HUMAN-LABS [EU / International]

Hey, here's a little review from me about Human Labs:

My order of Testo E 300 and Exemestane in February 2022 went perfectly via email and was delivered within 2 weeks with nice stealthing!

At the end of March 2022 I had a blood work done to check if the stuff is legit and I have to say it is!
Before that I used Testo E 300 (overdosed at 330mg according to Janoshik) from Baku and Exemestane from Deus Medical.

Here are the results:

Baku Test E 300 + DM Exemestane:
~350mg/week + 6.25mg/ed
Free Testosterone: 1346ng/l (55-230)
Estradiol (E2): 77.4pg/ml (8-43)

HL Test E 300 + HL Exemestane:
~350mg/week + 6.25mg/ed
Free Testosterone: 2061ng/l (55-230)
Estradiol (E2): 57pg/ml (8-43)

As you can see, the blood levels are much better with the stuff from Human Labs.
After 6 months using HL (until September 2022) I tried another manufacturer but will now switch back to them again!
Unfortunately I didn't take any photos, sorry.
good numbers! thanks for share, hope to share mine soon!
im on trt 150mg/week with 1/4 aromasin e4d, 3iu hgh
@hleur hello, have u some new batch of Test E 300? I pinned 0.25ml test e, 0.5 primo e, 0.2 npp ED, all was ok until i try new batch of test e and 10x i pinned, 10x extreme pip, on quads i feel it every step for 3-4 days, it s yellow oil, maybe gso but i tried your gso before ( test e 250) and it was no pip,,


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@hleur hello, have u some new batch of Test E 300? I pinned 0.25ml test e, 0.5 primo e, 0.2 npp ED, all was ok until i try new batch of test e and 10x i pinned, 10x extreme pip, on quads i feel it every step for 3-4 days, it s yellow oil, maybe gso but i tried your gso before ( test e 250) and it was no pip,,
I thought the gso batches are unlabeled? I had the same experience once with cypionate, but heating it under warm water before injection solved the issue. Also enanthate raws are known to cause pip pretty much with every supplier worldwide as far as im aware
I thought the gso batches are unlabeled? I had the same experience once with cypionate, but heating it under warm water before injection solved the issue. Also enanthate raws are known to cause pip pretty much with every supplier worldwide as far as im aware
I am on gear 1 year, all from humanlabs, yes in early test e was little pip but never like this.., yes unlabelled i had and it was ok, but before this batch was oil mct or doesn t have “colour”, this is yellow..
Which hgh? I'm on 3-4iu of the 80 euro kits and seems to be good quality.
I'm also on that, who wouldn't really? Still too soon to notice much from it and am also cruising, soon enough I'll give my 2 cents.
@hleur hello, have u some new batch of Test E 300? I pinned 0.25ml test e, 0.5 primo e, 0.2 npp ED, all was ok until i try new batch of test e and 10x i pinned, 10x extreme pip, on quads i feel it every step for 3-4 days, it s yellow oil, maybe gso but i tried your gso before ( test e 250) and it was no pip,,
I literally stopped using test e, pip was awful literally every pin was a nightmare (if done on it's own, it was not that bad if you were mixing oils).

Only test cip now crew
I'm also on that, who wouldn't really? Still too soon to notice much from it and am also cruising, soon enough I'll give my 2 cents.

I literally stopped using test e, pip was awful literally every pin was a nightmare (if done on it's own, it was not that bad if you were mixing oils).

Only test cip now crew
I mix it ED and only have 0.25 ml of test.. I will try cyp too, but i wish it will be different oil than this..
I mix it ED and only have 0.25 ml of test.. I will try cyp too, but i wish it will be different oil than this..
As far as im aware every batch of cyp 300/ena 300 are made in MCT. Atleast 300 cyp might crystallize a little bit when temperature changes alot while storing. That's what happened to my cypionate which was in transit in winter, but after warming a little it turned to normal
second order received last week. this time the communication was a little slower, but I ordered during the Easter period, he was busy with orders and apologized for it. Everything else is perfect, fast and safe shipping, excellent stealth, no missing product, including a vial of test E, tribute for the previous review. I've already started using Primobolan HL, but for now I'm combining it with another brand's test C. Soon I will insert test EC 400 and I will do 2 weekly injections (0,5 ml test EC 400 + 2 ml Primobolan) and I will leave a detailed review about these two HL products.

What's the Primo like? Any good?