How much effort do you put into training your biceps?


I’ll throw in some barbell curls or hammer curls once a week just to get some blood flow but I put all my focus on my triceps concerning arms. I assume I’m not alone on this with people who primarily train for strength.
I’ll throw in some barbell curls or hammer curls once a week just to get some blood flow but I put all my focus on my triceps concerning arms. I assume I’m not alone on this with people who primarily train for strength.
I try to hit them with EZ bar or dumbell work once a week and on DL day.
I typically train biceps twice a week. Doesn't really help with powerlifting, but hasn't negatively effected me either. I just do it for the added hypertrophy. There's just something about the idea of big, veiny arms and a small waist. Lol
Guilty here too.
I may hit bi’s directly twice a month. Indirectly from chins and rows. Mostly a stabilizer muscle so I feel slow eccentric or long pauses are great for biceps training if it’s a powerlifting accessory.
Depends on your goal yeah?

I train bis with pull and tris with push and then have a direct arm day because arms can never be too big on stage.

that’s about 1-2 failure sets on push/pull and and 6-8 + volume on the arm day.

I train them exactly like every other body part.
Dedicated arm day once a week and the triceps get hammered as secondary muscles 3 days and biceps get hammered as a secondary 1 day and then a simple follow up one more day, usually just 3 sets of barbell curls
Depends on the routine. I like using cables and bands for biceps. I just got back from new York so and I’m all healed up so I’m starting a PL routine from one of the competitors at the gym and besides close grip floor press most of the bicep and tricep direct work is with cables one exercise 4x8-10 reps twice a week.
I’ll throw in some barbell curls or hammer curls once a week just to get some blood flow but I put all my focus on my triceps concerning arms. I assume I’m not alone on this with people who primarily train for strength.

From a purely powerlifting perspective, there's not much point in direct bicep training. I guarantee that they aren't the weak point in anyone's squat, bench or deadlift. Plus, they already get hit hard during chinups/pullups or almost any rowing movement.

I train mine because my biceps are terrible without direct training. They're plenty strong, but to get a peak I need to hit them with isolation twice a week. My ego won't allow for not training them.
I neglected them to the point there was a huge imbalance. I’m no dr but I had less elbow pain after a few months of working them and bench press made quite a jump as well.
I feel like biceps are an important muscle group for powerlifters, they help stability on the bench, training your biceps helps your grip strength tremendously for deadlifts, and the blood flow helps with tendinitis. I train biceps directly once a week, and indirectly (back training) once a week as well.
In my current routine it’s my fun movement. I train them 2x a week on squat/dl day. 3-4 sets of 8–20. I hit them with effort and intensity but it’s mainly to drive blood and for pump. One day is a cable or machine curl the other day is high rep hammer curls.
I literally just started a pl routine but the guy who is working with my training has been at it for years
DB preacher has been far better for me. The preacher machines just don’t fit my body mechanics for some reason.

my arm days are typically:
1. Warm up with rope extensions/curls
2. Db preacher
3. Single arm cable extension
4. EZBar curl
5. Weighted dips
6. Hammer curls
7. Overhead DB extension
8. Superset of a couple exercises to finish it off

volume/exercises go up as long as I keep recovering