HUMAN-LABS [EU / International]

Oh it didn’t even come to my and and I am not questioning this by no means. I don’t think local sources would be so desperate to hire someone like you. With your obvious emotional instability and you would be a waste of money too, because you are doing particularly bad job so far. All you do is repeating the same stuff over and over, bringing up things from the past that were acknowledged by me, rectified or fixed any other way. Copy paste can be done by monkey for a banana. 2 testo vials for you would be waste
I do this for golden fish memory guys who don't read 2 pages and buy from scumbags like you. That was the purpose of all this to keep guys out of business but no one give a shit actually. People should know from where they buy,what history have that guy and when problems come that should be no wonder why.

You acknowledge all the problems that's cool but what have you done to make it right from them? One go fuck yourself and 5% off to keep them buying
For all the guys that can't use your shit you did what? You can't respond to a email in 4 days buy you have time to play innocent around here.
For the guy that ended on antibiotics because of you how you make it right from him?
Let me guess. Showing the middle finger

You know what a monkey can also do?Brewing. Is a job a monkey can do. Hire 2 monkeys and let them do the process as it will do a better job than what you have done. Make sure do give them bananas as they don't like when you blend bananas in other fruits like you do with steroid.
You remain at the part of acting innocent. You are doing a tremendous job.

Did you answer the email that guy is waiting since Thursday or your priorities are other like chatting with me?
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Haha it took only few posts for you to start insulting. Your posts are lacking substance because what you write is simply not true. Customers with valid complaints were taken care of to their satisfaction all the time in past. If not, you would definitely read a lot of grief about us being unfair.
What people are reading though is periodic grievances and insults of single guy, reiterating issues that were discussed and fixed long time ago. And that’s EXACTLY the reason why HL has been enjoying success for years - the fact that you can’t seem to digest. Because we never looked away for problems. People are not stupid like you trying to make them seem. They know problems are natural occurrence in any business, legal or not.
I really don’t know what is wrong with you but just look at it. Each person who brought up a problem in this thread, did so in calm and decent manner and they are being taken care of shortly after. Ironically, you were never a customer, never affected by any of this. Regardless, you chime in, activate your furious Robin Hood mode and start the unsolicited advocacy on their behalf as if they were unruly. It might seem weird until one realizes it is probably your way of venting something or getting off on trying to make impression of being authority who is bashing and exposing evil sources. It actually good when board is having such authorities, but in your case it’s getting a little toxic and embarrassing because you’re trying too hard to make bad impression of HL, parroting the same things.
Ye I just thought that HL won't respond anymore to my email, because my answer was almost instant to their email and then I got no response to my last mail.
I am waiting since Thursday so I guess it is gonna be answered anytime soon.
For security reasons, unlike MESO, I can not access the email anytime from anywhere, that’s why I couldn’t continue our conversation we started. That’s why I have been able to react to this person but couldn’t attend our convo
Haha it took only few posts for you to start insulting. Your posts are lacking substance because what you write is simply not true. Customers with valid complaints were taken care of to their satisfaction all the time in past. If not, you would definitely read a lot of grief about us being unfair.
What people are reading though is periodic grievances and insults of single guy, reiterating issues that were discussed and fixed long time ago. And that’s EXACTLY the reason why HL has been enjoying success for years - the fact that you can’t seem to digest. Because we never looked away for problems. People are not stupid like you trying to make them seem. They know problems are natural occurrence in any business, legal or not.
I really don’t know what is wrong with you but just look at it. Each person who brought up a problem in this thread, did so in calm and decent manner and they are being taken care of shortly after. Ironically, you were never a customer, never affected by any of this. Regardless, you chime in, activate your furious Robin Hood mode and start the unsolicited advocacy on their behalf as if they were unruly. It might seem weird until one realizes it is probably your way of venting something or getting off on trying to make impression of being authority who is bashing and exposing evil sources. It actually good when board is having such authorities, but in your case it’s getting a little toxic and embarrassing because you’re trying too hard to make bad impression of HL, parroting the same things.
Thing is that you are the only ugl that has fucked up repeatedly. How you manage to obtain this performance?
And yes people are stupid and have a short memory. That's why are you still around not because how great your ugl is.

A guy that sell something that give someone a infection is a scumbag. You are a scumbag. Congratulations!

I just pointed out facts my guy but you like every scumbags that are around you have the same attitude. Like that scammer Jano that played like nothing has happened and is a arrogant prick. Are all scumbags learn from each other what to say and how to play? You don't have to respond me this time. You have time to make a response when your shitty ugl do what is know for. I will be around or not or hopefully you will not be around anymore to sell your shit. Hopefully your door get knocked down in one morning because you become a danger. You shouldn't be around, you should stay and reflect for a few years how to brew to not give people problems.

I lose my time with this but what can we do. That's why we are here. Don't worry your sell wouldn't be affected as that's how people are. Ignorant.
Even that guy that sold tren motor oil continued to exist and make sells you will be fine. Just continue to act like nothing has happen and be a scumbag because you are good at that.

