How to maximize IGF-1 on a budget?


New Member
Basically i get 20mg CJC 1295 Dac and 50mg GHRP-2/6 way more cheaper than GH. Js wanna get a stack that can get me on the 400-600ish IGF-1 levels. I have thought of Insulin to boost IGF-1
Are you saying that cjc and ghrp are getting you to 400-600 igf right now? Doesn't seem possible. If so keep doing it.
Most likely you'll need 4-6iu of GH to get the igf response. Of course it all depends on how you respond
Are you saying that cjc and ghrp are getting you to 400-600 igf right now? Doesn't seem possible. If so keep doing it.
Most likely you'll need 4-6iu of GH to get the igf response. Of course it all depends on how you respond
Im not saying it im asking if it can
Definitely not going to happen CJC and the other secretagogues can only increase your endogenous production. It's never going to have your pituitary putting out supra physiological amounts of hgh
You are wrong. Think about it for a second. Increasing your endogenous production will lead to supra physiological levels. I have seen blood work with 350-390 Igf-1 with just plain hexa/ipa + cjc cycle. That's what it was originally created for. There is a upper limit for it, that's for sure, but one can easily get into supra physiological levels.
Eat more carbohydrates. Sleep long and well every night. Strength train. Take as much GH as you can afford daily.