how to make transdermal testosterone?

Not doubting you but at that dose you wouldn't think it's possible to have no shutdown, all though there are always exceptions to the rule.
So LH and FSH are normal and no testicular shrinkage?
Where do you apply DMSO?
Do you get a noticeable odour from the DMSO?

Good DMSO, as in USP grade (what you should be using) has no odor. At least the stuff ive dabbled with has no odor whatsoever.
Which isn't really relevant. You want to know your levels at trough, that's what counts.
You want to make sure you are above a certain threshold the whole day, otherwise you have no clue how low your levels are most of the day.
Testing like you did is good to know it works and your test powder is real. But if you apply once a day, you need to test 24 hours later to know how low you go.

If applying twice a day, you test 12h after application, that's your trough.

Test base doesn't cause much shutdown even with 100mg applied twice a day, which is a massive amount, so no need to compensate over time with high doses.
I have been on 200mg test base in DMSO for over 2 years and it still works just as well as day 1 and I don't have a single bit of shutdown.

How can test freebase keep you elevated above natural levels all day even after a single dose?

My understanding is freebase test is in and out of you pretty fucking quick. Ive played around with it in multiple ROA and it never seemed to last more than a couple hours. Intranasal seemed to be the quickest to hit and quickest to subside. But even transdermal left me feeling down after a few hours following administration.
Good DMSO, as in USP grade (what you should be using) has no odor. At least the stuff ive dabbled with has no odor whatsoever.
What dose were you using before you got shutdown?
Goingstronger said he gets around 2200ng/dl 12 hours after application, and by what he said earlier gets no shutdown on 100mg twice a day. Why would we inject if this is right?
Maybe he is more of an unusual case and not the norm.
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What dose were you using before you got shutdown?
Goingstronger said he gets around 2200ng/dl 12 hours after application, and by what he said earlier gets no shutdown on 100mg twice a day. Why would we inject if this is right?
Maybe he is more of an unusual case and not the norm.

Ya i dunno what his situation is.

I dont recall the doses i was using, probably mentioned it on this forum some years ago. Ultimately i tried various transdermal preparations including phlojel. When i switched to just using the phlojel transdermal i started feeling like crap, i was definitely shut down and had to switch back to the pure DMSO based TD to feel better. The phlojel based TD did not seem to absorb well at all, at least not in comparison to the DMSO based.

My dosings were allover the place, it was to be honest pretty reckless experiment. I was also using intranasal T/HPBCD complex and T/HPBCD sublingual gummy bears. It was less about running a cycle and more about playing around with T base, but i did end up pulling like an 8 week cycle out of it albeit my T levels were flying allover the place due to my numerous experiments.
Not doubting you but at that dose you wouldn't think it's possible to have no shutdown, all though there are always exceptions to the rule.
So LH and FSH are normal and no testicular shrinkage?
Where do you apply DMSO?
Do you get a noticeable odour from the DMSO?
No testicular shrinkage, and T levels back to where they were two weeks after stopping.
100mg test in 1ml DMSO twice a day on the scrotum.
How can test freebase keep you elevated above natural levels all day even after a single dose?
Thanks to the skin fat acting as a reservoir.
And thanks to DMSO potentiating steroids' action and carrying them deep into tissues including bones :

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What dose were you using before you got shutdown?
Goingstronger said he gets around 2200ng/dl 12 hours after application, and by what he said earlier gets no shutdown on 100mg twice a day. Why would we inject if this is right?
Maybe he is more of an unusual case and not the norm.
Not an exception in the slightest, plenty of forum users I coach on Ray Peat forum get the same results,
Will this shit work with test E?

I got the tainted test E raws so u plugged 15g of test e into 30ml of dmso..
It wouldn't dissolve so I heated it up lol

Pls help
No testicular shrinkage, and T levels back to where they were two weeks after stopping.
100mg test in 1ml DMSO twice a day on the scrotum.
Thanks for your replies.
l just want to make sure l got this right. You can achieve test levels of 2200ng/dl at 12 hour trough, run those levels for as long as you want with no shutdown or need for HCG to prevent testicular atrophy. Then 2 weeks after you stop applying, your levels are back to normal and you could potentially function normal as a natty, with no PCT?
Assuming the above is right and assuming proviron will dissolve in DMSO if you were prone to very high shbg and high estrogen levels naturally, one could slightly reduce test and add some proviron to the mix to help lower shbg and estrogen levels and free up more test?
Also have you tried DMSO with any other compounds in base form, or even orals like anavar or anadrol?
Thanks for your replies.
l just want to make sure l got this right. You can achieve test levels of 2200ng/dl at 12 hour trough, run those levels for as long as you want with no shutdown or need for HCG to prevent testicular atrophy. Then 2 weeks after you stop applying, your levels are back to normal and you could potentially function normal as a natty, with no PCT?
Assuming the above is right and assuming proviron will dissolve in DMSO if you were prone to very high shbg and high estrogen levels naturally, one could slightly reduce test and add some proviron to the mix to help lower shbg and estrogen levels and free up more test?
Also have you tried DMSO with any other compounds in base form, or even orals like anavar or anadrol?
You got this right.

As far as other compounds, I've only tried test prop (dissolved up to 80mg/ml) and pure DHT (dissolves up to 58mg/ml).
No because of ester attached , it will not penetrate the skin.
I have already dispelled this myth : esters WILL make it through the skin with DMSO or cream.

A compounded test prop cream from the pharmacy makes my friend's testosterone levels twice higher at the 24h mark than with test base cream at the same concentration from the same pharmacy.
Just ordered testosterone acetate thanks to you and will let you know what its solubility is in DMSO.
Imagine just having to put a few drops of DMSO every morning on your balls or shoulders to achieve 3000-5000ng/dl.

Will obviously draw bloods after 15 days of continuous use.
did you ever make testosterone acetate in dmso?
did you ever make testosterone acetate in dmso?

Just tried this yesterday. Unfortunately it doesn't dissolve at all in DMSO. Tried adding pure ethanol it didn't dissolve either.
do you think it's better to use propionate at 50mg/ml dmso or testo base at 100mg? advantage of propionate is 24 hours

Funny I was exactly considering this debate today.
I received propionate with the acetate batch, so will mix 50mg/ml propionate in 96% vodka + alcoholic gel (I'm tired of using DMSO as it requires cleaning the skin thoroughly before every application) and see if it yields any significant results.

Will do the same with test base in 96% vodka at 100mg/ml (theoretically the max concentration of test base in pure ethanol is 160mg/ml).
Engraçado, eu estava exatamente considerando esse debate hoje.
Recebi propionato com o lote de acetato, então vou misturar 50mg/ml de propionato em 96% de vodka + gel alcoólico (estou cansado de usar DMSO, pois requer limpar bem a pele antes de cada aplicação) e ver se produz algum resultado significativo.

Fará o mesmo com a base de teste em vodka a 96% a 100mg/ml (teoricamente a concentração máxima da base de teste em etanol puro é 160mg/ml).
I wouldn't want to combine alcohol with dmso! it will absorb everything into the bloodstream!! can you tell if propionate dissolves well in 100% dmso? 50mg/ml or more?
I wouldn't want to combine alcohol with dmso! it will absorb everything into the bloodstream!! can you tell if propionate dissolves well in 100% dmso? 50mg/ml or more?

Propionate dissolves at around 50mg/ml, anything above crystalizes.