HUMAN-LABS [EU / International]

I can confirm their Testosterone C 300 is bad. Similar pip to what was sometime ago with panda's and other cheap sources issue with enanthate.
Some people are clearly particularly sensitive to some compound or element in the oils, but to be honest, nothing changed in the process or composition. I took time and contacted clients, especially big clients who have good sample size of end-users and they did not report any significant rise in complaints about particular product, apart from usual testosterone enanthate PIP problems.

Not saing the problem is not there, as some of you are experiencing issues, but honestly not sure what could be wrong because nothing has changed in between batches. What comes to mind could only be problem with particular component, e.g carrier oir batch containing something that handful of people not handling well etc.

Wish I knew where to look for the issue, I'd make sure the oils are best fit for everyone.

Regarding the new websites, distributors, etc... anything that's recommended by us in email or any other official channel is to be considered verified and authorized source. No reason to think something is wrong. You can freely opt to ignore offers or suggestions and keep doing things as you have been used to.
Some people are clearly particularly sensitive to some compound or element in the oils, but to be honest, nothing changed in the process or composition. I took time and contacted clients, especially big clients who have good sample size of end-users and they did not report any significant rise in complaints about particular product, apart from usual testosterone enanthate PIP problems.

Not saing the problem is not there, as some of you are experiencing issues, but honestly not sure what could be wrong because nothing has changed in between batches. What comes to mind could only be problem with particular component, e.g carrier oir batch containing something that handful of people not handling well etc.

Wish I knew where to look for the issue, I'd make sure the oils are best fit for everyone.

Regarding the new websites, distributors, etc... anything that's recommended by us in email or any other official channel is to be considered verified and authorized source. No reason to think something is wrong. You can freely opt to ignore offers or suggestions and keep doing things as you have been used to.
Possible raws supplier changed or they got different raws. I know for a fact that I'm not allergic to anything. First time I hear off possibility to be sensitive to ester. Not really, mostly carrier oil sensitivity is possible, but you said nothing changed. I think this problem will be more common soon. People seem to have short memories and don't remember few years ago there was issue with enanthate pip from raws mostly supplied or sold by ppl itself. Same thing is happening with cypionate raws possibly.
Some people are clearly particularly sensitive to some compound or element in the oils, but to be honest, nothing changed in the process or composition. I took time and contacted clients, especially big clients who have good sample size of end-users and they did not report any significant rise in complaints about particular product, apart from usual testosterone enanthate PIP problems.

Not saing the problem is not there, as some of you are experiencing issues, but honestly not sure what could be wrong because nothing has changed in between batches. What comes to mind could only be problem with particular component, e.g carrier oir batch containing something that handful of people not handling well etc.

Wish I knew where to look for the issue, I'd make sure the oils are best fit for everyone.

Regarding the new websites, distributors, etc... anything that's recommended by us in email or any other official channel is to be considered verified and authorized source. No reason to think something is wrong. You can freely opt to ignore offers or suggestions and keep doing things as you have been used to.
Thanks for the statement atleast we know that HL is doing something about it and trying to figure out what is actually wrong. Maybe you will collect more information later on because most of the people can still be using the old batch products. It was same for me I was using old batch until the middle of September.

I am personally very unhappy with this issue because I was so satisfied with all your products and already knew they all working great and then I made the bulk order and this happend.
I have no problem to keep buying HGH and orals from you because they are great and don't give me any trouble but sadly I cannot use probably any of these new batch injectable oils until this issue is somehow fixed. I am already too scared to try other injectables cuz the carrier oil is the same if that is the thing that is causing trouble for me.
I have a feeling this pip thing won't be human labs only problem soon. This is probably gonna spread out to other sources due to same raws supplier between non premium sources.
Possible raws supplier changed or they got different raws. I know for a fact that I'm not allergic to anything. First time I hear off possibility to be sensitive to ester. Not really, mostly carrier oil sensitivity is possible, but you said nothing changed. I think this problem will be more common soon. People seem to have short memories and don't remember few years ago there was issue with enanthate pip from raws mostly supplied or sold by ppl itself. Same thing is happening with cypionate raws possibly.
Test e problem wasn't only for raws from ppl. Everyone got that problem as everyone buy from the same few factories from China.
I don't know if this problem got resolved until this day or not.

HL most likely fucked as we have seen how careful they are with their manufacturing process. If it was a raw problem you would hear that until now from the guys that homebrew at least as ugl let's say have a old batch of raws and finish products made with those raws.
I'll start by saying that I haven't used the new batches yet, my past reviews refer to products received before the summer, and luckily everything was fine. But I could try some primobolan received in the first week of September (were the new batches delivered in this period?) even if trying it would ruin my PCT... but this sad situation needs to be clarified, because I plan to rely on human on some products , in the next preparation and I have to be sure, that they do not cause problems.

