very surprised to learn most of my gains would remain. It was pretty easy to keep and maintain as long as you are feeding it enough and still training while off.
What helps a lot is once you end the injectables is taking 10mg dbol for 2-3 weeks letting everything clear. Then the next day start the SERM. I only use 10-20mg nolva and it’s all you really need. My balls are plump within 5 days.
PCT has been fine for me as well, no issues at all but the "sad" feeling of not being as pumped and feely as on cycle. Libido can be affected somewhat as well, but usually works decent there as well for me.
Some get really bad sides from Clomid and avoid it, but me personally love it with Nolva.
Some gets perks and still make gains, feeling more engaged libido-wise and even shoot better loads I've head (I'm in the middle here).

Don't use anything to suppress and clean yourself out, I would start immediately when it's time. HCG during PCT is a debate and I am not knowledgeble enough to answer there, but I did it under Dr.Scally Power PCT when I was very young and listened to the wrong people. It saved me for sure.

And be realistic, you will return to normal now, don't go yolo and feel you want to blast immediately again. Weight the pros and cons and see it as a entire life choice, not for the year.

Very interested to read your end results and feelings in a log @SonhoDourado - Would be a fantastic read! I know many who are worried going of TRT.

Best of luck bro!
I have been doing gears for 13 years now. I’m 42. Still to this day my libido has never been better than on my first few PCTs of my early cycles. I had Clomid, Nolva, HCG and a supp called HCGenerate. All that is probably overkill for a simple 500mg Test only cycle lol but I’ve probably never felt better than when I was all hopped up on PCT drugs.

Those days didn’t last forever though because I started blasting and cruising a few years later. But don’t fear PCT. Your genetics and lifestyle/routine will determine how much gains you will keep. I was very surprised to learn most of my gains would remain. It was pretty easy to keep and maintain as long as you are feeding it enough and still training while off.
How do you feel about Enclomiphene rather than full Clomid? The vision issues some people report are a non-starter for me.
I find gains off just a low to moderate dose of test are pretty damn depressing so what it must feel like going back to full natty I cannot imagine, I think if you are keeping yourself busy though you will notice the negative feelings less however.
How do you feel about Enclomiphene rather than full Clomid? The vision issues some people report are a non-starter for me.
Yeah if you can find real Enclomiphene go with that. Definitely superior. I used Dash Pct recently and got some Enclomiphene. It wasn’t tested at the time but another customer was planning on testing. Maybe that’s complete by now.

But I used the Enclomiphene alongside a tiny daily dose of Testosterone cypionate to actually bring my natural testosterone back online. Worked great.
I find gains off just a low to moderate dose of test are pretty damn depressing so what it must feel like going back to full natty I cannot imagine, I think if you are keeping yourself busy though you will notice the negative feelings less however.
Man I used to think the same way until I tried it. Feel just fine with normal testosterone levels. Libido is better than when test is supra levels. Plus going with the low micro doses allows the important downstream hormones to still work alongside the exogenough testosterone. Usually much of those just quit when levels are elevated for extended periods. That’s when I started noticing I didn’t feel awesome despite my test and other blood markers looking great. There’s a lot more going on inside that what shows up on blood tests, unfortunately.
I’ll tell you how bad it sucks….

You ever watch a porn and there is some chick on her knees surrounded by dicks? She’s sucking one and has each hand on another but the guys standing around jerking off, waiting their turn are beginning to get frustrated. Then all of a sudden she backs off sucking one dick, and before she can even catch her breath some other random dick shoves it’s way down her throat! It sucks just like that!
Man I used to think the same way until I tried it. Feel just fine with normal testosterone levels. Libido is better than when test is supra levels. Plus going with the low micro doses allows the important downstream hormones to still work alongside the exogenough testosterone. Usually much of those just quit when levels are elevated for extended periods. That’s when I started noticing I didn’t feel awesome despite my test and other blood markers looking great. There’s a lot more going on inside that what shows up on blood tests, unfortunately.
Its funny as I've always thought this too - I was way hornier on natty test than I have ever been loaded up on anabolics of all kinds. Even though the natural production is much lower it works so much better at making you feel great doesn't it, at least thats how I remember it 8 years ago now Lol. Problem is now being over 40 I cannot help but think if I did somehow get full natty again my lifts would be worse than that of a 12 year old LMAO.