Meantime use that discount code to get a prescription for antibiotics, a orange size lump and a incapacity to move for 5 days. And of course 5% off to make more sell and act like a good innocent guy.
Lump in my ass,
I got a absces
I happy pin this shit
I'm a ignorant prick

I'm out for now from this shit hole topic(for now) and hopefully everyone will get out of this shit ugl and buy from someone who hasn't all the problem you had. Just cover your eyes and pick whatever. You couldn't make a worse decision than HL.
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Geeezzz this os a mess.

From where I stand for towards HL;
Ive been buying un bulk for a while now, do one bulk order every 2 to 4 weeks usually and Im not retarded so I think its safe to say I do enjoy HL products very much. As well as my friends ano I heard nothing but compliments, thats why they keep coming back, assuming they re also not retarded.
In additon I had 2 bulk orders stuck in customs that HL re sent for Free and both were delivered succesfully.
Other than that I had couple of bad reports in pregnyl (that other people used without any issue) as well as sust300. Fever like symptoms.

Overall I give HL 9/10, because these fuckers dont produce sibutramine, clenbuterol and some peptides like HGH Frag and Ipamorelin.
Geeezzz this os a mess.

From where I stand for towards HL;
Ive been buying un bulk for a while now, do one bulk order every 2 to 4 weeks usually and Im not retarded so I think its safe to say I do enjoy HL products very much. As well as my friends ano I heard nothing but compliments, thats why they keep coming back, assuming they re also not retarded.
In additon I had 2 bulk orders stuck in customs that HL re sent for Free and both were delivered succesfully.
Other than that I had couple of bad reports in pregnyl (that other people used without any issue) as well as sust300. Fever like symptoms.

Overall I give HL 9/10, because these fuckers dont produce sibutramine, clenbuterol and some peptides like HGH Frag and Ipamorelin.
I am sorry but now you have exposed yourself as a scumbag because you’re buying from, hence supporting a scumbag. And your friends are scumbags too, because they haven’t got an infection like they were supposed to!

In case you don’t mind carrying on to be a scum bag, you can make it 10/10 because in fact we do have sibutramine. Unlabelled though, not as a part of HL - leftover from a whitelabel batch made for different client’s label.
I have to say that it seems like @hleur is really taking care of the case and the products that caused me problems will be probably replaced for me.
I recieved an email answer from Human Labs about replacement options.

They also said that the cause of pip and other problems might be just different carrier oil (GSO) which is used in the new batch products.
I got the test ent 500 5packs of them big stupid move from me I did not read this messages first
I can only tolerate the test cyp 300
I injected test 5001ml with 23g in my glute next day my glute was double the size now nearly 1week later it’s a small coconut lump who is hard as a rock I even tried to inject 0.2ml in my other glute same thing a small lump this time similar to the lump I get from 3ml chiton labs from just 0.2
I tried to reach out to him and he said nothing is wrong with the test I told him let’s swap the test to test cyp he did not wanted
I wish I never got the test 500 the thing is that he Dosent accept that the fact his test ent mix are shit and every one tell him that
Even the test cyp is a small pip but it’s ok for me
I got his deca 500 I injected 0.4ml in glute nothing. Happen
I don't know about "others" but I have been on Testosterone C 300 (by HL) for almost a year and only this most recent batch is where things became bad. Bad pip and flu like symptoms. I had to bin 6 vials of TC300 not the first time and not that big loss, fortunately I had a T undec reserve, otherwise I would be really mad for this. Whatever changed I don't know and honestly don't care. Cheap sources are bad news in my experience panda and now hl. I will stick to premium and more known sources from now on. Done.
I don't know about "others" but I have been on Testosterone C 300 (by HL) for almost a year and only this most recent batch is where things became bad. Bad pip and flu like symptoms. I had to bin 6 vials of TC300 not the first time and not that big loss, fortunately I had a T undec reserve, otherwise I would be really mad for this. Whatever changed I don't know and honestly don't care. Cheap sources are bad news in my experience panda and now hl. I will stick to premium and more known sources from now on. Done.
This is my opinion

it is not testo cypionate but rather HL used remnants of Enanthate powder and sold them as cypionate, I'm telling you that I produce on my own, when testosterone enanthate is produced it must be filtered in a particular way, otherwise the molecule it will cause PIP 100%, unfortunately the filter is very expensive, and the UGLs tend not to filter, this is the cause of the products with PIP and abscesses, I can assure you that the testosterone enanthate that I produce is dosed at 300mg/ml but it does not cause any problems , the powder I use comes from QSC, if I were to publish photos of the product without being filtered you would be scared of the disgusting stuff inside, when you inject a substance you have to be 100% sure of how it is treated, imagine injecting unfiltered oil , after 1/2 years you have benign or malignant tumors throughout your liver
Same! Im still waiting answer after payment.

Same problem I haven't recieved an email answer from @hleur for 7 days already.
Waiting for the replacement solution.
Yeah, I paid on Oct 12 and still didnt even got a confirmation email let alone a tracking link.

Its already a risk ordering from HL considering recent news and you guys @hlsupport @hleur arent exatly helping to clean HL image taking more than 10 days to answer a simple email after we paid.