My last order received in the beginning of September was 10 vials primobolan hl, 1 test c hl, and some hgh unlabelled for my friend .

now I will try 0.5 ml of primobolan (new batch) in the deltoid, if I don't get any pip, I will try 1 ml in the glute after 2 days, then I will draw conclusions. if with 0.5 ml I will have a strong Pip in the shoulder, it means that the product has failed, I will not try further injections.

I used their primobolan hl (bought in May) up until 10 days ago (0.5 ml), mixed with 0.2 ml of their susta 500 and had no problems. so if the new batch is as good as the old one I must have zero pips, otherwise it means something went wrong during the production of the last batch

as I had anticipated, I suspended the PCT, to try the Primo E hl, received on September 5th, I injected 0.5 ml (in the deltoid) last Friday, and having no PIP the following day, I injected 1 ml in the buttock. For me it was without Pip, like the old batch I had received before the summer. I spoke privately with fxxy and he received his new batch primobolan 10 days before mine, so we have the same products I guess. I don't know what to think... I have a friend who will be doing soon Test C Hl (received September 5) but will use it as TRT, 0.4 ml/week, so I hope such a small volume will not cause problems

I'm also running their hcg 4000 iu, diluted with 2 ml of 0.9% saline, it works without causing any problems.

in general, I still have faith in the HL staff, it took them 3 years to earn a good reputation, why should they ruin it? if there is any problem I think they will work to solve it. However, I will wait for new reviews before placing a new order, considering that I will need the AAS at the end of March.
I can confirm their Testosterone C 300 is bad. Similar pip to what was sometime ago with panda's and other cheap sources issue with enanthate.

what other molecules are you using besides test c? do other molecules also give Pip? or just the c test is bad?
What is weird about this issue is that multiple people already reported bad PIP from new batch but some people have no issues with the new batch.

Hleur told me to write an email dirrectly to Human Labs and they responded to me once that they contacted their big clients but nobody reported anything wrong with the new batch, no pip or other issues.
I have no other response from HL since that email and I am still waiting but I think they just stopped responding to me.

Is it possible that there is something different in the raws for example or something what some people can be allergic to?
What is weird about this issue is that multiple people already reported bad PIP from new batch but some people have no issues with the new batch.

Hleur told me to write an email dirrectly to Human Labs and they responded to me once that they contacted their big clients but nobody reported anything wrong with the new batch, no pip or other issues.
I have no other response from HL since that email and I am still waiting but I think they just stopped responding to me.

Is it possible that there is something different in the raws for example or something what some people can be allergic to?
It's no surprise that this guy ignore the problem and act like nothing happened.
When he had 3 substance in one product he said this is not Pfizer.
He also sell some product that hasn't been manufactured far a long time(obviously was fake) and when he got questioned about he stopped to sell that. Why did you offer to sell in the first place?
One guy got a infection and 3 or so can't use the product and 0 fucks given.
If the big clients didn't reported anything is fine. Like those guys use the product not re sell for profit and the final clients didn't report anything because they don't have anyone to report or those big clients don't give a fuck also about or they are first time users and they believe that this lab give the problems and is normal as they don't tolerate something.

This guy should stop being around when he treated the cross contamination with: "this is not Pfizer " or when a guy post a underdosed final product he said the he take the sample in his mom kitchen and that's why is underdosed. Guy is a clown but somehow people are still using him like isn't another 5 source to buy from.

Liska when a product gave pip to clients (was test e or test/mast blend or something) he make it right from them and stop to sell that product. Now a guy bought a shit load of products he can't use and all he is getting is no there is no problem, go fuck yourself.

Is not the raws if anyone try to find excuses for this clown. Is either the oil(change the brand) either the products are dirty.
@Fxxy sorry I haven’t been able to get to emails since our last exchange and customer service is instructed to leave the issue for me to handle. Even though I am not sure where is the problem yet, I am not careless about the situation you got into and we will find solution you will be happy with, no reason to think otherwise.

The reason people keep returning for HL is simple. We are known to deliver quality and we keep doing honest and fair business.

@Nilatac I stopped reading somewhere in the first third of your essay but I assume it carries on revolving around reiterating past issues and insulting me just like the most of your posts in the thread. That’s okay, no problem, for some reason you are very emotional about HL and its success and you are obviously putting substantial effort into trying to undermine us. It is okay, don’t suppress the emotion, let it out
@Fxxy sorry I haven’t been able to get to emails since our last exchange and customer service is instructed to leave the issue for me to handle. Even though I am not sure where is the problem yet, I am not careless about the situation you got into and we will find solution you will be happy with, no reason to think otherwise.

The reason people keep returning for HL is simple. We are known to deliver quality and we keep doing honest and fair business.

@Nilatac I stopped reading somewhere in the first third of your essay but I assume it carries on revolving around reiterating past issues and insulting me just like the most of your posts in the thread. That’s okay, no problem, for some reason you are very emotional about HL and its success and you are obviously putting substantial effort into trying to undermine us. It is okay, don’t suppress the emotion, let it out
Yes I got pay by every source there is on this forum to make you look like a shit source.
I do this because I get 2 vial of test to undermine you and your mighty ugl not because you are a shit source like you proved once again.

I'm not insulting you. Being a clown is something funny and something that you can't take it seriously like you.

At the end of the day that was the purpose of the forum princess. "Harm reduction " aka you sell something that give someone a infection you are doing harm. Too bad any person that would care about this matter got banned in 2021.
With all the guys that are coming this has transformed in a q&a of what a kid with down syndrome would have ask.

No worries you will find enough people to find you excuse like:"maybe is on a period and that's why he is doing shitty things, it's fine" and you can live to make another harm with another incident.
This is the 3rd "mistake " in 3 years. It could be worse. I have trust that your new year resolutions is to give more people infection and to offer for sell more fake products.

People are ignorant,you don't give a fuck,everyone is happy.

You forgot to offer 5% discount like last time you did. I take care of.
Guys because somehow he sold shit once again he want to make it back by giving 5% discount to buy more shit that you can't use or take you to a visit to a doctor cabinet for some antibiotics.
Use the code:
"Lump in my ass,
I got a absces
I happy pin this shit
I'm a ignorant prick"
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Funny how the forum that’s supposed to reduce harm is doing exactly the opposite for your well being and mental health
Don't worry about me. Worry about the people you gave infection or sold products that they can't use,or fake products or blends that they didnt ask for
That's why you didn't do anything until now regarding those guys is that you worry about me. That's cute Mr Clown.
It's no surprise that this guy ignore the problem and act like nothing happened.
When he had 3 substance in one product he said this is not Pfizer.
He also sell some product that hasn't been manufactured far a long time(obviously was fake) and when he got questioned about he stopped to sell that. Why did you offer to sell in the first place?
One guy got a infection and 3 or so can't use the product and 0 fucks given.
If the big clients didn't reported anything is fine. Like those guys use the product not re sell for profit and the final clients didn't report anything because they don't have anyone to report or those big clients don't give a fuck also about or they are first time users and they believe that this lab give the problems and is normal as they don't tolerate something.

This guy should stop being around when he treated the cross contamination with: "this is not Pfizer " or when a guy post a underdosed final product he said the he take the sample in his mom kitchen and that's why is underdosed. Guy is a clown but somehow people are still using him like isn't another 5 source to buy from.

Liska when a product gave pip to clients (was test e or test/mast blend or something) he make it right from them and stop to sell that product. Now a guy bought a shit load of products he can't use and all he is getting is no there is no problem, go fuck yourself.

Is not the raws if anyone try to find excuses for this clown. Is either the oil(change the brand) either the products are dirty.
Well ye this makes sense that the big clients probably don't really care and just say there is no problem in the products because they just resell it and we have no idea if the end users get into trouble or not if they don't speak up.

I cannot judge or say anything bad about the last batch because it really worked great for me and I didn't buy any fake product hopefuly.

I just really hope that @hleur will take care about this profesionaly and we will be able to find reasonable solution for both sides.
@Fxxy sorry I haven’t been able to get to emails since our last exchange and customer service is instructed to leave the issue for me to handle. Even though I am not sure where is the problem yet, I am not careless about the situation you got into and we will find solution you will be happy with, no reason to think otherwise.

The reason people keep returning for HL is simple. We are known to deliver quality and we keep doing honest and fair business.

@Nilatac I stopped reading somewhere in the first third of your essay but I assume it carries on revolving around reiterating past issues and insulting me just like the most of your posts in the thread. That’s okay, no problem, for some reason you are very emotional about HL and its success and you are obviously putting substantial effort into trying to undermine us. It is okay, don’t suppress the emotion, let it out
Ye I just thought that HL won't respond anymore to my email, because my answer was almost instant to their email and then I got no response to my last mail.
I am waiting since Thursday so I guess it is gonna be answered anytime soon.
Big clients are those that ESPECIALLY care about things that are related to things like PIP etc because that’s what is putting off clients. When you have underdosed or cutting corners any other way, it’s not that hard to trick or obscure, but with product that’s causing PIP to a lot of people, you won’t hide. You won’t convince clients it’s just their feels, it fucking hurts! That’s why I am not going to try to convince you that the problem is not there for you. It fucking hurts and you’re not going to use the oils because you can’t and we will find an alternative solution for you.
I have been in touch with big clients not for convincing you that you have not problem. I did it because I have to make sure we are not keeping stock of products that’s causing problems to significant number. But it doesn’t seem to be the case so far.
Yes I got pay by every source there is on this forum to make you look like a shit source.
I do this because I get 2 vial of test to undermine you and your mighty ugl not because you are a shit source like you proved once again.
Oh it didn’t even come to my and and I am not questioning this by no means. I don’t think local sources would be so desperate to hire someone like you. With your obvious emotional instability and you would be a waste of money too, because you are doing particularly bad job so far. All you do is repeating the same stuff over and over, bringing up things from the past that were acknowledged by me, rectified or fixed any other way. Copy paste can be done by monkey for a banana. 2 testo vials for you would be waste


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